write.as菊花(writes as怎么用)
writes as怎么用
我是一朵菊花 我是一朵菊花,生活在小主人的花盆里。在秋姑娘深情的呼唤下,我迎着严寒开了。 我的菊瓣弯曲带钩,中间金黄的花蕊像一个小太阳,墨绿的枝干上枝叶疏散,香味迷人,远在几里的地方,都能闻到我的香味。 我的祖先生活在中国,是多年生草本植物。我的家族中姐妹众多,颜色多得数不清,有的绿如翠玉、白的如冰霜、黄的如麦穗,红的如枫叶……有的大如绣球,有的花虽小却多如繁星……有红黄相间的“二乔”,积雪似的“峰雪”,洒脱清逸的“绿云”……五颜六色、千姿百态,令人眼花缭乱、目不暇接。 我不但是深受大家喜爱的观察植物,还能入药。如果将我晒干后冲茶服用,不但能解热清心,还能稳定血压。 每年阳春三月,我从沉睡中醒来,经过春雨的滋润,我迅速成长。在这期间,人们为我施肥、浇水、除虫,还给我摘蕊,防止我陡长,影响外观。立秋后,气候转凉,我开始孕蕾。十月底,我就和姐妹们绽开了美丽的笑脸。 我在一次春天中,长成了一朵盛开的花朵。鸟儿为我欢唱,蝴蝶为我伴舞,蟋蟀也在一旁为我唱和。啊!我终于长大了,长成了一朵漂亮的菊花,我的色彩,艳丽而不 妖;我的香味,清幽而淡雅;我的姿态,苍古而清秀。 现在,我不仅是一个亭亭玉立的姑娘,更是一个战风斗寒的勇士。记得陈颜元帅还写诗赞扬过我们:“秋菊能傲霜,风霜重重恶。本性能耐寒,风霜其奈何?”这可能是对我们菊花家族的偏爱。 我有两个好朋友,一个是露珠,一个是太阳。有时儿,露珠会在我的花瓣儿、叶子上玩耍,它们犹如一个个白色的小精灵,在阳光的照耀下,发出了耀眼的金光,就好似一颗颗闪亮的金子,露珠使我变得更加漂亮!太阳交阳光照在我身上,真舒服呀!我整天都沐浴在阳光下,是阳光使我变得更加活力。 我不但很平凡、朴素,还很顽强。我觉得人也需要有一点我们菊花的精神,要像我们那样默默地生长,不求索取,只是给予,给予。还有英文版的一便给你,可以参考着拽两句。O(∩_∩)O~I was a chrysanthemum, living in a small master’s pots. In the autumn the call girl with deep feelings, I am facing the cold opened. My Daisy curved hook in the middle of the flower, like a small golden sun, dark green leaves of the branches on the evacuation, fragrance charming, far away in a few years where I could smell the aroma. My ancestors lived in China, is perennial herbs. My family and sisters are many more too numerous colors, and some green like jade, white like frost, the yellow ones, such as wheat, red, such as the Maple Leaf ... ... some as big as hydrangea, and some small flowers are multi-millionaires ... ... a red and yellow Stars of "two Joe," like snow "Snow Peak", free and easy Seiitsu’s "Irene" ... ... colorful, strange things, it is dazzling, dizzying. I not only loved by everyone of plants, but also medicine. If I dried in the sun taking tea, not only antipyretic pure heart, but also stabilize blood pressure. Yangchun in March every year, I have to wake up from sleep, after a spring rain the moisture, I am growing rapidly. During this period, there for me, fertilizing, watering, de-worming, and gave WO Zhai Rui, to prevent my long steep and affect the appearance. Liqiu, the weather has turned cooler, I started to bud pregnancy. By the end of October, I will and sisters blooming a beautiful smile. I have a spring in the long become a flower blooming flowers. The birds singing for me, butterflies for my dancers, crickets are also joined in the chorus to one side for me. Ah! I finally grew up, a long become a beautiful chrysanthemum flower, my colors, bright and not demon; I smell, quiet and elegant; I gesture, Canggu and handsome. Now, I is not only a slim girl, but also a battle of winds and cold warriors. I remember Field Marshal Chen Yan also write poetry, praise us: "The Story of Qiu able to Aoshuang, wind and frost numerous evil. The performance of cold, wind and frost of its nonetheless?" This may be our preference for chrysanthemum family. I have two good friends, one is the dew, one is the sun. Sometimes, abuse, dew petals in my son, playing on the leaves, they are like a small white one by one spirit, in the sunshine, issued a dazzling golden light, it is like shining gold dolphin, dew made me change a more beautiful! Sun cross the sun shone on me, really comfortable呀! I bathed in the sun all day, the sun made me even more dynamic. I not only very ordinary, simple, very tenacious. I think people need to have a little spirit of our chrysanthemums to grow, as we did in silence, without asking, just give, give.
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