globalization作文(英语作文范文:全球化之我见My View on Globalization)

2024-03-13 05:10:01 :33

globalization作文(英语作文范文:全球化之我见My View on Globalization)


英语作文范文:全球化之我见My View on Globalization

为大家整理的《英语作文范文:全球化之我见My View on Globalization》,希望大家喜欢。 With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent. 随着经济和技术的发展,越来越多的人开始意识到国与国之间的联系变得越来越密切频繁。 Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can’t avoid staying in contact with other countries.So globalization has become a unstoppable trend. Different people have different point of views.Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution problems. Globalization is a double-edged sword. 现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其他人认为,发达国家是全球化的受益者,发展中国家在全球化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。 As far as I’m concerned,we should look at both sides of globalization.Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the competition. 在我看来,我们应该看到全球化的双面。只有当我们抓住发展的机遇,迎接挑战,我们才可以在竞争中 占上风。














然后不得不说的就是身体方面的影响。各种新兴病菌不断出现,很多病菌的杀伤力已经远远超过以前的病菌的破坏力。这是由于医药科技的迅速发展加快了病毒的变种,至于科技的发展速度已经跟不上病毒的变种速度,或许有一天人类会灭亡于某一场大的瘟疫。每个新人对这个世随着经济的发展、人民生活节奏的加快和生活水平的提高,塑料的用量与日俱增。1996年,我国的塑料包装用量达243万吨,年平均增长率超过 20%,特别是城市、主要交通沿线、旅游景点的垃圾中塑料废弃物迅速增加。据调查,北京的生活垃圾年产量已达300万吨,其中废塑料约占3%,年增 长率达48%。沿海地区城市的垃圾中塑料成分更高,达8-10%。这些废 塑料在垃圾中占的比例若以体积计算,已达三分之一以上,而且大大增加了垃圾处理的难度和费用 。






进出口是一国经济发展的强大推动力,尤其是出口,更是被人们称为推动中国经济发展的“三架马车”之一。2004年上年,中国的出口总额已经超过日本。根据世界贸易组织(WTO)发表的最新全球贸易报告,2006年中国的出口总额为9690亿美元,稳居世界第3位。另据中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济所吴振宇等人的最新研究成果“外贸对经济增长贡献的定量分析”,自1997年以来,中国的出口对GDP的平均贡献率大致在14% 左右,进口对GDP的贡献率大致在10% 左右。


3 、经济全球化加速了国内竞争和国际竞争,带来了先进的企业文化和经营管理经验,有利于中国企业的发展壮大,为企业“走出去”战略的实施开辟了道路





  范文(一)  Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference between countries is disappearing. To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this?  Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.  However, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, way of life, culture and films across the world. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.  During the process of economic globalization, inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.  For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.

全球化 英语作文

Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries: First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries. Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and growing fast. Third, economic globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones. Fourth, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship. Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the world market gradually. However, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for transnational corporations in developing countries more actively active in the world economic stage of the era just around the corner. Sixth, the economic globalization has driven the rapid development of international trade. Although developed countries are the biggest beneficiaries of international trade, but developing countries, especially developing countries in Asia also benefited from international trade, its trade volume of world trade accounted for about 20% of the total. Economic challenges of globalization on developing countries The challenges posed by economic globalization is tough, developing countries and developed countries brought about by economic globalization to share some interests, but under pressure from economic globalization brought about by the negative effects of even a serious blow to their economies. Economic globalization on developing countries, the challenges are: First, developing countries in the current process of economic globalization in a disadvantageous position. With the global trade and the global production system of rapid development, as well as multinational corporations and capital expansion of the national economy of developing countries are faced with increasing pressure and the impact of dependence on the developed countries is also increasing . Developed countries to control the international economic system, holds the hands of capital, technology and other advantages, in economic globalization to the majority of developing countries far behind. Secondly, under the economic globalization of financial globalization in developing countries in promoting economic growth, brought about the financial risks can not be ignored and economic shocks. At present, 24 hours of electronic transactions in the global financial market has taken shape, in order to provide greater facilitation of market transactions, but also for the financial sector has provided many opportunities for speculators. Second, because under the conditions of economic globalization, market forces around the world to strengthen, as well as developed countries, the expansion of large multinational companies, there may be some impact on domestic industries of developing countries, threatening the safety of its domestic market to enable developing countries in economic affairs the relative decline in power.


Globalization`s dual power Globalization has found a significant place in the lives of the people. During the process of globalization, we have made a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the borders, and the walls of distrust and the barriers of suspicion between countries have gradually disappeared. Though globalization is seen as a sign of a hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause a horrible disaster for the world economy. Counties benefit a lot from globalization, especially the developing countries. With it, there is a global market for companies to trade their products which can make the production sector develop rapidly. This gives lots of options to the manufacturers as well. Besides, competition keeps prices relatively low and it can provide a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of different nations. In addition, there is a sound flow of money, as a result, inflation is less likely to occur. But the disadvantages brought by globalization cannot be ignored. Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being swerved to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries is low as compared to other countries which is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are implemented. Moreover, companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries which can result in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of poor quality. Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process of integration of regional economies into global network of communication which the human being cannot hold back. So we should keep a positive attitude toward it, take good use of it and avoid disadvantages at the same time. Thus there will be a better world where all the people can have a brighter future. 全球化`的双电源全球化已发现在人们的生活中一个重要的地方。在全球化的过程中,我们已经有了一个桥梁,想法和信念可


Nowadays we can enjoy the same films,fashions,brands,advertisements and TV channels.The evident difference between countries is disappearing.To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this? Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges,strengthening mutual understanding between nations,expanding cultural,educational,and scientific cooperation between nations and countries,enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture. However,these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity.Through globalization and an open door policy,erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards,a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country.At present,modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology,way of life,culture and films across the world.Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization. During the process of economic globalization,inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has bee wider,most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries.Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations.With an overwhelming advantage pared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology,developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization. For these reasons,globalization is a fierce and plicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields.We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena,and overing the psychology of preferring money over ethical values. 希望对你又帮助 ,有问题


  我们对于全球化的观点很重要,若是不明确,我们写的英语作文岂不是徒有其表?下面是我给大家整理了全球化英语作文,供大家参阅!  关于如何看待全球化的英语作文1   As to the globalization, the global economy should be to explore the regulatory system and coordination mechanism. The current world economy is globalization, trade, globalization, financial globalization, the globalization of the financial crisis. To resolve the negative effects of globalization, we must establish a global monitoring. For out of the crisis, emerging from the crisis, not just market forces, governments must join forces to establish a global regulatory mechanism.   关于如何看待全球化的英语作文2   Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries:   First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries.   Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and growing fast.   Third, economic globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones.   Fourth, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship.   Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the world market gradually. However, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for transnational corporations in developing countries more actively active in the world economic stage of the era just around the corner.   Sixth, the economic globalization has driven the rapid development of international trade. Although developed countries are the biggest beneficiaries of international trade, but developing countries, especially developing countries in Asia also benefited from international trade, its trade volume of world trade accounted for about 20% of the total.   关于如何看待全球化的英语作文3   Nowadays we can enjoy the same films,fashions,brands,advertisements and TV channels.The evident difference between countries is disappearing.To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this?   Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges,strengthening mutual understanding between nations,expanding cultural,educational,and scientific cooperation between nations and countries,enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.   However,these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity.Through globalization and an open door policy,erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards,a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country.At present,modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology,way of life,culture and films across the world.Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.   During the process of economic globalization,inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider,most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries.Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations.With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology,developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.


Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can’t avoid staying in contact with other countries.So globalization has become a unstoppable trend. Different people have different point of views.Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution problems. Globalization is a double-edged sword.现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其他人认为,发达国家是全球化的唯一受益者,发展中国家在全球化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。


  经济全球化的趋势不可逆转,也正因为如此,我们 英语 作文 写作的范围也受到了一定的拓展。下面我为大家带来经济全球化英语作文,供大家参考!   经济全球化英语作文(一)   Economic globalization benefits the world immensely, especially the prosperity of tourism. As a result,the cultures, languages and customs in the minorities are notmysterious to the world any more, which should be attributed to thepopularity of tourism.   It is a consensus that tourism canstimulate the economic development in a region, since tourism playsan important role in the acceleration of the improvement ofservice, such as transportation, accommodation, catering and othermarginal business. With a view to attracting more tourists, theminority regions have to consider how to improve their image andservice, during the course of which they can have an overall planto promote the status of their region. Nowadays, many people travelfor minority regions to satisfy their curiosity, where they canhave unexpected findings. Furthermore, tourism can strengthenthe interflow of cultures and traditions between the people indifferent regions. Trips to minority countries and regions renderpeople a lot of new cultures and customs, which, presumably, havebeen handed down from old ages and enjoyed very splendid history.   Formerly, people can only get some segments about the minoritiesfrom videos, films and other incomplete descriptions on books. Now,tourists have more opportunities to communicate or even live withthe minority people and acquire first-hand knowledge about them,which provides the researchers with a lot of authentic information.   Admittedly, tourism damages thenatural environment in some minority regions and spoils thepeaceful life of them to some degree due to their frequentactivities in the minority regions, the environment beingdeteriorated in some regions, which is not what we expected. Generally, the popularity of Englishand tourism brings more advantages than damage to the minorityregions, since it has enriched people’s knowledge and widened theirhorizons. But meanwhile, we should be on the alert for the damageto the minority regions and take effective means to tackle theproblems tourism arouses.   经济全球化英语作文(二)   Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries:   First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries.   Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and growing fast.   Third, economic globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones.   Fourth, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship.   Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the world market gradually. However, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for transnational corporations in developing countries more actively active in the world economic stage of the era just around the corner.   Sixth, the economic globalization has driven the rapid development of international trade. Although developed countries are the biggest beneficiaries of international trade, but developing countries, especially developing countries in Asia also benefited from international trade, its trade volume of world trade accounted for about 20% of the total.   Economic challenges of globalization on developing countries   The challenges posed by economic globalization is tough, developing countries and developed countries brought about by economic globalization to share some interests, but under pressure from economic globalization brought about by the negative effects of even a serious blow to their economies. Economic globalization on developing countries, the challenges are:   First, developing countries in the current process of economic globalization in a disadvantageous position. With the global trade and the global production system of rapid development, as well as multinational corporations and capital expansion of the national economy of developing countries are faced with increasing pressure and the impact of dependence on the developed countries is also increasing . Developed countries to control the international economic system, holds the hands of capital, technology and other advantages, in economic globalization to the majority of developing countries far behind.   Secondly, under the economic globalization of financial globalization in developing countries in promoting economic growth, brought about the financial risks can not be ignored and economic shocks. At present, 24 hours of electronic transactions in the global financial market has taken shape, in order to provide greater facilitation of market transactions, but also for the financial sector has provided many opportunities for speculators. Second, because under the conditions of economic globalization, market forces around the world to strengthen, as well as developed countries, the expansion of large multinational companies, there may be some impact on domestic industries of developing countries, threatening the safety of its domestic market to enable developing countries in economic affairs the relative decline in power.   经济全球化英语作文(三)   Nowadays we can enjoy the same films,fashions,brands,advertisements and TV channels.The evident difference between countries is disappearing.To what extent do you think the disadvantages overweight the advantages of this?   Globalization creates conditions for widening international exchanges,strengthening mutual understanding between nations,expanding cultural,educational,and scientific cooperation between nations and countries,enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the world which encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.   However,these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture with a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity.Through globalization and an open door policy,erroneous concepts and a lowering of ethical standards,a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country.At present,modern information technology which in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology,way of life,culture and films across the world.Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.   During the process of economic globalization,inequality between developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor has become wider,most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries.Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations.With an overwhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology,developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.   For these reasons,globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields.We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena,and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.   经济全球化英语作文(四)   Globalization`s dual power Globalization has found a significant place in the lives of the people. During the process of globalization, we have made a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the borders, and the walls of distrust and the barriers of suspicion between countries have gradually disappeared. Though globalization is seen as a sign of a hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause a horrible disaster for the world economy. Counties benefit a lot from globalization, especially the developing countries. With it, there is a global market for companies to trade their products which can make the production sector develop rapidly. This gives lots of options to the manufacturers as well. Besides, competition keeps prices relatively low and it can provide a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of different nations. In addition, there is a sound flow of money, as a result, inflation is less likely to occur. But the disadvantages brought by globalization cannot be ignored. Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being swerved to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries

globalization作文(英语作文范文:全球化之我见My View on Globalization)





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本文目录描述春分的诗词春分的古诗经典春分的古诗关于春分的诗句春分的古诗十首春分的诗词描述春分的诗词春分是二十四节气之一,通常出现在每年的3月20日或21日。以下是一些描述春分的诗句:1. 春分无雨不成春,大地生机勃勃。2. 春分到来万物生,

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本文目录好听的词语好听的英文昵称起名取名求好听的游戏情侣名好听的游戏名字古风好听的网名 7字好听的网名有哪些好听名字大全班级群名字 怎么给班级群起个好听的名字推荐几首好听的经典校园歌曲好听的歌曲50首“好听”的近义词是什么好听的词语求好听唯

2024年8月15日 22:10




2024年9月6日 23:20



本文目录旺苍南阳山写作文光雾山写景作文100字美丽的光雾山作文家乡有座光雾山歌词美丽的光雾山歌曲原唱《光雾山诺水河》歌词描写光雾山秋天的美景初中作文《光雾山展家乡之美》700字最美的风景小学作文旺苍南阳山写作文 1. 写旺苍县家乡400字作

2024年8月2日 07:50




2024年7月13日 16:50




2024年4月17日 23:30



本文目录孟尝君有舍人而弗悦的典故孟尝君有舍人而弗悦孟尝君有舍人而弗悦文言文翻译孟尝君有舍人而弗悦的译文战国策―孟尝君有舍人而弗悦孟尝君有舍人而弗悦的介绍孟尝君有舍人而弗悦 给人的启示是什么孟尝君有舍人而弗悦的典故   著名的“战国四公子”的

2024年4月2日 14:50



本文目录求主持人报幕台词,请大家帮忙解决!企业文艺汇演主持词范本十二月员工生日会主持词求主持人报幕台词,请大家帮忙解决!我只是给你举例让你借鉴 具体你应该有这个能力弄好不是吗?毕竟你也是主持人选举人呢?哈哈 开场白: 甲:新年的钟声即将敲

2024年7月3日 10:20




2024年4月1日 19:30



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2024年3月11日 21:00



本文目录结束语有哪些呢简短的结束语结束语应该怎么写结束语一般怎么写乔迁主持词开场白和结束语英语演讲的开始和结束语怎么说结束语是什么结束语有哪些结束语都有哪些啊乔迁之喜主持词结束语结束语有哪些呢常用结束语:1、Best Regarsd/Bes

2024年8月16日 00:00

interpersonal communication(从传播学角度讲,interpersonal communication和personal communication的区别在哪里)

interpersonal communication(从传播学角度讲,interpersonal communication和personal communication的区别在哪里)

本文目录从传播学角度讲,interpersonal communication和personal communication的区别在哪里the impact of mobile phone on interpersonal communic

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2024年9月25日 01:10



本文目录北大清华两大学霸作息时间表2019学霸日常计划表 你想成为学霸吗700分清华学霸作息时间表清华学霸的作息时间不可复制老教师:模仿学习,要明白哪些个前提清华学霸的作息表曝光,天赋和努力到底哪个更重要清华学霸作息时间表北大清华两大学霸作

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2024年5月5日 00:30



本文目录夫妻携手共勉的句子(精选50句)夫妻携手共勉的句子 夫妻陪伴最暖心一段话夫妻携手共勉的句子夫妻携手共勉的句子,“夫妻共勉”的图片和句子有哪些表示夫妻携手共勉的句子有哪些夫妻携手共勉的句子(精选50句)夫妻携手共勉的句子(精选50句)

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