
2024-07-19 17:30:19 :17




新目标九年级英语重要短语Unit 1-4I. 动词短语1.be terrified of 害怕……,恐惧……2.be on the …team 在……队里3.be good for 对……有益4.be proud of 对……感到骄傲(自豪)5.get nervous (变得)紧张了6.be angry with 对……生气7.deal with 处理,料理8.be made up 组成;构成9.feel differently 感到不同10.end up 结束;告终11.make mistakes 犯错;出错12.pay attention to 关心……;注意……13.give up doing sth. 放弃做某事14.sound like 听起来像……15.sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉 16.learn from…… 向……学习17.come up with 提出;想出18.get out of 逃开;躲避19.fall down 摔倒20.regard … as… 把……当作……21.think of…as… 把……当作……22.look on… as… 把……当作……23.break off 突然终止;中断24.stay up 熬夜25.concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于26.care about 担心;关心27.come out 出版;发表28.take notes 做记录29.make flashcards 制作抽认卡30.have long hair 留长发31.get into trouble 陷入困境32.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事33.keep sb. happy 让某人感到高兴34.have a part-time job 有一份兼职工作35.help you relax 帮你放松36.make a decision 下决心;下决定II. 名词短语1.professional athlete 专职运动员2.driver’s license 驾驶执照3.old people’s home 养老院4.a developed country 一个发达国家5.a circle of good friends 朋友圈子6.head teacher 班主任III. 介词短语1.in history 在历史上2.in public 当众;公开的3.in slightest 一点也;根本IV. 其他短语1.later on 以后;随后 2.can’t help doing sth. 忍不住做某事3.even though 即使;纵然;尽管4.what if 如果……将会怎么样Units 5-8I. 动词短语1.be careful 当心;注意2.be in agreement 意见一致3. be supposed to do 应该做4.belong to 属于5.use up 用完6.sing along with 伴随……歌唱7.prefer … to… 比……更喜欢8.remind of 提醒;使记得9.stay away from 与……保持距离10.travel around 到处观光走动11.provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物12.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物13.set up 建立;创立14.run out of 用完;耗尽15.put off 推迟;拖延16.give away 赠送;捐赠17.fix up 修理18.take after 长得像19.hand out 发放;分发20.put up 展示;张贴21.have a math test 举行数学考试22.late for work 上班迟到23.take it easy 别紧张24.plan on doing sth. 打算做某事25.come true 实现;达到26.go on vacation 度假27.give sb. some suggestion 给某人提建议28.volunteer one’s time to do sth. 自愿花时间做某事II. 名词短语1. final exam 期末考试2. hair band 一个发带3.quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲4.traditional music 传统音乐5.different kinds of music 不同种类的音乐6.a movie poster 一张电影海报7.an Indian film festival 一个印度电影节8.a Chinese musical concert 一场中国音乐会9.too much junk food 太多的垃圾食品10.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布11.an educational movies 一部富有教育意义的电影12.a friend of mine 我的一个朋友III. 介词短语1.at the picnic 野餐2. because of 因为3.in the symphony hall 在交响乐大厅4.on display 展览;陈列5.on show 展览;陈列6.on a hot day 在热天7.in general 通常;大体上IV. 其他短语1.to be honest 老实说;实在的2.as soon as possible 尽快地3.over and over again 一次又一次地Units 9-11 I. 动词短语 系动词+形容词(+其他)1. be used for 用来做;用于2.be invented by 有……发明3.get dressed 穿衣4.get married 结婚动词+介词或副词1.fall down 掉下2.fall into 落入;陷入3.knock into 撞上(某人)4.get off (闹钟)闹响5.run off 跑掉;迅速离开6.break down 损坏;坏掉7.show up 出席;露面8.set off 激起;引起9.go past 路过;经过10.hang out 闲荡11.dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰12.hand in 交上动词+宾语(由名词,不定式或动名词等充当)1.get some magazines 买杂志2.make a telephone call 打电话3.save money 存钱4.exchange money 兑换钱5.prefer doing sth. 乐意做某事6.make requests 请求II.名词短语1.mivrowave oven 微波炉2.potato chips 薯片3.over three thousand years 三千年前4.boiling water 开水5.give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车6.April Fool’s Day 愚人节7.costume party 化装舞会8.light bulb 灯泡9.department store 百货商店10.furniture store 家具商店11.water sliders 水滑道12.plain looks 普通的外表13.traffic light 交通灯III.介词短语1.for a long tome 很长时间2.in the end 最后;终于3.according to 根据……;按照……4.by mistake 错误地5.by accident 偶然地6.by the time 到……时候为止7. as much……as 像……一样多8. on time 按时;准时IV.其他词组battery-operated 电池驱动;电动Units 12-15I.动词词组系动词+形容词(+其他)1. be supposed to 应该2. be/get used to… 习惯于……3. be relaxed about 对……比较随意4. be annoyed with sb. 与某人生气5. be off 离开;走开6. be suitable for sb. to do sth. 适合某人做某事7.be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶8. be suitable for the hot weather 适合炎热的天气动词+介词或副词1. drop by 访问;拜访2. go out of one’s way 特殊性地;想尽办法3. learn…by oneself 自学4. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事5. learn from 向……学习6. keep out of the sun 防晒7. aim at 瞄准;打算8. to start with 首先;作为开始9. jump out of 从……跳出来10. clean out 清除;扫干净11. put in 放进;插入12. turn off 关闭13. thanks to 多亏…..;由于……14. look forward to 盼望;期待(某事)15. care for 担心; 关心16. pull down 摧毁;推翻动词+宾语(由名词,不定式或动名词等充当)1. shake hands 握手2. meet for the first time 初次见面3. make plans to do sth 计划做某事4. make noise 制造噪音;吵闹5. get into trouble 陷入困境6. give some advice for sb. 给某人提建议7. make money 赚钱;挣钱8. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事9. lead sb. to do sth. 引导某人做某事10. make me energetic 使我精力充沛11. tell the truth 说实话12. water the plants 浇花13. pack the camera 把相机装进包里14. take the dog for a walk 溜狗15. collect water 挑水16. experience village life 体验农村生活17. provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人18. raise money for 为……捐钱19. save the manatees 拯救海牛20. save the environment 保护环境II. 名词短语1. table manners 餐桌礼仪2. fast food restaurant 快餐店3. endangered animals 濒危动物4. pros and cons 赞成与反对;正面与反面5. some day 来日;将来某一日6. recycling paper 废纸回收7. Children’s Hospital 儿童医院8. bathing suit 游泳衣9. living textbooks 活教材10. underwater plants and vegetation 水下植物III. 介词短语1. for instance 例如;比如2. in search of 寻找;寻求3. in one’s spare time 在某人的空闲时间IV. 其他词组1. after all 毕竟2. kind of angry 有一点儿生气3. ahead of time 提前4. so far 到目前为止5. thousands of 成千上万的

求人教新目标英语九年级全一册UNIT10 3a的翻译



Where I’m from we’re pretty relaxed about time.If you tell a friens you’re going to their house for dinner,it’s okay if you arrive a bit late.Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.


We often just drop by our friends’ homes.We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our friends.Often we just walk around the town center,seeing as many of our feiends as we can!



In Switzerland,it’s very important to be on time . We’re the land of watches,after all ! If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00, you have to be there at 4:00. If you’re even fifteen minutes late,your friend may get angry.


Also,we never visit a friesd’s house without calling first.We usually make plans to see friends.We usually plan to do something interesting,or go somewhere together.



1、含义:prep. 出自;来自;从( ... 起)。




From what author does this quotation come?



1、含义:prep. 关于;大约;在 ... 周围。adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的。


在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once;

指“大约”的意思时,表达方式有about ten,about half等。

Tell me all about it.



1、含义:n. 晚餐;晚宴;主餐。



作为表示餐名的名词, dinner可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。

It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.



1、含义:adj. 重要的;重大的;(指人)有很大影响或权威的。


important形容事物时表示“重大,重要,紧急”; 形容人时表示“有权力〔地位〕”“自以为了不起”,在句中一般用作定语、表语。


History chronicles important events of the past.



1、含义:n. 陆地;国土;土地。v. 靠岸;着陆;跌落地面;得到;使靠岸;使着陆。


land的基本意思是“陆地,地域”“土地”,与sea, water相对,是不可数名词,引申还可表示“地产”“田产”。当表示“在陆地上生活”或“在田地里干活”时用介词on,说“一片地”用a piece of land。


We are glad to be on land again.


新目标九年级英语第二单元3a,full moon,full feeling原文

新目标九年级英语第二单元3a,full moon,full feeling原文

Full Moon, Full Feelings Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes have the shape of a full moon on mid-autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Chang’e. However, a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e refused to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could e back! After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.


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1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 否定形式: didn’t use to do sth. / used not to do sth. 如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 Did he use to play football? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. He didn’t use to *** oke. 他过去不吸菸。 2. 反意疑问句 ①肯定陈述句+否定提问 如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she? ②否定陈述句+肯定提问 如: She doesn’t e from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you? ③提问部分用代词而不用名词 Lily is a student, isn’t she? ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。 如: He knows little English, does he? 他一点也不懂英语,不是吗? They hardly understood it, did they?他们几乎不明白,不是吗? 3. play the piano 弹钢琴 4. ①be interested in sth. 对…感兴趣 ②be interested in doing sth. 对做…感兴趣 如:He is interested in math, but he isn’t interested in speaking English. 他对数学感兴趣,但是他对说英语不感兴趣。 5. interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,往往主语是人 interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主语往往是物 6. still 仍然,还 用在be 动词的后面 如:I’m still a student. 用在行为动词的前面 如:I still love him. 7. the dark 天黑,晚上,黑暗 8. 害怕… be terrified of sth. 如:I am terrified of the dog. be terrified of doing sth. 如:I am terrified of speaking. 9. on 副词,表示(电灯、电视、机械等)在运转中/开启, 其反义词off. with the light on 灯开着 10. walk to somewhere 步行到某处 walk to school 步行到学校 11. spend 动词,表示“花费金钱、时间” ①spend…on sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间) ②spend…doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事 如: He spends too much time on clothes. 他花费太多的时间在衣着 He spend 3 months building the bridge.他花费了三个月去建这座桥。 Pay for 花费 如:I pay 10 yuan for the book. 我花了10元买这本书。 12. take 动词 有“花费”的意思 常用的结构有: take *** . … to do sth. 如:It takes me a day to read the book. take … to do sth. 13. chat with *** . 与某人闲聊 如:I like to chat with him. 我喜欢和他聊天。 14. worry about *** ./ sth. 担心某人/某事 worry 是动词 be worried about *** ./sth. 担心某人/某事 worried 是形容词 如:Don’t worry about him. 不用担心他。 Mother is worried about her son. 妈妈担心他的儿子。 15. all the time 一直、始终 16. take *** . to + 地方 送/带某人去某个地方 如: A person took him to the hospital. 一个人把他送到了医院。 Lui took me home. 刘把我送回了家。(home 的前面不能用to) 17. hardly adv. 几乎不、没有 hardly ever 很少 hardly 修饰动词时,通常放在助动词、情态动词之后,实义 动词之前 助动词/情态动词+hardly hardly + 实义动词 如: I can hardly understand them. 我几乎不能够明白他们。 I hardly have time to do it. 我几乎没有时间去做了。 18. miss v. 思念、想念、 错过 19. in the last few years. 在过去的几年内 常与完成时连用 如: I have lived in China in the last few years. 在过去的几年内我在中国住。 20. be different from 与…不同 21. how to swim 怎样游泳 不定式与疑问词连用:动词不定式可以和what, which, how, where, when 等引导的疑问句连用,构成不定工短语。如: The question is when to start. 问题是什么时候开始。 I don’t know where to go. 我不知道去哪。 22. make *** ./ sth. + 形容词 make you happy make *** ./ sth. + 动词原形 make him laugh 23. move to +地方 搬到某地 如:I moved to Beijing last year. 24. it seems that +从句 看起来好像…… 如: It seems that he has changed a lot. 看起来他好像变了许多。 25. help *** . with sth. 帮某人某事 help *** . (to ) do sth. 帮某人做某事 She helped me with English. 她帮助我学英语。 She helped me (to) study English。 她帮助我学习英语。 26. fifteen-year-old 作形容词 15岁的 fifteen-year-olds 作名词指15岁的人 fifteen years old 指年龄 15岁 如: a fifteen-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩 Fifteen-year-olds like to sing. 15岁的人喜欢唱歌。 I am fifteen years old . 我是15岁。 27.支付不起… can’t /couldn’t afford to do sth. can’t / couldn’t afford sth. 如:I can’t/couldn’t afford to buy the car. I can’t/couldn’t afford the car. 我买不起这个辆小车。 28. as + 形容词./副词+as *** . could/can 尽某人的…能力 如: Zhou run as fast as her could/can. 她尽她最快的能力去跑。 29. get into trouble with 遇到麻烦 30. in the end 最后 31. make a decision 下决定 下决心 32. to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶 如: to their surprise 令他们惊讶 to LiLei’s surprise令李雷惊讶 33. take pride in sth. 以…而自豪 如: His father always take pride in him. 他的爸爸总是以他而自豪 34. pay attention to sth. 对…注意,留心 如: You must pay attention to your friend. 你应该多注意你的朋友。 35. be able to do sth. 能做某事 如: She is able to do it. 她能够做到。 36. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 如: My father has given up *** oking. 我爸爸已经放弃吸菸了。 37.不再 ①no more == no longer 如: I play tennis no more/ longer.我不再打网球。 ②not …any more == not …any longer 如: I don’t play tennis any more/longer. 我不再打网球。 38. go to sleep 入睡


原文: How do we deal with our problems ? Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. And unless we deal with our problems, we can easily bee unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways. By learning to fet Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn’t like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years about a *** all problem. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us: we can solve a problem by learning to fet. By regarding problems as challenges Many students often plain about school. They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes, or think the rules are too strict.We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges”. Education is an important part of our development. As young *** s, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. By thinking of something worse By paring yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant. He can’t walk or even speak, but he has bee very famous and suessful. We are probably quite healthy and *** art. Let’s not worry about our problems. Let’s face the challenges instead. 翻译: 我们如何处理我们的问题? 无论是富有还是贫穷,年轻还是年老,我们都有问题。如果我们不处理我们的问题,我们可能很容易变得不快活。担心我们的问题可能影响我们在学校的表现。它也会影响我们和家人相处的方式。那么我们怎么处理我们的问题呢?有许多方法。 学会忘记我们大多数人可以同我们的朋友,父母或者老师生过气。或许他们说过你们不喜欢的东西,或者你们干但他们不公平。有时,人么可以为一个小问题生气几年。时间过去了良好的友谊可能也失去了。 然而当我们生气时,通常我们自己就是受影响的人。可能我们看见过小朋友们在一起玩耍。有时他们有不同的意见,并且决定互不讲话,不过这通常不会延续很久。这对我们是很重要的一个教训:我们可以通过学会忘记来解决问题。 把问题看作是挑战许多学生经常抱怨学校。有时他们可能感但他们有太多作业要做,或者认为校规太严。我们必须学会如何把这些"问题"变为"挑战"。教育是我们发展中的一个重要部分。作为年轻人,我们的责任是尽力在老师的帮助下应付我们教育中的每一个挑战。 想更坏的事情把自己与别人比较一下,你会发现你的问题并不是那么可怕。例如,想一下斯蒂芬。霍金,一个非常聪明的科学家,他把他身上的许多问他看得并不重要,但是太变得非常有名而且成功。我们很可能相当健康和聪明。让我们不讨为我们的问题担忧吧。相反,我们要面对挑战。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)


人教版的?直接进他的官网找电子书啊 整本书都有别说一篇文章了


How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. Theteacher spoke too quickly. ButI was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I justhid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watchedan English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions ontheir faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning bylistening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to theinteresting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you areinterested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s apiece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand thesesentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story,I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy myEnglish class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. ThenI can have a better understanding of English movies.

九年级新目标英语第六单元self check 2原文

2 Read this e-mail and then write a reply to Lingling. Dear Pen Pal, I’m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. Still, it’s a great place to visit and I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course. Some other students are learning French. I might like to learn it too. What languages would you like to learn? There’s just so much to see and do here. Last night I went to a Chinese music concert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suited me just fine. What kinds of music do you like? Before the concert we went for Italian food. Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here. I don’t know what to try next. What kinds of food do you prefer? My host family is taking me to an Indian film festival next weekend. I’m not sure what to expect because I’ve never seen an Indian film before. Have you? Some people say they’re boring, but others say they’re great. What kinds of films do you prefer? Yours, Lingling


used airpiane terrify be terrify to go to sleep on insect candy chew gum chat daily ic death cause himself patient in the end make a decision head teacher exactly even though no longer take pride in attention pay attention to give up waste 很累哦 全是人工的 其实你也可以上网查到的 我也快要中考了 你也是吧 助你考好 再见


Eat, have funand learn in Watertown! Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation. Teenagers will want to visit the world’s largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bob’s. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bob’s every night. Kids will enjoy the Clown City Cafe. They have anized games and the staff dress up as Clowns. There’s also a lot for parents in Watertown. If they love good food, they can find it at the Farmer’s market where the food is both delicious and cheap. While the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach. And everyone can learn something in Watertown. There are three museums! Teenagers love the sports Museum and kids enjoy the Science Museum. Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum.


You’re supposed to write quickly! Can you write in English? And can you also write e-mail English? Maybe not. E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. A lot of e-mail English words might look unfamiliar to us – many look like rubbish! This is because they e from a puter program called ICQ, which means I seek you. ICQ is an e-mail “chatline” that people use to have online conversations with friends. One Canadian teacher says, “People can use their puters to talk to each other. But you are supposed to type quickly so the other person doesn’t get bored. Using e-mail English helps you write quickly.” E-mail English mostly uses o types of words. The first are “abbreviations”. These are formed by using the first letter of each word in the phrase. For example, BTW means “by the way”, and GSL means “can’t s laughing”. The second kind of word is a “homophone”- it’s created by bining letters and symbols, or numbers to sound like other words. An example of this would be to write “great” as “gr8”, or to write “see you later” as“CUL8r”. When you write e-mail English you do not use punctuation marks only in the traditional way. You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling. These are called “emoticons”. The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them. The most mon one is the happy face - it looks like this :) and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it. E-mail English is fun - it’s almost like writing riddles. You can learn it easily by yourselves, and experiment with your own ideas. It is not rude to write e-mail English, but it is important to use it only at the proper time - when you are e-mailing a friend, or sending a message to a friend on mobile phone. But you shouldn’t use it in class, and remember your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test! 首发






  2、技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事;

  熟练运用 “be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事;

  熟练运用 “I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。









  重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift,awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit,educate, professional, enter, support

  talk about, keep away from,make one’s own decision, get in the way of


  I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should beallowed to drive.

  Iagree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young.

  Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night?

  Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

  教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to”


  Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d)

  Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c)

  Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c)

  Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e)

  Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

   Section A 1 (1a-2d)

  I. Presentation

  Ask students: Do yourparents allow you to watch TV? Yes, they do.

  Present the sentence: Youare allowed to watch TV.

  Teach “allow sb to do sth“

  “be (not) allowed to do sth”

  “should(not)be allowed to do sth”

  Present more sentence.

  Doyour parents allow you to exercise?

  Yes,they do.

  Youare allowed to exercise.

  Doyour parents allow you to smoke?

  No,they don’t.

  Youare not allowed to smoke.

  Doyour parents allow you to drive?

  No,they don’t.

  Youare not allowed to drive.

  Doyour parents allow you to choose your own clothes?

  No,they don’t.

  Youshould be allowed to choose your own clothes.

  Doyour parents allow you to get your ear pierced?

  No,they don’t.

  Youshould not be allowed to get your ear pierced.

  II. Warming up

  Obey the school rules!

  Asa teenager, you have a lot of rules at school. Can you write down some of them?

  Studentsshould be allowed to speak English loudly.

  Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to sleep in class.

  Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to make noises.

  Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to throw the rubbish in the classroom.

  Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to get to class late.


  allowsb to do sth


  beallowed to do sth


  shouldbe allowed to do sth


  1a.Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.

  1.Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. A D

  2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D

  3.Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. A D

  4.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D

  5.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. A D

  III. Listening

  1b Listen and circle T for true or Ffor false.

  1.Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F

  2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F

  3.Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F

  IV. Practice

  1c Look at thestatements in la and make conversations.

  A: Idon’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

  B: Iagree. They aren’t serious enough.

  V.Key phrases

  1. beallowed to do 被允许去做

  2. theshopping center 购物中心

  3.driver’s license 驾驶执照

  4.sixteen-year-olds 16岁的孩子

  5. beworried about your safety 担心你们的安全

  6.part-time jobs 兼职工作

  7. gettheir ears pierced 穿他们的耳朵

  8. theirown clothes 他们自己的衣服

  9.serious enough 足够严肃

  VI. Listening

  2a What does Molly think of Kathy’s statements? Listenand circle A for Agree,

  D for Disagree or DK for Doesn’t Know.



  1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be

  allowed to work at night.

  2. Larry shouldn’t work every night.

  3. He should cut his hair.

  4. He should stop wearing that silly


  5. He doesn’t seem to have many


  A D DK

  A D DK

  A D DK

  A D DK

  A D DK

  2bListen again. What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in

  the correct order.

  _____ Itlooks cool.

  _____Young people need to sleep.

  _____ Heneeds to spend time with friends.

  _____ Heneeds time to do homework.

  _____ Itdoesn’t look clean.

  VII. Practice

  1. 2c Make a list of things teenagers shouldand should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner.

  A: Do you thinkteenagers should...?

  B: Yes, I .../No,I...

  2.2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.

  1)Where do they go for school trip?

  2)Does Mr. Smith allow students to take photos?

  3)How to take photos?

  3. Role-play theconversation.

  VIII. Summary

  1. Language points


  1) Teenagers shouldbe allowed to choose their own clothes.

  2) Teenagers shouldnot be allowed to smoke.

  3) It is not allowedin the museum.

  4) Do you think wemay be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash?

  以上四句都含有重要的句型be allowed to do sth.,其中第三句是此句型的一般现在时,一二四句是情态动词与此句型的混合使用。

  运用:“sb.+ should / should not + be allowed to do ...”








  They should allow usto have part-time jobs.


  We should allowchildren to spend time with their friends.


  The teacher shouldallow Anna to finish the picture.


  2. Explanation

  1) sixteen-year-olds十六岁的青少年

  它相当于一个名词,等于sixteen – year- old kids.


  a kid of sixteen

  a kid of sixteen years old

  a sixteen-year-old kid

  2) Hedoesn’t seem to have many friends.

  主+seem to do sth. 好像

  e.g. His temperature seems to be all right. 他的体温好像完全正常。


  (1) seem+形容词

  e.g. The question seems quite easy. 那个问题好像很容易。


  e.g. That seems a good idea. 那好像是个好主意。

  (3) Itseems + that 从句

  e.g. It seemed that nobody knew anything aboutthe matter.


  IX. Homework

  Talkabout what should be allowed to do or should not be allowed to do in school oryour family.



  beautiful , relaxing , tiring, dangerous, educational, peaceful interesting, boring thrilling ,exciting √ √ √


  Where would you like to go on vacation ?

  I’d like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations . √ √ √




  【教学方法】——mind map, 3Ps(presentation, practice, production)teaching, task-based learning teaching

  【学习方法】——individual work, pair work, group work(discuss, make a conversation etc.)

  【教学准备】——multi-media , tape recorder, students’ book


   Step I Lead-in

  Show the map of the world .

  T: What kind of countries do you know in the map?

  T: What kind do cities do you know?

  T: What do you think about the countries and cities?

   Step II Presentation

  (1)T: Where would you like to visit? I would like to visit U.S.A Because it is beautiful.

  T: Where would you like to visit?

  T: Why would you like to visit U.S.A.

  (2)Show some pictures and let Ss practice:

   Step Ⅲ Listening

  (1) Show two pictures of Florida Beach and Amazon Jungle and let Ss try their best to describe them.

  (2)Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation?

  Listen and fill in the chart.

  (3) Listen and read after the tape.

  (4) Let Ss retell the listening material.

   StepⅣ Survey

  Make a survey: let Ss work in group:

  Where would you like to visit?

  Why would you like to visit it?

  Who would you like to go with?

  How would you like to go there?

  What would you like to do there ?


  …would like to visit…Because it is …

   StepⅤ Summary

  What do we learn today? They talk about countries that they know.

  S: China, the U.S.A, the U.K, Canada, Australian, France, Germany, Mexico…

  They talk about cities that they know.

  S: Beijing, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Paris…

  They talk about some adjs.

  S: thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring fun,

  S: I would like to visit….

  S: Because it is …..

  A: What would you like to visit?

  B: I’d like to visit…

  A: Why would you like to visit there?

  B: Because…

  Ss try their best to describe them by using some adjs that they have learnt.

  Let Ss listen and fill in the chart.

  After it, make Ss read after the tape.

  Retell the listening material.

  Make a survey and do a report about one of their partners.

  Ss sum up the key words and sentences.

  通过世界地图让学生复习以前曾经学过的国家和地名,并教授相关的新单词, 本环节对学生的自学作出了检测,同时也复习了旧的知识,达到温故而知新的目的。

  让学生给出不同的回答,强调I would like to =I’d like to 和其他动词的搭配)


  通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会I’d like to 的结构,为后面的讨论作铺垫,通过两两合作达到议学的目的,为后面的悟学做铺垫。







  1. 完成作业本1

  2. 预习Period2(划出词组及重要的句型)





Unit 9 68 invent v. 发明;创造68 calculator n. 计算器69 be used for 用来做……69 scoop v.& n. 用勺舀;勺子;球形勺;长柄勺69 adjustable adj. 可调整的69 heel n. (鞋、袜等的)后跟;(足)跟69 battery n. 电池69 operate v. 操作;作业69 battery-operated 电池供电的69 slipper n. 拖鞋69 heat v. 加热;使变热70 bulb n. 电灯泡;电灯70 light bulb 电灯泡;电灯70 microwave n. 微波70 microwave oven 微波炉71 crispy adj. 脆的;易碎的71 salty adj. 咸的;含盐的71 sour adj. 酸的;酸味的71 by mistake 错误地71 chef n. 厨师71 sprinkle v. 撒(粉末状物);酒(液体)72 by accident 偶然地;意外地72 beverage n. 饮料72 according to 根据;按照;据……所说;视……为定72 ancient adj. 古代的;古老的72 legend n. 传说;传奇故事72 Shen Nong 神农(中国上古传说中农业、医药之祖,教人农耕,亲尝百草)72 bush n. 灌木;灌木丛72 fall into 落入;陷入72 remain v. 留下;被遗留;剩余;保持不变72 notice v. 注意到;擦觉到72 produce v. 生产;制造;产生72 pleasant adj. 合意的;令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的72 mixture n. 混合;混合物;混合剂72 in this way 这样72 pie n. 馅饼72 flying disk 飞碟;飞盘72 bakery n. 面包店77 Bridgeport (美国康涅狄格州西南部港市)布里奇波特72 Connecticut (美国)康涅狄格州72 throw v. 投;掷73 taste n. 味道;风味73 lemon n. 柠檬73 cookie n. 小甜饼干;曲奇饼73 abacus n. 算盘73 binoculars n. 双筒望远镜73 century n. 世纪;百年74 rank n. 顺序;级别74 active adj. 活动的;活泼的;积极的74 indoors adv. 在户内74 create v. 创造;创作;创建74 wooden adj. 木制的74 knock v. 敲;击;碰撞74 knock into 与……相撞74 divide v. 分开;划分74 aim n. 目标;目的74 basket n. 篮;篮筐74 metal n. 金属74 hoop n. 环;圈;篮圈74 shoot v. 投篮;射击74 below prep.& adv. 在……的下面;低于……74 backboard n. 篮板;背板74 guide v. 指导;带领74 towards prep. 向着;朝着74 court n. 球场74 Berlin 柏林74 develop v. (使)发展;(使)成长;(使)发达74 popularity n. 普及;流行74 risen v. rise的过去分词74 worldwide adv.& adj. 世界范围的;世界性的75 association n. 协会75 equipment n. 装备;器材69 Chelsea Lanmon 切尔西·莱蒙69 Jayce Coziar 杰斯·克里亚69 Jamie Ellsworth 杰米·埃尔斯沃思69 Julie Thompson 朱莉·汤普森71 Crum 克拉姆(姓氏)74 James Naismith 詹姆斯·奈史密斯(篮球运动创始人)Unit 10 76 by the time 到……时候;到……之前76 gotten v. get的过去分词76 oversleep v. 睡过头;睡得过久78 go off 发出响声78 rush v. 冲;奔78 run off 跑掉;迅速离开78 on time 准时78 lock v. 锁;锁上78 relative n. 亲属;亲戚78 broke v. break的过去式78 break down 停止运动;出故障79 fool v. 愚弄;欺骗;愚人;白痴79 costume n. (特定场合穿的)成套服装;戏装79 embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;为难的79 empty adj. 空的; 排空;倒出79 show up 出席;露面79 exhausted adj. 极其疲惫的;精疲力竭的79 describe v. 描述;描绘79 April Fool’s Day 愚人节(4月1日)80 announce v. 宣布;宣告80 Mars n. 火星80 convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的80 panic n. 恐慌;惊恐80 set off 激起;引起80 authority n. 权威机构;行政管理机构80 reveal v. 揭示;揭露80 hoax n. 骗局;恶作剧;玩笑80 flee v. 逃;逃走80 fled v. flee的过去式和过去分词80 spaghetti n. 意大利式细面条80 farmer n. 农夫;农场主80 sell out 卖完;售光80 girlfriend n. 女朋友80 marry v. 嫁;娶;与……结婚80 thrill v.v. (使)非常激动;(使)非常紧张80 get married 结婚80 ending n. 结局;结尾80 embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人为难的80 a piece of 一片;一块80 Orson Wells 奥森·威尔斯Review of units 6-10 82 Halloween n. 万圣节前夕85 Holland 荷兰85 Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰(世界第一高峰)


1. dark n.黑暗,无光,例如: Some children are afraid of the dark. 一些孩子害怕黑。 Don’t leave me alone in the dark. 不要留下我一个人在黑暗中。 Try to get home before dark. 尽量在天黑之前回家。 ▲adj. 黑暗的;深色的,例如: It’s getting too dark to take photos. 天太暗了不能照相。 I prefer dark color to light color. 我比较喜欢深颜色而不喜欢浅颜色。 Liu Xiang is really a dark horse in the 110 meter hurdle. 在110米栏中,刘翔确实是匹黑马。 2.sure adj.一定的,确信的,有信心的,例如: I think he’s coming,but I’m not quite sure. 我想他可能会来,但我不太把握。 I’m sure of his success. 我确信他的成功。 ▲make sure that一从句/of+名词或doing(动名词),例如: I made sure(that)he would be here the next week. 我确信他下周会来。 There aren’t many seats left for the concert;you’d better make sure of one/(that)you get one today. 音乐会剩下的座位不多了,你最好今天订妥一个位子。 ▲adv. 确实地,事实上,的确(常放在主语之后),例如: It sure was cold. 天确实很冷。 People sure change. 人肯定会变的。 ▲surely adv.与主语连用,通常放在主语之前或在依据的末尾,常用来表示信心或怀疑。例如: Surely this wet weather won’t last much longer! 肯定这样的阴雨天不会持续太久了。 Surely I’ve met you somewhere before. 我以前肯定在哪里见过你。 3.right ▲ n.正确.公正;权利,例如: He is old enough to tell right from wrong. 他年龄够大可以辨别是非。 She has no right to do that.她没有权利那样做。 ▲ adj. 对的,正确的;恰当的,合适的;健康的;右边的 What’s the right answer to the question? 这个问题的正确答案是什么? He is the right man for the job. 他是担任这份工作最合适的人选。 Do you feel all right? 你没有什么地方不舒服吧。 What’s in you right hand? 你的右手里拿的什么? ▲ adv. 直接地,一直地 Put it right in the middle. 就把它放在中间。 After school,1 went right home. 放学后,我直接回家了。 4.sb be terrified of/at+n. (doing) sth某人对……恐惧 ▲ sb be afraid of +n./doing某人对……害怕,例如: She was terrified of walking on the dark street alone. 她害怕独自一人走在漆黑的大街上。 1 was terrified at the big snake. 看到那条大蛇,我吓坏了。(at表示听到或看到的原因) He is afraid of speaking in front of the class. 他害怕在班上讲话。 词组 1.be interested in 对……感兴趣 2.start school 开始上学 3.play soccer 踢足球 4.straight hair 直发 5.play the piano 弹钢琴 6.on the soccer team 在游泳队 7.be alone 独处 8.paint/draw pictures 画画 9.daily life 日常生活 10.my favorite class 我最喜欢的课 11.walk to school 走路上学 12.gym class 体操课 13.music class 音乐课 14.every day 每天 15.aIl the time 一直 16.be terrified of 对……恐惧 17.hardly ever 几乎不曾 i8.miss the old days 怀念过去 19.with the bedroom light on 开着卧室的灯 20.worry about 担心 21.chew gum 嚼口香糖 22.in the last few years 在过去的几年里 23.make sb stressed out 让某人疲劳 句子 1.Marie used to be short. Mario过去很矮。 ▲“used to”后加动词原形,即“used to+be/do”,表示过去的情况或习惯性动作.强调与现在的对比。又如: She used to be unfriendly. 她过去对人不友好。 He used to be a naughty boy. 他曾经是个很调皮的孩子。 My parents used to like pop songs. 我父母曾经喜欢流行歌曲。 I used to sleep with the light on. 我过去常常开着灯睡觉。 2.Don’t you remember me? 难道你不认识我了? ▲本句为反诘疑问句,表示“难道……不……?”,语气较强。又如: Don’t you know I am busy at the moment? 难道你不知道我现在很忙吗? Didn’t he tell you my telephone number? 难道他没有告诉你我的电话号码吗? Aren’t you her best friend? 难道你不是她的好朋友吗? 3.You are Paula,aren’t you? 你是Paul,是吗? 此句为反意疑问句。 反意疑问句是由意思相反的两个部分组成: 前一部分(陈述句)之后用逗号,后一部分(简短问句)之后用问号。 反意疑问句的否定句必须用缩略形式。同时它的主语必须用代词,而不能用名词。 前一部分(陈述句)用降调,后一部分(简短问句)在表示疑问时用升调。 构成:(1)前一部分为肯定式,后一部分用否定式。 (2)前一部分为否定式,后一部分用肯定式。例如: A:Your uncle is a doctor.Isn’t he? Gina likes French,doesn’t she? That was an interesting movie,wasn’t it? You had a very good vacation,didn’t you? Your sister can swim,can’t she? We have to finish the work before 10 am,don’t we? You have seen the movie twice,haven’t you? 这种句子的回答很简单。例如: — She will be back in a week,won’t she? — Yes,she will./No,she won’t. — 她妈妈下周回来,是吗? — 是的,她会回来/不,她不会回来。 B:1) 一You aren’t a teacher,are you2 一Yes,I am./No,I’m not. 一 你不是老师,是吗? — 不,我是。/是的,我不是。 2) — You don’t like French,do you? 一Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 一 你不喜欢法语,是吗? 一 不,我喜欢。/是的,我不喜欢。 3) 一 Your mother won’t go to the party this weekend,will she? 一 Yes,she will./No,she won’t. 一 你妈妈这周去参加聚会,对吗? 一 不,她去。/是的,她不去。 4) 一 You don’t have to be back home right after school,do you? 一 Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 一 放学后你不必马上回家,是吗? 一 不,我得马上回家。/是的,我不必马上回家。 5) 一 They haven’t been to the Great Wall,have they? 一 Yes,they have./No,they haven’t. — 他们没有去过长城,是吗? 一 不,他们去过。/是的,他们没去过。 4.一 You used to be really quiet,didn’t you? 一 Yes,I did./No,I didn’t. ▲ used to的否定式和疑问式: A:否定形式: 否定形式有两种:usedn’t to/usen’t to/used not to和didn’t use to...。现在多数人使用后者。 I usedn’t/usen’t to play the piano.= I didn’t use to play the piano. 我未曾弹过钢琴。 B:疑问形式: 一 Used you to like basketball? 你过去喜欢篮球吗? 一 Yes,I used to./No,I usedn’t to. 是的,我过去很喜欢。 — Did you use to like basketball? — Yes,I did./No,I didn’t. — 你过去喜欢篮球吗? — 是的,我过去很喜欢。/不,你过去不喜欢。 C:在“There be”句型中反意疑问句的使用: There used to be a hospital here,use(d)n’t there/didn’t there? 注意:现在大多数人使用与did连用的形式,特别是在口语或不拘谨的书面语中。 5.But now I’m more interested in sports. 现在我对体育(要比钢琴)更感兴趣了。 ▲在这个句子中,由于上下文比较明显,所以省略了“than...”,例如: Now she’s more outgoing(than she,was two years ago). 现在她(比两年前)更外向了。 I used to like history, but now I’m more interested in biology(than history). 我过去喜欢历史,但(和历史相比)现在我更喜欢生物。 6.I play soccer and I’m on the swim team. 我蹋足球,我还在校游泳队。 ▲句中on表示为某集团或组织的成员。又如: Tony is on the school basketball team. 托尼在校篮球队。 My uncle is on China Daily. 我叔叔在中国日报社(工作)。 7. I go to sleep with my bed room light on. 我晚上开着灯睡觉。 ▲句子中含有一个“with的复合结构”,在句子中通常作伴随状语。 ▲构成:“with+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语/现在分词/过去分词”。例如: The man Ekes sleeping with the window open. 那个人喜欢开着窗子睡觉。(with+宾语+形容词) The park looks more beautiful with the lights on. 开着灯公园看上去更漂亮了。(with+宾语+副词) The teacher came into the classroom with a book in her hand. 老师手里拿着一本书进了教室。(with+宾语+介词短语) With the old man leading us,we found the village easily. 在那位老人的带领下,我们很容易地找到了那个村子。 (with+宾语+现在分词——表示主动:老人带领我们) With the work done/finished.they all went home. 工作做完了,他们回家了。 (with+宾语+过去分词——表示被动:工作被做完) 8.1 don’t worry about the test. 我不担心考试。 ▲“worry about+名词”是动词短语,表示动作; “be worried about+名词”也是动词短语,表示状态;例如: Don’t worry about the coming exam. 不要担心即将到来的考试。 His parents are worried about his health. 他的父母为他的健康担心。 9.all the time (在该段时间内)一直 The book 1 was looking for was in my backpack all the time. 我在找的那本书其实就在我的书包里。 He is a business man all the time. 他一直是个生意人。 10.My biggest problem is that I’m too busy. 我最大的问题是我太忙。 ▲that引导的是表语从句(在系动词be后边的从句叫表语从句)。例如: The question is that I forget his telephone number. 问题是我忘了他的电话号码了。 11.When 1 was young,I used to have so much time. 当我小的时候,我过去常常有好多的(空余)时间。 ▲ when引导的是时间状语从句。例如: When 1 was in primary school,I used to get up at seven. 当我在小学的时候,我过去常常七点起床。 ▲ so much +不可数名词,so many +可数名词,“如此多”例如: I had so much homework to do last night. 昨晚我有太多的作业要做。 The naughty boy brought us so much trouble. 那个调皮的男孩给我们带来了好多麻烦。 She has made so many friends in my class. 她在班里交了很多的朋友。 12.Then l go right home and eat dinner. 然后我直接回家吃晚饭。 ▲ right 副词 径直地,直接地 After school,please go right home and don’t hang out with friends. 放学后,请直接回家,不要和朋友在外边闲逛。 13.Before l started high school,l used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends,but I just don’t have the time anymore. 在我上高中之前,我过去常常和朋友花很多时间玩游戏,但我现在不再有那样的时间了。 ▲ before引导的时间状语从旬,but引导的并列从句。例如: I have to finish my homework before I go to sleep,but I must go to bed by lO:30. 我睡觉前必需完成作业,但我到10:30必须上床。 ▲ start high school 上高中 start a new job 开始一项新工作 I starred junior school in 2002. 2002年我开始上初中。 ▲ not...any more/anymore = no more不再…… I don’t want to wait here any more/anymore.= 1 wait here no more. 我不想再等了。 14. In the evening, l used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother,but now l have to study. 在晚上,我过去常常看电视或和祖母聊天,但现在我得学习。 ▲ watch TV和chat with...是used to后引导的并列形式,都是动词原形。例如: He wants to become a tour guide and travel all over the world. 他想成为一名导游并能环游世界。 She likes listening to music and dancing. 她喜欢听音乐和跳舞。 ▲ have to为“客观必须”,后接动词原形。它有人称和时态的变化;must为“主观认为”.只有一般时。例如: You have to be here before 8 tomorrow morning. 明天早晨你得八点之前到这里。 She has to do the chores after schoo1. 她放学后得做家务。 We’lI have to pass all the exams before leaving schoo1. 我们在毕业前得通过所有的考试。 15. I love music,and my father used to take me to concerts. ▲ and 引导的两个并列句。说明前后两个句子同样重要。 I love comedies and I love action movies,too. 我喜欢喜剧片,我也喜欢动作片。 ▲ take sb to concert/movies/school带某人去(听)音乐会/(看)电影/上学 此时to为介词,后面接名词。 take sb home/there带某人回家/去那里 因为home经常可作副词,there为副词,所以无需加to。 16. I really miss the oId days. 我确实很怀念那些过去(美好)的日子。 ▲ miss想念,怀念 She said she missed us very much. 她说她很想念我们。 ▲ 错过 I missed the bus and was late for school this morning. 今天早晨我没赶上车,所以上学迟到了。 、 The post-office is next to the supermarket,and you can’t miss it. 邮局就在超市隔壁,你不会找不到的。 ▲ 丢失 When did you first miss your cell phone? 你是何时发现丢了手机的? 17. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 在过去的几年里生活发生了很大的变化。 ▲“in the last/past few years在过去的几年里”,常与现在完成时连用。又如: The boy has changed a lot in the last/past few years. 在过去的几年里,那个男孩变化很大。 I haven’t seen him in the last/past few years. 在过去的几年里我没有见过他。 语法 情态动词(used to) 本单元语法重点为情态动词used to + do的用法 used to为情态动词(注意读音,d不发音),否定形式为used not to,可缩略成usedn’t to。 1) used to + do“过去经常或持续的行为,而现在不这样做了”。例如: I used to get up at 6:30 (but now I get up at 6:00). 我过去经常在六点半起床(但我现在六点起床). He used to be very serious (but now he is friendly. 他过去经常很严肃(而现在他很友好)。 2) sb be used to + 名词/doing(动名词) “某人习惯于某事/养成干某事的习惯”。例如: I am used to the weather here in Beijing. 我已习惯了北京的天气了。 The old man is used to getting up early in the morning. 那个老人习惯于早起。 He used to live in London. 他过去常常住在伦敦。 The girl used to be afraid of the dark. 那个女孩过去常常怕黑。 I usedn’t to like him.= I didn’t use to like him. 我过去不喜欢他。 — Used he to play basketball? — Yes, he used to. — 他过去打篮球吗? — 是的。 There used be a cinema here,use(d)n’t there? 这里以前有个电影影院,是吗? 现在,大多数人使用与did连用的形式,特别是在口语中或不拘谨的书面语中。 上面的句子可改为: — Did he use to play basketball? — Yes, he did. There used to be a cinema,didn’t there?


新目标中考复习九年级英语全一册词组 Unit 11 .study by doing sth. 根据…来学习2.end up doing sth.结束做某事3. some 用于一般疑问句中,①表示.真诚的邀请:Would you like some…?②想得到肯定的回答:Could I have some water?4.begin with以…开始/end with以…结束/5.look it/ them up in a dictionary在字典查单词6.deal with处置,对付7.time goes by时间流逝8.change …into…变成。。。9.with the help of sb./sth.=with one’s help在某人的帮助下10.regard…as…把…看作…Unit 2 1.used to be/ to do sth过去常常做某事否定式是:didn’t use to be/ do一般疑问句是:Did you use to be/do…? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.2.be used to +n./doing sth. 习惯于某事/做某事 =get used to +n./doing sth. 3. be afraid of sth./doing sth害怕某事/做某事.=be terrified of sth./doing sth. 4.chat with sb.和某人聊天5.in the last few years.在过去的几年中6.take pride in sth.=be proud of sth.为…感到骄傲7.give up doing sth.放弃做某事8.hange one’s mind改变某人的主意Unit 3 1.should/ shouldn’t be allowed to do sth.被允许/不被允许做某事2.get/have sth.+ 过去分词 请别人做某事3.clean up 打扫 4.by+ 时间 不迟于5.worry about sb./sth./doing sth.担心某人/某事/ 6.be strict with sb. in sth.对某人/某事严格7.concentrate on sth.全神贯注,专心于8.in the end =at last =finally 最后/ 终于Unit 4 1.be late for + n. 迟到/ Wha2. What if 如果…怎么办?3.hundred/thousand/ million/ billion (前面有数词,不+s,后面有of,+s)4.introduce sb. to sb.把…介绍给….5.not …in the slightest=not …at all 一点也不6.plenty of 大量的 (+可数复数或不可数名词)6.get along with sb.和某人相处7.would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿做…而不愿做… 否定式: would rather not do sth.宁愿不做… 8.come top in 在…名列前茅9.let sb. down 让某人失望10.be terrified of doing sth.=be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事/ be afraid to do sth.害怕去做某事11.come up with 提出问题,想出办法12.by accident偶然地/无意之中13.offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物13. be helpful to sb./sth.对某人/某事有帮助Unit 5 1. must be一定是=belong to sb.属于某人/can’t be不可能是/might be可能是 2.much too 太(+形容词)/too much 太多(+可数名词复数)3.see /hear/watch sb. do/doing sth.看见/听见/观看某人做/正在做某事 4.no more/ no longer/ not…any more/ not…any longer 不再 5.人称代词并列的顺序:单数时:二/一/三. you ,he and I 复数时: 一/二/三 we , you and they做错事承担责任时:I / we 在前面6.pretend to do sth.假装去做某事/ pretend +that 从句 假装….Unit 6 1.remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事/使某人想起某事 /remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事2.be important to sb.对某人重要3.be sure to do sth.务必/一定做某事(否定式:be sure not to do sth.)/ be sure +that 从句4.be on display= be on show 被展出5.Whatever =no matter what不论什么6.to be honest 老实说,说实在的7.suit sb. just fine 对某人合适8.stay away from远离、与…保持距离9.be good /bad for …对…有益/有害Unit 71.would like sth.想要某物/would like to do sth. =want to do sth.想要做某事/would like sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 2.take it easy= don’t be nervous 别紧张3.consider doing sth./ + that 从句4.be convenient to do sth. 做某事方便5.in general 总的来说6.quite+ a/ an + adj. + n.相当的…物7. be supposed to do sth.被期望做某事=should do sth.应该做某事8.in the east of …在…范围内/ to the east of …在…范围外/ on the east of …和…接壤9. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物10.offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.为某人主动提供某物/ offer to do sth. 提供去做某事11.mind doing sth.介意做某事/ mind (one’s/ 或宾格)doing sth. 介意做某事(用于否定句和疑问句中12(.at) this time of year每年这时候13.dream of sth./梦想某事/dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事/dream of /about sb./梦见某人14.as soon as possible尽快地=as soon as one can/could15.quite a few= a lot of /lots of 相当多的16.be willing to do sth.愿意做某事17.hold on to sth.坚持某事Unit 8 1.help sb. (to) do sth.=help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事2.give out= hand out分发/ hand in上交3.cheer sb. up 使某人高兴起来4.put up张贴/ put on 穿上put away 收起来/.put off推迟/ 拖延5.set up=establish= start 成立/建立6.be home to/of sb.是某人的家园7.volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事8. not only…but (also)…不但…而且…(连接两个并列成分)(当连接两个主语时,谓语动词要根据but also后的人称而变化)9.run out of=use up 用完/用尽10.take after.=look like= be similar to和某人相像11.fix up 修理= repair / mend 12.give away= donate捐赠13.work out 成功/结果/算出work out fine效果好14.help sb. out 帮助某人15.fill sth. with sth.用…装满/ be filled with…被用…装满/ be full of…是满的16.be used to do sth.被用来…做某事Unit9 1.be used for doing sth.被用来去做某事be used as sth.被作为…来用2.be made in+地点 在某地制造 be made by+人 被某人制造 be made of+材料 由…制成(可以看出原材料) be made from 由…制成(看不出原材料)3.by mistake 错误地4..knock into 撞击某人5.by accident 偶然地、意外地6.肯定句+until 直到…为止…/否定句+until直到…才…7.fall into 落入/fall down 摔倒8.in this way 这样9.in the six century在6世纪/ in the 90th of the 20s century在20世纪90年代/n the 1950s(1950’s)in the nineteen fifties在20世纪50年代(在…世纪…年代,先说年代,再说世纪。年代用复数,后面+s/或’s)10.throw sth. to sb.把某物扔给某人11.dream of doing sth.梦想做某事Unit101.by the time+从句(动词用过去时) 到…之前(主句用过去完成时had +pp.)2.happen to sb. 某人发生某事3.go off 发出响声 4.run off to +地点 =run to +地点 跑去某地5.on time 准时/按时 in time 及时6.give sb. a ride 捎某人一程/ 让某人搭车7.break down 出故障/坏了7. make it 做到 9..show up 出席/露面 10.be convincing (+that 从句) 深信…11.flee from sb,/ sth. 从…处逃跑 12.sell out 卖完13.set off 引起14.marry sb =get married to sb. .和某人结婚15.both…and…两者/物 都…/either…or…两者中有一(动词根据or 后变化)neither …nor …两者都不(动词根据nor 后变化)Unit111.between…and…在。。。之间2.next to 靠近/紧挨着3.talk with/to sb. about sth.和某人谈论关于某事4. something happening.有事情发生。5.It’s fun to do sth.做…有趣6.dress up as打扮成7.depend on 依靠/ 依赖8. such as= for example例如9.in order to do sth.为了…做某事/ in order not to do sth.为了…不做某事Unit121.shake hands握手/ kiss 亲吻/ bow鞠躬/hug拥抱2.after all 毕竟3.drop by sb.=drop in on sb.顺便走访某人4.go out of one’s way to do sth.特地做某事5.make sb. feel at home使某人感到宾至如归6.bother sb.=disturb sb.打扰某7.save time 节约时间8.be familiar to sb. 对某人熟悉/ be not familiar to sb. 对某人不熟悉.9.learn …by oneself 自学=teach oneself+科目Unit13 1.would rather do sth.宁愿做某事2.make food做饭/ make money赚钱/ make the bed铺床3. learn from sb.向…学习4.be fair/ be unfair 是公平的/是不公平的5.pollution污染(动词用单数)Pollution is a problem.污染是个问题。air pollution空气污染/ water pollution水污染/ 6.keep out 阻挡/遮掩/keep out the sun遮阳7.aim at sb./sth.以…为目标8.for instance=for example/ such as例如9.so that以便(引导结果状语从句)so…that…如此…以至于…(引导目的状语从句)10.at times=sometimes 有时/ at other times在其他时间/ at the time在那时/ at all times=always总是/ at a time 每次/ at one time一度/ 从前11.lead sb. to do sth.诱导某人做某事12. be home=be at home =be in在家13.after all 毕竟/到底14.in some cultures在一些文化中15.different people have different thoughts on this subject关于这个主题,不同的人有不同的想法Unit141.pack sth.打包/ pack into塞进、挤进(车/时间)2.clean sth. out 清除(打扫某物内部/清除某物上的灰尘)clean sth. up清洁3.put… in…把…放进…4.in a minute=at once/ right now立刻/马上5.so far到目前为止(动词用现在完成时)6.get back to sb.过一会儿再与某人通话/ 给某人回信= answer the letter7.take care=look out/ be careful/ It’s dangerous.当心/保重8.because / as/for因为(引导时间状语从句)(as/ for 表示明显或已知的原因)9. feed on sth.以…为食/ feed sth. to sb. =feed sb. with sth. 把某物喂给某人10.be sure to do sth.务必/一定做某事.be sure not to do sth.务必/一定不做某事11.in the top ten在前10名排行榜have a number one hit排第一名/列入首榜12.good luck to sb. 祝某人好运13.one more thing 还有一件事14.thanks to+ n.由于/幸亏=because of…15.be busy to do sth./be busy with sth.忙于做某事16.give sb. the chance to do sth.给某人机会去做某事17.look forward to doing sth.盼望/期望做某事Unit151.try to do sth.尽力做某事/ try one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事2.be against sth./doing sth.反对某事/ 做某事 be for sth.赞成某事3.care for 关心 /照顾=look after4.in one’s life 在某人一生中5. be suitable for sb.to do sth.合适某人去做某事6. provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物=provide sb. with sth.7.take care of= look after 照顾、照看Take good care of=look after …well好好照顾.8.urge sb. to do sth/ urge sb. on sth. 强烈要求某人在做某事 9.agree /disagree with sb. 同意/不同意某人的意见10.hear of 听说/ hear from sb. =get a letter from sb.收到…来信11.out of 离开、脱离、缺乏、没有be built…out of由…制成=be made of /from…12.pull down 摧毁、推翻13.be an inspiration to sb.对某人是一个鼓舞14.in one’s spare time在某人的业余时间里


新目标九年级英语知识点汇总九年级英语Unit11. by + doing 通过……方式 如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用、” “经过”、“乘车”等 如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus.2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论 如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影。talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话3. 提建议的句子:①What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don’t you + do sth.? 如:Why don’t you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? ④Let’s + do sth. 如: Let’s go shopping ⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?4. a lot 许多 常用于句末 如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多。5. too…to 太…而不能 常用的句型 too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。6. aloud, loud与loudly的用法 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 ①aloud是副词,重点在出声能让人听见,但声音不一定很大,常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。aloud没有比较级形式。如: He read the story aloud to his son.他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。②loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。③loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,但往往含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后。如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。7. not …at all 一点也不 根本不 如: I like milk very much. I don’t like coffee at all. 我非常喜欢牛奶。我一点也不喜欢咖啡。 not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾8. be / get excited about sth.=== be / get excited about doing sth. === be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋 如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.=== I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。9. ① end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 如: The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。 ② end up with sth. 以…结束 如: The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。10. first of all 首先. to begin with 一开始 later on 后来、随11. also 也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中间 either 也(用于否定句)常在句末 too 也 (用于肯定句) 常在句末12. make mistakes 犯错 如:I often make mistakes. 我经常犯错。make a mistake 犯一个错误 如: I have made a mistake. 我已经犯了一个错误。13. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人) 如:Don’t laugh at me! 不要取笑我!14. take notes 做笔记,做记录 15. enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做…乐意做… 如: She enjoys playing football. 她喜欢踢足球。 enjoy oneself 过得愉快 如:He enjoyed himself. 他过得愉快。16. native speaker 说本族语的人17. make up 组成、构成 18. one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词复数形式 …其中之一 如: She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受欢迎的教师之一。19. It’s +形容词+(for sb. ) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事… 如:It’s difficult (for me ) to study English. 对于我来说学习英语太难了。 句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to study English20. practice doing 练习做某事 如: She often practice speaking English. 她经常练习说英语。21. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 如: LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已经决定去北京。22. unless 假如不,除非 引导条件状语从句 如:You will fail unless you work hard..假如你不努力你会失败。 I won’t write unless he writes first. 除非他先写要不我不写23. deal with 处理 如:I dealt with a lot of problem.24. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/ 某事 如:Mother worried about his son just now. 妈妈刚才担心他的儿子。25. be angry with sb. 对某人生气 如: I was angry with her. 我对她生气。26. perhaps === maybe 也许27. go by (时间) 过去 如: Two years went by. 两年过去了。28. see sb. / sth. doing 看见某人正在做某事 强调正在发生see sb. / sth. do 看见某人在做某事 如: 如: She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她看见他正在教室里画画。29. each other 彼此 30. regard… as … 把…看作为…. 如: The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 这些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。31. too many 许多 修饰可数名词 如:too many girls too much 许多 修饰不可数名词 如:too much milk much too 太 修饰形容词 如:much too beautiful32. change… into… 将…变为… 如:The magician changed the pen into a book. 这个魔术师将这本书变为一本书。33. with the help of sb. == with one’s help 在某人的帮助下 如:with the help of LiLei == with LiLei’s help 在李雷的帮助下34. compare … to … 把…与…相比 如:Compare you to Anna, you are lucky. 你和安娜相比,你是幸运的。35. instead 代替 用在句末,副词(字面上常不译出来) instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,动词 如:Last summer I went to Beijing. This year I’m going to Shanghai instead.去年夏天我去北京, 今年我将要去上海。 I will go instead of you. 我将代替你去。 He stayed at home instead of going swimming. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳。







2024年9月12日 00:00




2024年7月22日 13:40




2024年6月11日 23:00



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2024年5月7日 06:00




2024年5月3日 13:40

dear laura(阅读短文,填上所缺的单词或短语完成句子.)

dear laura(阅读短文,填上所缺的单词或短语完成句子.)

本文目录阅读短文,填上所缺的单词或短语完成句子.书面表达:请根据以下提示,帮助小雪(Xiao Xue)给她来自英国的朋友Laura写一封邀请信请帮sam和amy给laura回一封信,50个单词左右Dear Laura, Thanks for

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本文目录在校生会计个人简历范文3篇参考2022大学生个人简历优秀范文5篇大学生面试个人求职简历(大全6篇)在校生个人简历范文3篇大学期间啥也没干简历怎么写在校大学生简历怎么写_大学生个人简历范文5篇在校生会计个人简历范文3篇参考  写好一份

2024年7月2日 06:10



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2024年7月13日 13:30




2024年5月18日 21:30




2024年7月19日 23:40



本文目录如何改善生态环境问题生态保护的措施有哪些保护生态环境的作文800字现在生态环境的大背景如何改善生态环境问题当代大学生可以从以下几个方面来改善生态环境问题:1. 提高环保意识:大学生应该认识到生态环境问题的严重性和紧迫性,了解环保知识

2024年7月9日 19:40