
2024-09-06 22:00:32 :3




  【篇一】  Compare with the past, people pay more attention to the TV instead of reading magazines.   Nowadays TV plays a more and more important and comprehensive role in our life.   The TV is with incomparable strength completely changed man’s life.   TV affects a person’s behavior habits, mainly through direct and indirect two roles.  与过去相比,人们更注意电视而不是阅读杂志。现在电视在我们的生活中起着越来越重要的角色。电视这无可比拟的力量完全改变了人的生活。电视主要是通过直接和间接两个方式来影响一个人的行为习惯。  Direct role. Through the medium of television image, color, light, sound, music etc. transmission symbols to create a virtual human world.   In daily life,   our behavior habits except own learning outside,   still can use the word "listen", "see" intuitive feeling,   more vivid feel life. Like a TV broadcast "KFC inside", “McDonald’s" ads, it is through the use of bright-colored color, make a beautiful picture, remind children even adult’s appetite. Let children can see in the M, or the "grandpa", and blurt out "I want to eat McDonald’s/KFC. Not only the children, but also adults are easily to be attracted by the ads from the TV. When you see on television in sport brand advertising, because it conveyed by the kind of advertising charms.   That in shopping would heed these brands, even if you don’t buy will also go in to see.   This is the special charms of TV’s ads.  直接的作用。通过电视媒介形象、色彩、光线、声音、音乐等传输符号来创建一个虚拟的人类世界。在日常生活中,我们的行为习惯除了自己的学习外,还可以通过“听”、“看到”直观感觉,感觉生活更加生动。像一个电视广播“肯德基里面”、“麦当劳”的广告,它是通过使用鲜艳的色彩,使一个美丽的图片,提起孩子们甚至成年人的胃口。让孩子们可以在看到米,或“爷爷”,脱口而出“我要吃肯德基麦当劳/。不仅是孩子,但也成年人很容易吸引,从电视广告。当你在电视上看到在运动品牌广告,因为它传达的魅力的一种广告。在购物的人都会留意这些品牌,即使你不买也会进去观看。这是电视广告的特殊魅力。  Indirect role. On the one hand, mainly through the comprehension media expression comes out.   The medium of television transmitted to our information cause our emotional resonance, and let us go to pursue honors this life, or to some outrageous behavior produce contravene psychology and so on. Move by affection and using it to teach. That’s indirect affection from people’s mind. Fang’s director of the "big earthquakes", Zhang jingchu plays a little girl who survived in Tangshan earthquake.   When she grew up, seeing TV was played in about Wenchuan earthquake reports.   Those some pictures are deeply hitting her heart, reminded her childhood memories that unbearable of the past.   But, her first reaction is "I want to go back, there need me".   Depending on the picture about Wenchuan earthquake broadcast of disbelief, inspired her heart reserves of emotion. This is a perfect example of why,   here the medium of television and no direct call people want what to do,   but by playing the post-disaster Wenchuan life situation,   so as to evoke people’s hearts that the feeblest strings.  间接作用。主要是通过理解媒体再表现出来的。电视媒介传播给我们的信息使我们的情感共鸣,让我们去追求荣誉这生活,或者一些粗暴的行为产生抵触心理等等。以情动人,以情教人。这是间接从人们的思想感情方面表现出来的。电影“大地震”,张静初扮演一个小女孩在唐山地震中幸存。当她长大了,看到电视播放关于汶川地震的报道。那些照片是深深地击中了她的心,提醒她童年记忆,那无法忍受的过去。但是,她的第一反应是“我要回去”。关于汶川地震的广播,激发了她的情感。这是一个完美的例子,为什么,这里的电视媒介并没有直接叫人做什么,但是在传播汶川灾后的生活状况,从而唤起人们的心中,最软弱的那块地方。  Undoubtedly, TV deeply affected our life. TV greatly benefits our work and life through direct and indirect roles. Without TV, humans don’t know what will be what kind of.  毫无疑问,电视深深影响了我们的生活。电视通过直接和间接的角色给我们的工作和生活提供了极大的便利。没有电视,人类不知道会是什么样。  【篇二】  In the present society, every individual makes an endeavor to learn a higher English standard in school while they nearly forget the study of Chinese, especially college students. The neglecting of studying Chinese has result from many factors and brings about a variety of problems.  在当今社会,每个人都在学校努力学到更标准的英语,他们几乎都忘记了汉语的学习,尤其是大学生。对汉语学习的忽略源于多方因素,带来各种各样的问题。  As the economy is globalized and English has become the official language in many countries, Chinese students are keen on studying English. What’s more, they think they are Chinese and it’s ok for them not to learn Chinese. With the idea of no necessity to study Chinese, students can’t even write a fluent sentence now. Whenever they want to write, they find it’s difficult to recall a proper word. What’s worse, they can’t speak out of some famous poems even known by foreigners.  随着经济的全球化,英语已成为许多国家的官方语言,中国学生都热衷于学习英语。而且,他们认为他们是中国人,没有必要学习中文。有这样的想法,学生现在甚至都不能流利地写一句话了。每当他们想写的时候,他们都会有执笔忘字的感觉。更糟糕的是,他们也说不出一些的甚至外国人都知道的诗句。  This phenomenon has drawn attention from many professors. They stress that Chinese is our official language and has gone along with our country for five thousand years. How to change this phenomenon is of great importance. Above all, our attitude to Chinese should be changed greatly. Then, due practice is necessary, including writing composition. Last but by no means the least, we have to insist on learning Chinese .If we hold on to it, we will improved a lot.  这种现象已经引起很多教授的关注。他们强调汉语是我们的官方语言,已陪伴着我们国家五千年。如何改变这一现象是非常重要的。首先,我们对汉语的态度应该大大地改变。之后由于练习是有必要的,包括写作文。最后但不是最不要紧的是我们必须坚持学习汉语。如果我们坚持下去,我们会得到很大的提高。  【篇三】  There is no doubt that we all want to be successful. But what’s the main concern of the way to success? From Abraham Lincoln’s famous remark, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”, I learn that if we want to achieve success, we must make full preparation for it.  毫无疑问每个人都想获得成功。不过,成功之路主要应该留意什么?引用亚伯拉罕林肯有一句名言,“给我六小时砍倒一棵树,我会花头一个小时磨锋利我的斧头”,我知道如果我们想要取得成功,我们就要充分做好准备。  Only if we are well prepared, can we catch the opportunity which occurs once in a while. In our daily life, we have to expand our horizon and lay a solid foundation for success. It will be a long way to be successful thus we have to accumulate our knowledge day by day. And we can’t achieve success in one or two days. It will help us solve problems more efficiently if we have a broad horizon. What’s more, opportunities always occur out of our expectation so we have to make ourselves well prepared. If we prepared, we will catch up with it whenever it comes up.  只有我们都准备好了,我们才可以抓住瞬间即逝的机会。在我们的日常生活中,我们必须得开阔我们的视野,为成功奠定坚实的基础。距离成功还有很长的一段路要走,因此,我们必须一天天地积累知识。我们不可能一两天就可以实现成功的。如果我们有广阔的视野,就可以帮助我们更有效的解决问题。更重要的是,机会总是不可预测的,所以我们必须做好准备。如果我们准备好了,不管什么时候来我们都能抓住。  Opportunities give priorities to the people who make preparation for them. What’s more, success goes along with opportunities. We should develop the ability to solve problems in different and efficient ways therefore we can make our way to success more easily.  机会总是优先那些有准备的人。而且,成功总是和机会一起的。我们应该培养用不同、有效的方式解决问题的能力,这样我们才可以更容易成功。      


  【篇一】  In the present society, every individual makes an endeavor to learn a higher English standard in school while they nearly forget the study of Chinese, especially college students. The neglecting of studying Chinese has result from many factors and brings about a variety of problems.  在当今社会,每个人都在学校努力学到更标准的英语,他们几乎都忘记了汉语的学习,尤其是大学生。对汉语学习的忽略源于多方因素,带来各种各样的问题。  As the economy is globalized and English has become the official language in many countries, Chinese students are keen on studying English. What’s more, they think they are Chinese and it’s ok for them not to learn Chinese. With the idea of no necessity to study Chinese, students can’t even write a fluent sentence now. Whenever they want to write, they find it’s difficult to recall a proper word. What’s worse, they can’t speak out of some famous poems even known by foreigners.  随着经济的全球化,英语已成为许多国家的官方语言,中国学生都热衷于学习英语。而且,他们认为他们是中国人,没有必要学习中文。有这样的想法,学生现在甚至都不能流利地写一句话了。每当他们想写的时候,他们都会有执笔忘字的感觉。更糟糕的是,他们也说不出一些的甚至外国人都知道的诗句。  This phenomenon has drawn attention from many professors. They stress that Chinese is our official language and has gone along with our country for five thousand years. How to change this phenomenon is of great importance. Above all, our attitude to Chinese should be changed greatly. Then, due practice is necessary, including writing composition. Last but by no means the least, we have to insist on learning Chinese .If we hold on to it, we will improved a lot.  这种现象已经引起很多教授的关注。他们强调汉语是我们的官方语言,已陪伴着我们国家五千年。如何改变这一现象是非常重要的。首先,我们对汉语的态度应该大大地改变。之后由于练习是有必要的,包括写作文。最后但不是最不要紧的是我们必须坚持学习汉语。如果我们坚持下去,我们会得到很大的提高。  【篇二】  As is known to us all, teachers play an important role in our process of growing up. As far as I am concerned, an ideal teacher should be responsible, impartial and wise.  大家都知道教师在我们的成长过程中发挥了重要的作用。对我来说,一个理想的老师应该是有责任心,公正和聪明的。  First of all, a qualified teacher should be responsible. For one thing, he should try his best to make his class interesting and try to understand what his students need. For another, he needs to keep enthusiastic with his job of spread knowledge all the time and act as an example for others everywhere he goes to.   首先,一个合格的教师应该是有责任心的。首先,他应尽力使他的课生动有趣,并试着了解他学生的需求。另一方面,他需要对他传授知识的工作一直保持热情而且不管到哪里都要树立一个好榜样。  Second, be impartial is another requirement. As a teacher, he should not divide students into good ones and bad ones since each student has unique characteristic and value. Therefore, no matter what kind of students he encounters, he should treat them impartially, without any bias.   第二,是公正的另一个要求是。作为一名老师,他不应该把学生分成好学生和坏学生这两类因为每个学生都有自己独特的个性和价值。因此,无论他遇到的是什么样的学生,他都应该公平地对待他们,没有任何偏见。  Finally, my ideal teacher is one who does not only teach students his specialized knowledge but also can give students some guidance about life and about how to act as human beings. This guidance has a great effect on students’ outlook on life and sense of worth.   最后,我的理想老师是不仅会教学生专业知识同时也是可以给学生一些关于生活的引导以及如何做人的人。这种引导会对学生的人生观和价值观有很大的影响。  To sum up, an ideal teacher should not only pay attention to the achievements his students get, but also put emphasis on developing students’ correct views on life and sense of worth.   总而言之,理想的教师不仅要关注自己学生获得的成就,也要强调培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。  【篇三】  With the fast development of science and technology, online courses have been increasingly popular. And as online courses are becoming diversified, some people start to get worried that the day which online course replaces traditional course will come.   随着科技的快速发展,网络课程越来越受欢迎。随着网络课程的多样化发展,一些人开始担心有一天它会代替传统的课程。  As far as I am concerned, online courses cannot replace traditional ones for that the latter has some advantages cannot replaced by the former.   就我认为,网络课程是不能代替传统的,因为传统课程有无法被网络课程代替的优势。  For one thing, the biggest advantage of traditional course is that it provides a chance for every student to communicate with teachers face to face, while online course cannot achieve this effect. Attending to a traditional course is not only a process of receiving knowledge, but also an opportunity for students to exchange their minds with their teachers, communicate with their peers and learn to think on their own.   一方面,传统课程的优势在于它为每个学生提供了一个与教师面对面交流的机会,而网络课程则无法达到这一效果。参加传统课程不仅是接受知识的过程,同时也为学生与老师交流思想,与同龄人交流,学会自己思考提供了机会。  For another, traditional courses have more applicability than online ones since the students attending traditional courses have similar understanding or the same amount of knowledge towards a subject, while online courses are difficult to respond the different needs from people with different aims and levels.   另一方面,传统课程比网络课程更体贴,因为参加传统的课程的学生对同一物体有着相似的理解或者有着同样的知识,而网络课程则很难应对不同需求,目标和水平的人。  Therefore, traditional courses will not be replaced by online ones. But in addition, I advocate that colleges provide some online courses for students to study by themselves besides traditional ones.  因此,传统的课程不会被网络课程而取代。另外,我主张学校应该为学生提供除了传统课程之外还提供一些网络课程让学生自学。      


  【篇一】   Everyone needs to make choice sometimes. For most university graduates, they have difficulties in making choice for job. After all, not everyone is born and lives in the big city. For those students whose family is in the small town, they have to choose their working place. To work in the big city or not? Different people have different opinions. In my opinion, every coin has two sides.   有时候每个人都要做选择。对于大多数的大学毕业生来说,他们在选择工作时都遇到了困难。毕竟,不是每个人都是出世在大城市,生活在大城市。对于那些家在小县城的学生,他们就得选择自己的工作地。在大城市工作还是不在呢?不同的人有不同的看法。在我看来,事物都有两面性。   One the one hand, working in the city is full of temptations. There are more enterprises, especially famous company in the big city. It is certain that they will have more opportunities, which is most young people wants. They have the chance to own a good place to show their abilities, so that they can earn a promising future for themselves. However, if they work in the small town, they may not have such opportunities. In most cases, big city is a better place for fighting.   一方面,在城市工作是充满诱惑性的。在大城市的企业比较多越来越多的企业,尤其是有名的公司。可以肯定的是,他们肯定会得到更多的机会,这也是大部分年轻人想要的。他们可以拥有一个展示自己的好舞台,从而为自己赢得一个有前途的未来。然而,如果他们在小县城工作,可能就没有这样的机会了。大多数情况下,大城市是奋斗的好地方。   On the other hand, working in the big city also has its disadvantages. With the increasing force competition of the society, people will have more stress living in it. For example, the increasing house price, product price, and the competition between the people in the same industry. But working in the small town will have less possibility to stand that kind of pressure. Their life will be more comfortable.   另一方面,在大城市工作也有缺点。随着社会竞争的日益加剧,人们的压力会越来越大。例如,不断上涨的房价,产品价格,还有同行间的竞争。但是在小城镇工作要忍受这种压力的可能性比较小。他们的生活会更舒适。   In conclusion, working in the big city has advantages and disadvantages. It depends on different people’s choice and their life purpose. I hope everybody can make their proper decision according to their own situation.   总之,在大城市工作有优点和缺点。这都取决于不同的人的选择以及他们的人生目标。我希望每个人都可以根据自己的情况做出正确的决定。  【篇二】   Teenager is at the sensible age, on the one hand, they are not mature enough, on the other hand, they are very bolshy, they don’t listen to what their parent tell them, they will go against parents. So teenager always have argument with their parents, it hurts so much, parents have to deal with such situation.   青少年处于一个敏感的年纪,一方面,他们还不够成熟,另一方面,他们很反叛,不听父母的话,和父母作对。所以青少年总是和父母争吵,这很受伤,父母不得不处理这样的情况。   As a teenager, they want to chase for freedom, they are at the age of pursing individualism. They want to show that they are mature enough, they can make their own decision. While as parents, they watch their kids all their life, they haven’t realized that their kids are already mature enough, so they always treat their children as the small one, making every decision for them. That is why the conflict comes, the only way to solve it is to understand each other.   作为青少年,他们追求自由,他们处在追求个性的年纪。他们想要展示自己的成熟,可以自己做决定。然而对父母来说,他们一生都在看着孩子,还没有意识到孩子已经成熟了,所以他们总是把孩子当小孩子看待,替孩子做一切的决定。这就是矛盾的来源,的解决方法就是彼此理解。   For parents, they must have the though that the kids are growing up, they are no more the small ones, they should learn to let them go. For teenagers, they should have a good talk with their parents, trying to explain and show the courage they have. They should not be angry with parents, to find a better to solve argument.   对于父母来说,他们必须意识到孩子已经长大,不再是小孩子,他们应该学会放手。对于青少年来说,应该和父母好好谈谈,试着解释和展示自己的勇气。他们不应该生父母的气,找到觉得争端的更好解决方法。   Though teenagers are at the sensible age, there is always a way to find the solution about the argument. The better understanding between parents and teenagers is the key point.   虽然青少年处于敏感的年纪,但是总是会有解决争端的好方法。父母和青少年之间的理解是最重要的点。  【篇三】   I live in a small village until I was 7, then I moved to a city where is so far away from my home. After ten years later, I came back to the village, I found it changed so much that I hardly recognized. The change of the village reflects the development of the economy, people enhance life level.   直到七岁以前,我都生活在一个小村庄,之后我搬去了一个离家里很远的城市。十年以后,我回到了村庄,我发现那里改变了很多,我差点没认出来。村庄的改变反映了经济的发展,人们的生活水平提高了。   The change of the village includes many sides. First, there are more cars. Before, people like to walk and the car is too expensive for them to buy, but now, as the development of the life standard, almost everyone has a car. They keep pace with the time. Second, the building is modern and people build new homes. When I was in the village, people there live in the small house and the material is not that modern. The big house means people have more income to live a comfortable life. All the changes are good for people.   农村的改变包括很多方面。第一,有很多车。之前,人们喜欢走路,车子对于他们来说太贵了,买不起,但是现在,随着生活标准的提高,几乎每个人都有车。他们跟上了时代的步伐。第二,建筑很现代,人们建了新家。当我还在村子的时候,人们住在小房子里,房子的材料落后。大房子意味着人们有更多的收入来过舒适的日子。这些变化对人们来说是好的。   But the other change shocks me—the environment. When I lived here, the river is clean, the water is so pure that I could see my feet under the water. There are fishes and shrimps, but now, the water is polluted, the color has been changed, fish and shrimp are no more being seen.   但是另外的变化令我震惊—环境。当我在这里生活的时候,河是清澈的,河水很纯净,我可以看到水中的脚。那里有鱼和虾,但是现在,河水被污染,颜色已经变了,鱼和虾看不到了。   The change of the village means people’s life standard has been increased, the development of economy is at the cost of the environment, we need to protect our environment.   农村生活的改变意味着人们生活标准的提高,经济的发展却以环境为代价,我们要保护环境。


  【篇一】  I like to watch all kinds of sport matches, I adore athletes, they are so inspiring, they work so hard to become the strongest, the most honorable thing is that their success is by their effort, not by advertise. But lately, the news about athletes taking the medicine to win the game, this is so shameful, the honesty is believed to be a athlete’s merit, when he loses it, he loses people’s respect.  我喜欢看所有的体育赛事,我崇拜运动员,他们很激励人,他们通过努力训练成为的人,最令人佩服的是他们的成功是通过努力,而不是宣传。但是最近,关于运动员服药而赢得比赛的新闻令人感到羞耻,诚实被视为运动员的品质,当运动员丢掉这个时,他也丢掉了人们的尊重。  What is the pride of a athlete? The answer is their work hard for the champion, the sprit of never giving up, but when a athlete plays a trick to win the champion, there is no doubt that people will despite him. The spirit of sport game is respect your opponent, all the guys are fighting in a fair competition, when one of them takes the medicine, that means he breaks the game rule, he has no right to compete. Taking the medicine makes a athlete lose his honesty, he deserves to be abandoned, the basic thing is no longer find in him. We all like to watch the athletes compete in a pure situation, what makes them stronger is their will, not the medicine.  一个运动员的骄傲是什么?答案是他们通过努力赢得冠军,永不放弃的精神,但是当一个运动员耍诡计来赢得冠军,毫无疑问,人们会鄙视他。运动比赛的精神是尊重对手,所有的人都处在公平竞争的比赛,当其中一个人服药的时候,这意味着他打破了比赛规则,他没有竞争的资格。服药让一个运动员失去诚信,他应该被淘汰,最基本的东西都没有了。我们都想要看到运动员处在公平竞争的状态,让他们更强的是意志,而不是药物。  The athlete who takes the medicine or plays other tricks will be kicked out by the referee. As the audience, we all want to watch the fair game, we appreciate the athlete’s spirit of never giving up.  那些服药或者耍诡计的运动员应该被裁判开除。作为一名观众,我们都想要看到公平的比赛,我们欣赏运动员永不放弃的精神。     【篇二】  When we study, we all want to work with high efficient, the ability of self-learning is very important, with it, we can improve the efficient, the things we do will work better, we can save time to do another thing. There are many ways to improve the ability of self-learning.  当我们学习的时候,我们都想要高效率的工作,自学能力是很重要的,有了自习能力,我们就可以提高效率,我们所做的事情就能更好的完成,节省时间去做其他事情。提高自习能力的方法是多样的。  First, we should set up the goal. The goal we make is better not to be far away, we can set up a small goal one by one. When we make the big goal, it is hard to achieve, sometimes we will frustrate by not seeing the improvement, then we will give up easily. But setting up the small is easy to achieve, so we can see our improvement and have the faith to keep on.  第一,我们应该设立目标。我们设立的目标不要离得太远,我们可以设立一个个小的目标。当我们定远大目标的时候,很到达到,有时候会因为看不到提高而受挫,然后很容易放弃。但是设立小的目标很容易达到,因此我们可以看到进步,有信念坚持下去。  Second, after setting up the goal, the next thing is to take action. We should do as the goal, finishing it in certain days. Like we have to tell us we must finish the first step in a week, so we have the pressure to finish quickly and won’t wait for tomorrow. If we can’t finish in time, we can have more few days.  第二,设立了目标以后,下一步就是行动。我们应该按目标行事,在一定的时期内完成。比如我们告诉自己必须在一周内完成第一步,因此有压力快速完成,不会推到明天。如果我们不能及时完成,可以过些天完成。  The ways to improve the ability of self-learning are various, but the most important thing is to set up the goal, with the goal, we can have the motivation to finish things.  提高自习能力的方法有很多,但是最重要的是确立目标,有了目标,我们才有动力完成事情。    【篇三】  Nowadays, parents trend to send their kids to study abroad, they think foreign education is better than our country’s, so most parents like their kids to gain foreign education. After college education, some choose to work, while some choose to study abroad, will you prefer the latter?  现在,家长倾向于送孩子出国深造,他们认为国外的教育比国内的好,所以大部分家长愿意送他们的孩子去接受国外教育。大学毕业后,一些选择工作,然而一些选择出国深造,你会选哪样呢?  On the one hand, study abroad can enhance our English oral and we can learn the native culture. When we are in a foreign country, it is naturally that we have to speak in English, in the long run, we will speak good English. We also can have access to the local culture and get to know more about the country.  一方面,出国深造可以加强我们的英语口语和可以学到当地的文化。当我们在国外,很自然地我们要讲英语,在长期中,我们会讲一口流利的英语。我们也可以接触到本地文化,更多地了解这个国家。  Second, your parents have to spend a lot of money. It is known to all that study abroad is very expensive, parents have to store for many years. You also will feel lonely in a strange circumstance. When you live abroad, you have to leave all your friends and relatives, struggling in a different place.  第二,你的家长需要花很多钱。众所周知,国外学习很贵,家长要积蓄很多年。你也会感到孤单,在一个陌生的国度里。当你在国外居住,你不得不离开所有的朋友和亲戚,在不同的地方挣扎。  Study abroad needs to be measured, if your parents are rich, you can choose, but if not, you have to consider the scholarship, the work you do and so on.  国外深造需要衡量,如果你的父母富有,有可以选择,但是如果你的父母不富有,你需要考虑奖学金,你的工作等。


 My Home Town

  My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.






My brother (我的哥哥)

I’ve a brother. He is a good brother. He studies very well and he is very look after me.One day, I was ill.He took me to the hospital.The doctors and the nurses said:"you have a good brother!"I said:"Yes,he is a good brother ."And my brother was shy.Oh,I’m fet to tell you what my brother looks like.He is very tall and thin. His favourest sport is play basketball and he like play the guitar. He play them is very well





My Room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.


这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。 我坐那里,并且我能看外面的树和路

My family

I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!


我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心!

我的周末 My Weekend

My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time, he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also broaden my vision.


我喜欢这节课 I Like This Lesson

Today, I have the geography class. I am afraid of the geography class, because I have the bad memory and can’t remember the places. But in this class, our teacher does something different, she shows us many pictures and tells us many interesting things about her trips. I listen to her carefully. I like this lesson, it is vivid and I can learn many things about geography.


给弟弟的礼物 The Gift I Gave to My Brother

Last night, my brother had his five-year old birthday, I was so excited, because I prepared the gift for him. It was a watch, there was a cartoon character in it. I knew my brother wanted a watch all the time, so I wanted to give him the surprise. When he saw my gift, he was so happy and thanked me. I am so happy that he likes it.


追问 20篇钢铁是怎样练成的要有好词好句好段和自己的感受,谢谢,急急急 更多追问


Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Ming he was Jack, and he fot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Ming stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel. Xiao Ming talked with Jack on the way and made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Ming very much and thought Xiao Ming’s English was very good. Xiao Ming was very happy. He *** iled and *** iled, then he woke up.


The National College Entrance Examination is an academic examination held each summer in the People’s Republic of China. The exam covers the most mon subjects, namely mathematics, Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, biology and politics. It is usually taken by students in their last school year of senior high school. NCEE is the most important way for students who are applying to universities after their graduation of high school. Students are only allowed to enter the colleges or universities when their overall scores pass the minimum qualifying score for schools they are applying to.


If I can fly,I’ll make a big house for the birds.They can sing and dance in the house,and they will not worry again.If I can fly,I’ll send a cloud pillow to my sister.I think she’ll have a beautiful dream,and sleep well.If I can fly,I’ll dance with snow.People will see,snow is floating,oh,it isn’t snow___it’s me!If I can fly,I’ll embrace the moon.Because,the time is five o’clock,I don’t want she leaves me alone.If I can fly,I’ll send a lot of seeds of flowers、grassesand trees to the Earth.I think that,the Earth will be very beautiful!~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。



And the students are best in the school. And in the many poor places, but I must work hard nowIf I Am a TeacherMy parents knew me about my dream many years ago. When I was six years old, I just wanted to be a good teacher. I like playing with children and teaching them English. I hope bee good friends and buddies with my students. So I have to listen to teachers carefully. I am also pleased to make friends with my teacher. I want to go there teach those children. They hope to be great persons, there are also a lot of students there. If they have problems, I am really happy to help them to solve them. This is a beautiful dream. They study harder than the students in cities. So I want to be a good teacher. This is a great job. In the future, I think my students all have different abilities each other. They are very polite


My Chinese Teacher Of all the subjects,I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher.Though she has been teaching us for only three years,I respect and love her very much.My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.Ms Sun works very hard.She is always the first to e and the last to leave her office.She tries to make her classes lively and interesting.And we enjoy her lessons very much.Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us.And we’re getting on well with each other.But she is very strict with us in our studies.


There" is no better than "Here" Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive " there" you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your " there" vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing after another "there," you are never really appreciating what you already have right "here." It is important for human beings to keep soberminded about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning the lessons of gratitude and abundance, you can bring yourself closer to fulfilling the challenge of living in the present. Gratitude To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. Gratitude fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you strive to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of "here." There are many ways to cultivate gratitude. Here are just a few suggestions you may wish to try: 1. Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you had. This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it. 2. Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, so that you can stay conscious daily of your blessings. Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel grateful for. Or spend a few minutes before you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have. 3. Spend time offering assistance to those who are less fortunate than you, so that you may gain perspective. However you choose to learn gratitude is irrelevant. What really matters is that you create a space in your consciousness for appreciation for all that you have right now, so that you may live more joyously in your present moment. Abundance One of the most mon human fears is scarcity. Many people are afraid of not having enough of what they need or want, and so they are always striving to get to a point when they would finally have enough. Alan and Linda always dreamed of living "the good life." Both from poor working-class families, they married young and set out to fulfill their mutual goal of being wealthy. They both worked very hard for years, amassing a *** all fortune, so they could move from their o-bedroom home to a palatial seven-bedroom home in the most upscale neighborhood. They focused their energies on accumulating all the things they believed signified abundance: membership in the local exclusive country club, luxury cars, designer clothing, and high-class society friends. No matter how much they accumulated, however, it never seemed to be enough. They were unable to erase the deep fear of scarcity both had acquired in childhood. They needed to learn the lesson of abundance. Then the stock market crashed in 1987, and Alan and Linda lost a considerable amount of money. A bizarre but costly lawsuit depleted another huge portion of their savings. One thing led to another, and they found themselves in a financial disaster. Assets needed to be sold, and eventually they lost the country club membership, the cars, and the house. It took several years and much hard work for Alan and Linda to land on their feet, and though they now live a life far from extravagant, they have taken stock of their lives and feel quite blessed. Only now, as they assess what they have left -- a solid, loving marriage, their health, a dependable ine, and good friends -- do they realize that true abundance es not from amassing, but rather from appreciating. Scarcity consciousness arises as a result of the "hole-in-the-soul syndrome." This is when we attempt to fill the gaps in our inner lives with things from the outside world. But like puzzle pieces, you can’t fit something in where it does not naturally belong. No amount of external objects, affection, love, or attention can ever fill an inner void. We already have enough, so we should revel in our own interior abundance. 彼岸无尽头,知足才常乐 许多人都相信,一旦他们达到了自己所设定的某个特定目标,他们就会开心、快乐。







aybe the film want to show the against of authority. Authority is never to be the principle; and the young guy Charlie maybe not satisified with the arrangement of the leaders stand on the plantform, he should has his own principle and his own path to go.I think the young people have their own life.If the so-called leader give the so-called principle to them, it’s not the principle. The best way is support the youngs and give them advice to help them to achieve their goals. The first sentence of Mr, the right way which fit ones’. Slade "the cradle of leaders&quot,they have the principle

The most difficult thing at presentLet’s prevent H1N1 from happening to usDuring the last few months,H1N1 ful has set off across the whole world.If we have the right way to prevent it ,it won’t scare.Here are some suggestions for you:First of all,you should cover your mouth with a napkin whtn you cough re sneeze,Next you’d better stay away from the public place if possible,if you have to,please wear a mask.Wash your hands carefully before meals and always keep your windows open so that the air will be fresh.At last,try to do more excisice to make your body strong so that you can stay in health.I think this is the most important at present.[翻译】最近这几个月里,H1N1病毒在全世界引发起来.如果我们用正确的方法预防它,它就不会那么可怕.这里有一些为你的建议:首先,当你在咳嗽或者打喷嚏的时候,你应该用手捂着嘴.然后你最好尽可能的离公共场所远一点,如果你必须去,请戴上口罩.饭前仔细洗手,经常打开窗后这样使空气保持清新.最后你应该做更多的运动去使你身体更强壮,这样你就可以保持健康了.我认为这才是目前最重要的.

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1. 英语作文以part为题目的作文怎么写带翻译

Doing Our Part

From the picture,we can see that the boy is dropping litter outside of the trash bin.The ground looks dirty.I think what he does is wrong.

As middle school students,it is’ our duty to behave well and try to make the school more beautiful.We shouldn’t talk loudly in public.Dropping litter is not allowed in or out of school.Never waste food while eating in the dining room.Also we are supposed to get on well with the clas *** ates.Being polite to teachers is also very important.

In a word,if everyone can do our part,we can make a difference to the world.

2. 以如何学好英语为题目的英语作文(120字)

How to learn English?Ji does not attach importance to words. Building high-rise buildings need to brick, block brick building into a high-rise buildings Zuozuo; while the word like a brick. Can say that if there is not enough vocabulary, you want to learn English, everything is out of the question. With the vocabulary to learn English will be the basis of the future a lot easier.Ji finicky speed and efficiency are unwilling to devote time to repeat (review) has been studied content. Language is a skill, skill only by practice makes perfect, it is necessary to repeat only skilled, and only the will to form a skilled unthinking skills.Ji-day fishing s o days of drying, there is no persistence, not long persist in studies. Skill proficiency should be a process, in this process will encounter various difficulties, but can not bow to difficulties, we must ceaselessly repeated study, sustained. Some students have just started learning English in a lot of interest, and then increases with the degree of difficulty, they gradually lost interest in a gradual decline in performance is not very conscientious reasons.Bogey instead of just learning. Language, practice a strong, if only to learn rather than, you’ll never learn well. Our aim is to learn the language the application in use to learn how to learn, so as to enhance the interest and to achieve better learning results. "Crazy English" Li Yang, founder once said that, in order to learn English, it is necessary in public places the use of wrong Do not be afraid, do not be afraid shame this reason that "I enjoy losing face (I love losing face)" became the Li Yang and "Crazy English" fans of the mantra. 译文怎样学好英语?忌不重视词汇.建筑高楼大厦需要砖瓦,一块块的砖瓦构建成座座高楼大厦;而单词就像砖瓦.可以说如果没有足够的词汇量,想学好英语,一切都无从谈起。




我们学语言的目的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提高兴趣,达到较好的学习效果."疯狂英语"的创始人李阳曾说过,为了学好英语,就要在公共场合运用,不要怕说错,不要怕丢人,于是乎"I enjoy losing face(我热爱丢脸)"成了李阳及"疯狂英语"爱好者们的口头禅.How to learn English well(如何学好英语) English is one of the most important langnages in the world. It’s necessary to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways. The best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills. They are listening , speaking , reading and writing. We should practice them every day. It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful. One more thing, remember“Practice makes perfect”!英语是最重要的一个langnages世界。有必要学习好。



这是非常好的为您如果您有兴趣Egnlish 。你会发现学习Egnlish是有趣和有益的。

还有一件事,请记住“熟能生巧” 。

3. 英语作文怎么写

英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。

那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn’t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn’t performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn’t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to e back again whenever we had time.。

4. 英语作文怎么写

Listening, Taking, Reading, Writing. Which one is the most diffcult thing for learn English well?

One of my teachers told us that more diffcult was Listening and Taking. He thought that if you’re able to listening and taking,then you could reading and writing naturally. But I really feel that to get a good Listening’s ability is very difficulty.At first,My vocabulary is far enough.Second,can not catch up with velocity.Often,when I thought of what’s means for the sentences, it has been passed.I hate Listening,But there’s no way,I must overe the Listening! or I can’t learn English well.

Which one is the most diffcult thing for learning English? my answer is listening!


5. 英语怎么写作文

why we learn english?

English is wildly used in the world,it acts as a international language, it is no doubt that english as a language is use for reading ,munication. now our society is developping fast and each country contact more often.So,it is very important to learn english for business,offical affair,travelling,and so on.

6. 英语的命题作文怎么写

命题作文要求就所给的作文题目进行写作。与其他作文相比,命题作文具有较大的自主性。因为同样的一个题目可以从不同的角度、用不同的文体来进行写作。例如“My Teacher”这个题目可以写成一篇记叙文,也可以写成一篇描写文。不管用什么文体,也不管从哪个方面来写,只要写出的文章切题、流畅、条理清楚、语言正确就是一篇好文章。然而,这种较大的自主性也会使考生感到困难。因为在有限的30分钟之内,要形成提纲,并写成短文并不是件易事。这就要求考生在写命题作文时首先一定要审好题,要仔细分析题意,搞清楚题目所涉及的范围,确定文章的中心思想,切忌跑题。再者,要选择正确的文体。最后,要围绕文章的中心思想,将写作素材进行分析、归类并写好写作提纲,包括引言句、主题句和结尾句。

Fake Commodities

Markets all over the country are swamped with fake and poor modities. This has harmed greatly the states interests and peoples health. For example, false poison made in a factory not only cant kill mice, but also gives them immunity and makes them healthier.

The cause of this serious situation is that some enterprises only want to get benefit. What’s more, some local governments, for the purpose of local protection, don’t investigate such activities, on the contrary, they even support them. The judicial ans don’t punish the offenders strictly.

We hold that the whole society should pay greater attention to these illegal activities, and these illegal activities should be punished according to the law. The leaders in charge should take effective measures to stop these harmful activities. Consumers should learn to protect their own interests, and not to buy fake modities. In this way, we can at last wipe out fake modities and leave no room for them.


7. 以“我要如何学习英语”为话题写作文

话题作文试题有三个主要特点:第一,题目只提供写作内容围绕的核心,而不以标题的形式提供具体明确的主旨。第二,只提供写作范围,而且范围相当宽泛,要求所写内容与话题相关即可,不要求归纳试题所供材料的中心意思并紧扣这一中心意思做文章。第三,话题作文一般要求自拟文题,而非话题作文不要求自拟文题,也不能另立文题。 在以上三个主要特点中,最主要的是“范围宽泛”这个特点。由于“范围宽泛”,给写作者提供了更广泛的发挥空间,有利于写作者表现个性特征,有利于选拔人才。可以说,以话题作文作为高考作文主要题型之一,是高考作文命题成熟的表现。 要想写好话题作文,首先要善于“化大为小”。话题作文的写作范围十分宽泛,如果仅把话题当做一个僵死的概念,视为“铁板一块,不可分割”的整体,笼而统之去做文章,势必内容空泛、文意散漫。所以,写好话题作文的第一点要求就是善于在一个宽泛的范围内,“择其一点,不及其余”,也就是只写“大范围”中的“某一方面”。给自己提供一个充分发挥、具体表现的好舞台,这样才能在800字左右的篇幅内写出立意鲜明集中、内容具体充实的好文章。 注意:不求“面面俱到”,只求“一针见血”。拿2000年高考作文来说,要把“答案是丰富多彩的”这样一个大范围“化而小之”,变为一个具体的小范围,可以写“生活态度”方面的,可以写“辨明是非”方面的,也可以写“意识转变”“思维方式”“教育改革”“道德修养”“人物评价”“历史反思”“职业选择”“个性发展”等等方面的,这样,“化大为小”,“化空为实”,文章才能“出彩”,才能出现题材多样、迭彩纷呈的好局面。 再拿下面一个话题作文为例:请以“压力”为话题,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的作文。要善于“以问领写”“什么可以构成压力?”“有没有压力?”“压力来自何方?”“压力带来什么?”“怎样对待压力?”等等,然后自己回答这些问题,从这些回答中选择一二来写文章,达到“化大为小”的目的。可以写压力来自过重负担,也可以写压力来自责任感;可以写压力的从无到有,也可以写压力的从有到无;可以写压力来自外界,也可以写压力来自自身;可以写在重压下喘不过气来,也可以写变压力为动力;可以写要善于自我减压,也可以写“把压力放在肩上,不要放在心上”等等。要选择其中一个来写,不要贪多,否则会造成东拉西扯,空谈漫议。 提醒同学们注意:善于“化大为小”,还要善于“以小见大”,从小的方面表现深刻的主题。这就要求作者在选择“小的方面”的时候,注意所选方面的“现实性、针对性、典型性”。 写好话题作文的第二个本事是“独辟蹊径、表现个性”。《考试说明》“发展等级”要求考生作文“有个性特征”。要达到这一要求,必须增强“选择意识”。首先要善于选择自己熟悉的、想说的(有话可说的),有一定拓展空间的内容去写。要善于选择新的切入点,也就是从新的方面认识事物、表现事物。 拿2000年高考话题作文来说,可以从“认识世界的多样性”“看到事物的两面性”“讲究包容性”“承认差异性”“尊重并发展个性”“增强批判性”“鼓励创新性”“反对僵死性”“提倡灵活性”等角度做文章,不要简单地停留在原话题的“丰富多彩”原地转磨盘,更不要简单地仅仅用一些事例去佐证原话题的正确性。注意:只要和“答案是丰富多彩的”相关,就都符合话题作文写作的要求,不要错把“答案是丰富多彩的”当做一成不变的命题。 当然,“有个性特征”还表现在文章的构思和表达上,但最主要的是“独具慧眼”。在观察事物、认识事物的角度上做到独辟蹊径,表现出文章的新颖性和作者的创造性。


8. 以如何最有效的学习英语为题目的英语作文.

学习英语的方法和目的!!As we know,English gets growingly important now.Then how can we learn English well? First, you should develop the interest on English reading. There is a saying that interest in the best teacher. If you have interest on English, you may read English materials as much as possible actively. After so much Englsih reading you can find you have formed the English feeling. Second, you should ste up the goal of English study. This means you know it clearly that which is the importance that you should make progress in. For those whose speaking ability is poor, it’s better to make more oral munications with others while for those who can hardly perform well in any reading test, more practice on reading is a good choice. Furthermore, we should relate listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation together instead of getting them separated. Third, to master English knowledge better, we should use English in practice. For example, if we have any chance to talk with a foreign guest, we’d better go and speak loudly and bravely.。

9. 以“我要如何学习英语”为话题写作文

话题作文试题有三个主要特点:第一,题目只提供写作内容围绕的核心,而不以标题的形式提供具体明确的主旨。第二,只提供写作范围,而且范围相当宽泛,要求所写内容与话题相关即可,不要求归纳试题所供材料的中心意思并紧扣这一中心意思做文章。第三,话题作文一般要求自拟文题,而非话题作文不要求自拟文题,也不能另立文题。 在以上三个主要特点中,最主要的是“范围宽泛”这个特点。由于“范围宽泛”,给写作者提供了更广泛的发挥空间,有利于写作者表现个性特征,有利于选拔人才。可以说,以话题作文作为高考作文主要题型之一,是高考作文命题成熟的表现。 要想写好话题作文,首先要善于“化大为小”。话题作文的写作范围十分宽泛,如果仅把话题当做一个僵死的概念,视为“铁板一块,不可分割”的整体,笼而统之去做文章,势必内容空泛、文意散漫。所以,写好话题作文的第一点要求就是善于在一个宽泛的范围内,“择其一点,不及其余”,也就是只写“大范围”中的“某一方面”。给自己提供一个充分发挥、具体表现的好舞台,这样才能在800字左右的篇幅内写出立意鲜明集中、内容具体充实的好文章。 注意:不求“面面俱到”,只求“一针见血”。拿2000年高考作文来说,要把“答案是丰富多彩的”这样一个大范围“化而小之”,变为一个具体的小范围,可以写“生活态度”方面的,可以写“辨明是非”方面的,也可以写“意识转变”“思维方式”“教育改革”“道德修养”“人物评价”“历史反思”“职业选择”“个性发展”等等方面的,这样,“化大为小”,“化空为实”,文章才能“出彩”,才能出现题材多样、迭彩纷呈的好局面。 再拿下面一个话题作文为例:请以“压力”为话题,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的作文。要善于“以问领写”“什么可以构成压力?”“有没有压力?”“压力来自何方?”“压力带来什么?”“怎样对待压力?”等等,然后自己回答这些问题,从这些回答中选择一二来写文章,达到“化大为小”的目的。可以写压力来自过重负担,也可以写压力来自责任感;可以写压力的从无到有,也可以写压力的从有到无;可以写压力来自外界,也可以写压力来自自身;可以写在重压下喘不过气来,也可以写变压力为动力;可以写要善于自我减压,也可以写“把压力放在肩上,不要放在心上”等等。要选择其中一个来写,不要贪多,否则会造成东拉西扯,空谈漫议。 提醒同学们注意:善于“化大为小”,还要善于“以小见大”,从小的方面表现深刻的主题。这就要求作者在选择“小的方面”的时候,注意所选方面的“现实性、针对性、典型性”。 写好话题作文的第二个本事是“独辟蹊径、表现个性”。《考试说明》“发展等级”要求考生作文“有个性特征”。要达到这一要求,必须增强“选择意识”。首先要善于选择自己熟悉的、想说的(有话可说的),有一定拓展空间的内容去写。要善于选择新的切入点,也就是从新的方面认识事物、表现事物。 拿2000年高考话题作文来说,可以从“认识世界的多样性”“看到事物的两面性”“讲究包容性”“承认差异性”“尊重并发展个性”“增强批判性”“鼓励创新性”“反对僵死性”“提倡灵活性”等角度做文章,不要简单地停留在原话题的“丰富多彩”原地转磨盘,更不要简单地仅仅用一些事例去佐证原话题的正确性。注意:只要和“答案是丰富多彩的”相关,就都符合话题作文写作的要求,不要错把“答案是丰富多彩的”当做一成不变的命题。 当然,“有个性特征”还表现在文章的构思和表达上,但最主要的是“独具慧眼”。在观察事物、认识事物的角度上做到独辟蹊径,表现出文章的新颖性和作者的创造性。








2024年9月16日 19:20




2024年9月16日 11:40



本文目录描写环境的作文环境的作文环境话题作文环境描写作文400字环境初三作文600字保护环境作文600字优秀范文5篇周围的环境作文300字珍惜资源保护环境作文600字保护生态环境作文1000字保护环境作文1000字描写环境的作文 描写环境的

2024年9月16日 10:50



本文目录家乡的春天作文400字小学四年级(优秀)描写家乡春天的一段话家乡的春天作文300字家乡的春天作文500字(合集5篇)家乡的春天作文家乡的春天作文300字(通用6篇)我家乡的春天作文家乡的春天作文400字小学四年级(优秀)   家乡的

2024年9月16日 09:40




2024年9月16日 01:30




2024年9月15日 23:20



本文目录作文幸福在我心中九百字二十篇以幸福在心里为题的作文700字5篇幸福在我心里的散文幸福在心间作文幸福在我心中 作文幸福,在我心中作文请以幸福在我心中为话题写一篇不少于800字的作文有种幸福在心间800字作文记叙文幸福在心间优秀作文作文

2024年9月15日 15:00




2024年9月15日 05:50



本文目录写作文真可怕作文一件可怕的事作文世界上最诡异的作文我最恐惧的那一刻作文可怕的世界作文写作文真可怕作文 1. 那一次真可怕作文400字 现在是晚上7点,天色以晚,送走了来玩的朋友,家里只剩下了我,我打开电视机,“唰……呼呼……”我

2024年9月14日 15:20



本文目录六一赞搭桥过河作文.梦见自己搭桥过河的预兆梦见佛像发光搭桥过河的预兆搭桥过河游戏规则双桥过河什么意思运动会,搭桥过河技巧搭桥过河拓展游戏技巧幼儿大班体育公开课 幼儿园大班体育游戏教案《搭桥过河》六一赞搭桥过河作文.搭桥过河    一

2024年9月13日 08:00




2024年9月13日 04:00



本文目录我爱我家七年级作文关于我爱我家作文10篇有关我爱我家作文九年级700字我爱我家七年级作文   在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。写起作文

2024年9月13日 01:50



本文目录校园一景初中作文800字【5篇】校园一景的作文怎么写校园一景初二作文800字校园一景作文校园一景开头怎么写校园一景初中作文800字校园一景校园一景初二作文600字小学生校园一景300字作文校园一景初中作文800字【5篇】 1.校

2024年9月12日 19:10



本文目录我的性格400字作文400字的说明性文章写人的性格描写作文400说明性文章(350~400字)说明性文章400字左右一篇400字左右的说明性文章散文作文400字作文题为《气质与性格》400字左右的作文我的性格400字作文   在平平

2024年9月12日 01:00




2024年9月12日 00:10



本文目录有关盼望的初中作文关于盼望作文合集5篇盼望作文怎么写有关盼望的优秀作文4篇盼望优秀作文盼望的作文盼望作文400字左右(精选5篇)写盼望的作文以盼望为题的作文盼望话题作文有关盼望的初中作文 有关盼望的初中作文5篇 人的一生有许多盼望

2024年9月11日 19:20




2024年9月11日 18:50



本文目录四年级下册第二单元作文我的奇思妙想400字四年级下册第二单元的作文8篇小学四年级下册第二单元作文我的奇思妙想600字5篇四年级下册第二单元作文我的奇思妙想400字 【篇一】四年级下册第二单元作文我的奇思妙想400字   

2024年9月11日 09:10



本文目录新颖的科技创新题目高中作文有关“创新”的作文题目,越多越好关于创新的作文题目新颖 越多越好关于创新的作文题目新颖关于创新的高三作文题目高三关于创新的作文题目以创新为论点作文题目及范文作文中关于创新的优秀题目及范文创造力作文题目新颖的

2024年9月11日 04:21



本文目录用我的好奇心写作文我的好奇心我的好奇心作文我的“好奇心”作文好奇心作文好奇心小学作文好奇心话题作文我的好奇心作文范文精选六篇用我的好奇心写作文 1. 用“好奇心”为题写作文 现在的我已经长大了,不像以前的我,以前我经常对新的事物

2024年9月11日 03:10





2024年4月25日 13:50



本文目录英语二2021年真题解析-阅读32021年考研英语二大作文真题英语二2021年真题-阅读4 直觉的作用英语二2021年真题解析-阅读1求考研英语二历年真题电子版英语二真题考几道题怎么评价21英语二真题难度英语二2021年真题解析-阅

2024年6月11日 00:00



本文目录《谁动了我的奶酪》的主要内容是什么《谁动了我的奶酪》这本书,阐述了哪些人生哲理《谁动了我的奶酪》阐述了怎样的人生哲理谁动了我的奶酪作者谁动了我的奶酪作者以及写作背景谁动了我的奶酪的作者谁动了我的奶酪作者简介 谁动了我的奶酪作者介绍《

2024年3月7日 03:50




2024年7月20日 15:20



本文目录初中语文作文万能题材范文高一语文万能作文范文800字语文万能作文素材100字左右中考语文万能作文范文600字600字万能作文语文高中语文作文万能素材精选高考语文万能作文模块 经典开头结尾语文万能作文开头优美句子初中语文作文万能题材范

2024年4月23日 06:20



本文目录三年级作文未来的家乡300字未来的家乡作文300字四年级作文未来的农村500子字我的想象作文300字 2050年的家乡小学三年级作文未来的家乡4个自然段300字201年的20年后的家乡作文300字怎么写小学作文《未来美丽的家乡》30

2024年5月31日 08:40



本文目录李白关于鹦鹉洲的诗句有关鹦鹉洲的诗句李白关于黄鹤楼的诗句是什么意思是什么有关“鹦鹉洲”的诗句有哪些赞美八哥的诗句有哪些鹦鹉来过吴江水下一句描写吴江的诗词李白关于鹦鹉洲的诗句 1.有关“鹦鹉洲”的诗句有哪些 有关“鹦鹉州”的诗句如下

2024年3月12日 14:50

暑假安全第一课:珍爱生命 严防溺水(暑假珍爱生命预防溺水教案)

暑假安全第一课:珍爱生命 严防溺水(暑假珍爱生命预防溺水教案)


2024年6月13日 14:50




2024年3月30日 02:10




2024年3月13日 00:40




2024年7月6日 18:40




2024年8月23日 03:00

有趣的英语单词怎么写?有趣的英文 有趣的英文是什么

有趣的英语单词怎么写?有趣的英文 有趣的英文是什么

本文目录有趣的英语单词怎么写有趣的英文 有趣的英文是什么有趣的单词怎么写有趣英文怎么说有趣的英文怎么写有趣的用英文怎么说有趣的的英文有趣的英语单词怎么写 有趣的英语单词怎么写 interesting adj. 有趣的; 令人感兴趣

2024年4月15日 01:30




2024年7月14日 02:30



本文目录2010-2011感动中国十大人物事迹及颁奖词2011年感动中国十大人物事迹,颁奖词及获奖感言2011年度感动中国十大人物事迹及颁奖词 2012年2月3日晚播的2011年度感动中国人物事迹.2011感动中国人物事迹简述感动中国十大人

2024年7月5日 03:20



本文目录初中上学期地理复习资料初中地理总复习资料求地理初中总复习资料谁有初中地理总复习资料急初中上学期地理复习资料原创)七年级上复习要点(湘教版)第一章第二节 我们怎样学地理一、地图的分类: 1、自然地图(包括:地形图、气候图、水文

2024年8月31日 02:30




2024年7月19日 18:40



本文目录懒洋洋的拼音和意思懒洋洋的什么懒洋洋的什么 懒洋洋填空及造句懒洋洋的什么填空怎么填写啊懒洋洋的意思什么是“懒洋洋”的词语懒洋洋地什么填空词语二年级,懒洋洋地什么填空词语填动词懒洋洋的什么填空题答案是什么懒洋洋地什么懒洋洋是什么意思懒

2024年5月27日 20:50




2024年7月6日 15:20



本文目录二月二的来历和风俗2月2的由来2月2的来历二月二的来历是什么二月二的来历二月二由来二月二的来历和风俗 二月二的来历:源于自然天象崇拜,风俗有祭社神、吃龙食、采龙气、剃龙头、起龙船、使耕牛、放龙灯、敲龙头、围粮囤等。二月二一般是

2024年8月19日 04:20