1.Oh, I don’t want to know that! How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundation for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of a contagious skin disease? 你告诉我这些干嘛啊你。这下好了,我怎么可能一边和斯坦.李讨论用银质冲浪板来星际飞行的科学依据,一边逐行扫描他的脸以寻找皮肤传染病的蛛丝马迹。 2.I don’t trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up, ATM’s will lead the charge. 鬼才相信银行。我坚信如果有一天机器人奋起反抗了,自动取款机肯定是起义军领袖。 3.I would point out that I am at the top of my profession, while you preside over the kiddy table of yours. 提醒你一下,我可是业内顶尖人士,你却坐在桌子后面过家家。 4.You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order. 你们或许跟斯坦..李一起吃了冰欺凌,还得了他亲笔签名的漫画,我可是亲自进了他家还得到了他亲笔签名的禁制令申请状。 5.Technically, magic beans would be food. Although eating them would be quite a waste since you plant them and overnight have a giant beanstalk, which would provide enough roughage for a small city. 严格来说,魔豆也是食物。虽然吃了他们怪浪费的,因为你可以种植它们然后一夜之间就会长成一株巨大的豆茎,足够一个小城市吃的。 6.I have a twin sister whose assaults begin in utero. If only I’d had the presence of mind to reabsorb her then I’d have a mole with hair on it instead of a tedious yearly Christmas letter. 在子宫里我那胞姐就开始欺负我。如果当年我能一直坚定地吸收掉她,我也就多了一颗长毛的痣,这样也不会收到那些无聊的圣诞贺卡了。 7.I have no illusions about my mother, She’s a kind, loving, religiously fanatical, right wing Texan, with a slightly out of scale head and a mild Dr. Pepper addiction. 我又没有恋母情结,她就一个和蔼可亲、笃信上帝、极端右翼的德州人,头长得有点不合比例,还对佩珀汽水有点上瘾。 8.I’m the William Shatner of theoretical physics. 我就是理论物理界的威廉.夏特纳。 9.Oh, no. A Godzilla-like monster is approaching the city. I have to get my people to safety. “People of Sheldonopolis, this is your mayor. Follow me. If the children can’t run, leave them behind!” Oh, the simulated horror! 不会吧。一个类似哥斯拉的怪物正在接近城市。我得把我的市民转移到安全区。“谢尔顿奥波利斯的市民们,我是你们的市长。跟着我。小孩子要是跑不了就别管他们了。”哦呦妈呀,模拟恐怖效果贼棒! 10.If it will help speed things along my answers to the standard Rorschach ink blot tests are: A – a bat. B – a bat. C – a bat. And D – my father killing my mother with a hypodermic needle. 我补充一点可能会有所帮助,我做标准罗夏磨叽测验的结果是:图A蝙蝠,图B蝙蝠,图C蝙蝠,图D我爸想用皮下注射器杀死我妈。
1.Leonard, these rental tuxedos have been worn by hundreds of sweaty strangers. I don’t like my own sweat touching my skin. How do you think I feel about theirs?莱纳德,这些租赁的礼服早已被上百个满身臭汗的陌生人穿过。我连沾到自己的汗都讨厌,陌生人的汗不是更要命吗?
2.I must say I was surprised that you chose to spend our date night in the apartment. As I mentioned, the Pasadena City Council is debating longer crosswalk times, and later the Lego store is having a Midnight Madness sale. You ask anyone: that’s a hot date.我不得不说我真没想到你会选择在家里度过我们的约会之夜。正如我提到的’,帕萨迪纳市议会正在辩论加长行人过马路的时间,而且乐高专卖店午夜还会举行疯狂大甩卖。任谁都觉得那样的约会更血脉喷张。
3.I love Strawberry Quik! It’s my favorite pink fluid, narrowly beating out Pepto Bismol.我超爱草莓速溶奶!我最喜欢的粉色液体,比佩托比斯摩(粉色液体胃药)略胜一筹。
4.Remarkable. In just under a half hour, two hundred metric tons of fuel will ignite in a controlled explosion right beneath Howard’s keister. And all from a country whose entire contribution to the global economy is Tetris and mail order brides.太震撼了。在半小时后,霍华德屁股的正下方将有两百公吨燃料被定时爆炸装置点燃。全都由一个对世界经济的唯一贡献只有俄罗斯方块和邮购新娘的国度所准备。
5.This comic book in this condition is worth at least $100. I bought you and Bernadette a gravy boat worth $88. Which places me in your debt, and I can’t be in your debt, because someday you may ask me to help you to move, or kill a man.状态良好的这本漫画现在至少值100块钱呢。我送给你和贝纳黛特的船行调味壶才88块。这样就变成我欠你的了,而我不想欠你,因为哪天你可能会让我帮忙搬家,或帮你去杀人。
6.The need to find another human being to share one’s life with has always puzzled me. Maybe because I’m so interesting all by myself. With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。所以,我祝福你们在对方身上得到的快乐与我给自己的一样多。
;the big bang theory Sheldon语录
***隐藏网址***Sheldon: A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...Rate this quote:From episode The Nerdvana Annihilation.Raj: I don’t like bugs, okay? They freak me out.Sheldon: Interesting. You’re afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.Rate this quote:From episode The Jiminy Conjecture.Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.Rate this quote:From episode The Lizard-Spock Expansion.Sheldon: I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.Rate this quote:From episode The Jiminy Conjecture.Leonard: What were you doing at Penny’s?Sheldon: Well, we had dinner, played some games, and then I spent the night. Oh, and you’ll be happy to know that I now have a much better understanding of ’friends with benefits.’Rate this quote:From episode The Vegas Renormalization.Sheldon: Ah, gravity - thou art a heartless bitch.Rate this quote:From episode The Big Bran Hypothesis.Sheldon: I made tea.Leonard: I don’t want tea.Sheldon: I didn’t make tea for you. This is my tea.Leonard: Then why are you telling me?Sheldon: It’s a conversation starter.Leonard: That’s a lousy conversation starter.Sheldon: Oh, is it? We’re conversing. Checkmate.Rate this quote:From episode The Maternal Congruence.Sheldon: I’m not insane, my mother had me tested!Rate this quote:From episode The Griffin Equivalency.Sheldon: You can try, but you’ll never catch me. Bazinga!Rate this quote:From episode The Einstein Approximation.Penny: I give up. He’s impossible!Sheldon: I can’t be impossible; I exist! I think what you meant to say is, ’I give up; he’s improbable’.Rate this quote:From episode The Gothowitz Deviation.Sheldon: Leonard, you may be right. It appears that Penny secretly wants you in her life in a very intimate and carnal fashion.Leonard: You really think so?Sheldon: Of course not. Even in my sleep-deprived state, I’ve managed to pull off another one of my classic pranks. BAZINGA!Rate this quote:From episode The Monopolar Expedition.Leonard: For God’s sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth? Sheldon (intrigued): You have a sarcasm sign?Rate this quote:From episode The Big Bran Hypothesis.Sheldon: Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate to modify behavior. I wonder if anyone else has stumbled onto that.Rate this quote:From episode The Gothowitz Deviation.Sheldon: Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don’t you think that if I were wrong, I’d know it?Rate this quote:From episode The Jiminy Conjecture.Sheldon: There’s an economic concept known as a positional good in which an object is only valued by the possessor because it’s not possessed by others. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise "neener-neener".Rate this quote:From episode The Large Hadron Collision.Sheldon: Captain hook’s hand was eaten by a crocodile not an alligator. If you’re going to insult me at least get your facts straight.Rate this quote:From episode The Einstein Approximation.Sheldon: I grew up in Texas. Football is ubiquitous in Texas. Pro football, college football, high school football, pee wee football... in fact, every form of football except the original, European football, which most Texans believe to be a commie plot.Rate this quote:From episode The Cornhusker Vortex.Sheldon: Why do you have the Chinese character for ’soup’ tattooed on your right buttock?Penny: It’s not ’soup’; it’s ’courage’.Sheldon: No it isn’t. But I suppose it does take courage to demonstrate that kind of commitment to soup.Penny: How’d you see it? You said you wouldn’t look.Sheldon: Sorry. As I told you, the hero always peeks.Rate this quote:From episode The Adhesive Duck Deficiency.Sheldon: She calls me moon-pie because I’m nummy-nummy and she could eat me up!Rate this quote:From episode The Terminator Decoupling.Sheldon: Are you upset about something?Leonard: What was your first clue?Sheldon: Well there was a number of things. First the late hour, then you demeanors seems very low energy plus your irritability...Leonard: Yes I’m upset!Sheldon: Oh... I don’t usually pick up on those things. Good for me.Leonard: Yeah good for you.Sheldon: (walks away and then turns back) Oh, wait. Did you want to talk about what’s bothering you?Leonard: I don’t know... maybe.Sheldon: Wow! I’m on fire tonight.Rate this quote:From episode The Nerdvana Annihilation.Sheldon: Penny.Penny: Yeah.Sheldon: Thanks for letting me stay here.Penny: Oh, you’re welcome sweetie.Sheldon: Okay, I’m sleepy now get out.Rate this quote:From episode The Vegas Renormalization.Sheldon: And good evening to you, Siam Palace, this is Sheldon Cooper. Yeah, I’m going to be dining alone this evening, so I’ll be reducing my usual order. I’d like to start with one quarter of the assorted appetizers plate and one half of the Golden Treasure for two - oh, for heaven’s sake! In the mid-18th century, King Rama the Fourth of Siam divided a huge empire amongst the colonial powers of Europe in order to preserve his throne. Surely you, his cultural descendant, can handle pad thai and dumplings!Rate this quote:From episode The Adhesive Duck Deficiency.Sheldon: What exactly does that expression mean, ’friends with benefits?’ Does he provide her with health insurance?Rate this quote:From episode The Vegas Renormalization.Sheldon: You can’t make a half sandwich. If it’s not half of a whole sandwich, it’s just a small sandwich.Rate this quote:From episode The Guitarist Amplification.Sheldon: Cause of Injury: Lack of Adhesive Ducks.Rate this quote:From episode The Adhesive Duck Deficiency.
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