
2024-08-13 17:20:15 :10




1、恋爱最美的就是暧昧不明的阶段。 Love is the most beautiful is ambiguous stage. 2、得不到你所爱的,就爱你所得的。 Not getting what you love, love you. 3、琐碎的生活,也是爱情的一部分。 The trivial life, is a part of love. 4、你不是最好的,确实我最珍惜的。 You are not the best, do I cherish most. 5、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。 Is god, in love is hard to keep smart. 6、香烟爱上了火柴,就注定被伤害。 A cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 7、金钱是爱情的基础,也是战争的资本。 Money is the foundation of love, is also the capital of the war. 8、感觉一旦消失,承诺就只是一张白纸。 Feeling once disappear, the promise is just a piece of white paper. 9、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。 A cannot extricate oneself, in addition to the teeth with love. 10、两个相爱的人在一起是一种快乐,幸福。 Two people who love each other together is a kind of happiness, happiness. 11、聪明的人,要选择握在手掌心里的幸福。 A wise man, should choose to hold in the palm of your hand the happiness of the heart. 12、爱情最美好的时光,是患得患失的阶段。 Love is the best time to be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of stage. 13、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love. 14、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don’t say love easily, promises the promise is debt! 15、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。 Let I love you for two days, have you that day and not your day. 16、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。 Will love as an ideal one, there will be no real ideal. 17、有心能知,有情能爱,有缘能聚,有梦能圆。 Intentional can know, sentient beings can love, is predestined friends can gather, can dream round. 18、离开后,别说祝我幸福,你有什么资格祝我幸福? Leave, don’t say wish I happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness? 19、在一起是梦,分开叫痛,是不是没做完的梦最痛。 Together is a dream, separate pain, isn’t it didn’t finish the dream of the most painful. 20、孤独不是与生俱来的,而是从爱上一个人开始的。 Loneliness is not innate, but starting from the fall in love with a person. 21、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 Deep feeling is I can’t afford to bear the heavy burden, sweet prattle just chance to lie. 22、已婚的女人威胁老公,单身的女人威胁已婚的女人。 Married woman threat husband, single women married woman. 23、一个懂得生活品质的女人,自然也更懂得爱情的品质。 A knows the woman of the life quality, the quality of the nature also more understand love. 24、在酷寒的白昼里,人生最大的幸运就是坚信人们爱你。 In the depth of the day, the biggest lucky in life is to believe that people love you. 25、人生的聚会是一种缘分,有时分离也是一种爱的祝福。 Life of the party is a kind of predestination, sometimes separation is also a blessing of love. 26、幸福不是靠别人给予的,喜欢自己的人生,就是幸福的。 Happiness doesn’t depend on others to give, love your life, is happy. 27、让男人累心的女人必定美貌,让女人累心的男人一定多金。 Let a man tired heart of a woman must be beautiful, let a woman tired heart man must be more than gold. 28、如果你爱上了别人请别告诉我,我没有你想象的那么勇敢。 If you fall in love with someone else, please don’t tell me, I’m not as brave as you imagine. 29、我忘了告诉你,你是我唯一的执着,无论是现在,还是后来。 I forgot to tell you, you are my only clinging, either now or later. 30、没有你,就没了世界。你是我的世界,我的宇宙,我的所有。 They don’t have a world without you. You are my world, my universe, my all. 英文爱情格言大全阅读 英文爱情格言 1、etimes… day.The thoughts seem to never fade a you,e,Or being strong and brave.Just as you love me unconditionally,I love you just the same.不要担心自己是否英俊,是否强壮,是否勇敢,我将无条件地爱你,就象你无条件地爱我一样。 7、eday and someho or fruit.缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。 31、You make me feel so happy;ething inside,I dont know if its love at first sight,I do know I really like you a lot. Tanya C Medeiros.自从第一次见到你,我的内心无法平静,我不知道这是否是一见锺情,我只知道我真的很喜欢你。 35、You havent always been here for me, or loved me just the same…But you will always have my heart, until my dying days. Brandi Michelle Lamb 1005.你从未完全属于我,或一如既往的爱我,但是我的心将永远属于你,直到我离开这个世界。 36、Love is the beauty of soul.爱是心灵之美。 37、The love we give away is the only love we keep.我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。 爱情格言英文 爱情格言英文 1、 I love you not because of eone is to be sitting right beside them knoan, e ans an is eone is to be sitting right beside them knoher in the same direction. 相爱不是你看我我看你,而是一起朝着相同的方向望去。26、to love is to be vulnerable. 去爱一个人就是把自己变得特别脆弱。27、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。28、it is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 英文爱情格言 英文一爱一情格言 1、Love is a master key ) 当达到一爱一的较高境界时,一切都变得明亮而平静,就像天上的星星一样。 34、If one begins to look for love, he ) 用今天的一爱一心去播种未来的祝福,待到未来成为今天时我们去收获。 40、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永不知道谁会一爱一上你的笑容。 英文爱情的格言 有些人祈祷能嫁给一个自己所爱的男子,我的祈祷却有不同;我虔诚地祈祷上苍,但愿我爱我所嫁的男人。——斯托克斯 It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 若是有可能,有些事情一定要用所能有的,竭尽全力的能力来记得它。因很多事情我们慢慢地,慢慢地就会变得不记得。 人活着,应该是由于自己的存在,而使用权别人生活得更美好.即使暂时做不到这点,那至少也不能成为别人前进道路上的障碍. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 Mans love is of mans life a thing apart, it is womans whole existence. 爱情对男子不过是身外之物,对女人却是整个生命。 The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other. 两个孤独的人相互保护,相互制约,相互问候,这便是爱情。 Loves mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book. 爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。 有时候我们在悲伤的时候并不是真的悲伤,而只是一种情怀。有时候我们在爱的时候并不是真的爱,而只是需要爱。所以,一切事物,都是情绪,也都是需要。 有时候女孩子的心理非常微妙,你在她身边痴心了若干年,她都不会爱你,但一旦你喜欢上了别人,她就忍受不了了,发现自己原来是喜欢你的。 To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. 以爱还爱的是人性,但为爱而爱的是神性。 那些已经犯过的错误,有一些是因为来不及,有一些是因为刻意躲避,更多的时候是茫然地站到了一边。我们就这样错了一次又一次,却从不晓得从中汲取教训,做一些反省。 To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. 惧怕爱就是惧怕生活,那些惧怕生活的人已经有四分之三部分死了。 Mans love is of mans life a thing apart, it is womans whole existence. 爱情对男子不过是身外之物,对女人却是整个生命。 The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other. 两个孤独的人相互保护,相互制约,相互问候,这便是爱情。 Loves mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book. 爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。 To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. 对于爱情,年是什么?既是分钟,又是世纪。说它是分钟是因为在爱情的甜蜜之中,它像闪电一般瞬息即逝;说它是世纪,是因为它在我们身上建筑生命之后的幸福的永生。——雨果 以爱还爱的是人性,但为爱而爱的是神性。 To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. 有时,当一阵风从身旁吹过,看着摇曳的树叶会暗自叩问,关于生活以及生命的意义,偶尔,也夹杂着微量的。爱情 惧怕爱就是惧怕生活,那些惧怕生活的人已经有四分之三部分死了。 1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为在你面前我可以是谁。 2.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有男人或女人值得你为他(她)流眼泪的,值得的那一位,舍不得让你哭。 3.Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 一个人不是你所想般爱你,并不代表那人不是全心全意地爱你。 4. There‘s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 缺乏真正的朋友乃是最纯粹最可怜的孤独;没有友谊则斯世不过是一片荒野;我们还可以用这个意义来论“孤独”说,凡是天性不配交友的人其性情可说是来自禽兽而不是来自人类。 ——培根 这个世界永远都会有一些伤害你的人,你要做的就是继续去信人和小心你下次信的人。 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquith, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth. 爱是经久忍耐,亲切友爱;爱是不妒忌;爱是不自夸,不趾高气扬,不举止失当,不自私自利,不轻易动怒,不心存恶念;不以行邪恶为乐,而以求正道为乐,凡事宽容,凡事相信,凡事希望,凡事忍耐。爱永不衰退。名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《英文爱情格言大全》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 句子大全 专题。


1、忘记开心的,就不会不开心了。 Forget happy, will not be unhappy. 2、眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。 Eyes in the rain for you, the heart is an umbrella for you. 3、能让我忘记过去的人,他就是我的未来。 Can let me forget about the past, he is my future. 4、相爱本来是场意外,何必要说上天安排。 Love originally is a accident, why say god arrangement. 5、爱情的路上,两个人就好,三个人太多。 The road of love, two people good, three people too much. 6、我对你的爱,一直到新闻联播大结局那天。 My love for you, until the news broadcast finale that day. 7、爱情,就是一个人相信了另一个人的谎言。 Love, is a people believe that another person’s lies. 8、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。 Those who will eventually let you sink in, the beginning is always beautiful. 9、无论我变得如何强大,你仍然会是我的弱点。 No matter how powerful I become, you will still is my weakness. 10、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 I was still in situ wait for you, but you have forgotten had been here. 11、有时候你的一个微笑,竟然颠覆了我整个世界。 Sometimes a smile, you gave me the overturned the whole world. 12、后的离别。微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你! After the departure. Smile is not possible to find one of you! 13、多年后仍能让你心痛的,是当年轻易放弃的真爱。 Still can let you heartache, after so many years is easily give up true love. 14、这世上有成千上万种爱,却没有一种爱可以重来。 In this world there are thousands of kinds of love, but not a kind of love can be heavy. 15、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people is doomed to be waiting for someone else, some people are doomed to people, etc. 16、失落的时候,笑着对自己说,没事的。一切总会过去。 Lost time, smiled and said to himself, it’s okay. Everything happens for the past. 17、爱一个人决不潇洒,为自己留了后步的,也就不是爱。 Love a person is not natural and unrestrained, by his left hind leg, also, it is not love. 18、这年头一纸婚书能阻挡什么?大家还不是凭良心做人。 What’s a downscale can stop these days? Everyone is not my conscience person. 19、喜欢独行,不喜欢说话。有时候,说话也是需要心情的。 Like walk alone, I don’t like to talk. Sometimes, talk is also need the mood. 20、选择共度一生的未必是最爱的,最爱的未必能共度一生。 Choose for life is not necessarily a favorite, favorite may not be for life. 21、或许,总有那么一天,望着别人想起你,借着别人忘掉你。 Perhaps, there is always one day, looking at the other people think of you, by the people forget you. 22、一个人谁都不爱的时候,他就可以爱上身边的任何一个人。 A person who loves, he may fall in love with anyone around him. 23、只是偶尔还会怀念那时的轰轰烈烈,反反复复,足够久远。 Just occasionally miss at that time the vigorous, repetition, long enough. 24、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don’t get married, love is dead have no resting-place. 25、我们放下自尊,放下骄傲,放下任性,只因我们放不下一个人。 We put down self-esteem, put down the pride, put down wayward, because we can not let go a person. 26、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 27、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。 Love to end will end, when the time comes, you don’t want to end. 28、后来我才渐渐明白,当你爱上一个人就赋予了他伤害你的权利。 Later I gradually understand, when you fall in love with a person gives him of his right to hurt you. 29、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。 I put down the dignity, put down the inpidual character, down stubborn, all just because can not let go you. 30、上帝创造了男人是为了使他孤独,而创造女人是为了让他更孤独。 God created man to make him lonely, and create a woman is to make him more lonely. 31、真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是每个人都能等你。 True love needs to wait for, who can say that love you, but not everyone can wait for you. 32、也许爱情只是因为寂寞,需要找一个人来爱,即使没有任何结局。 Maybe love only because of loneliness, need to find someone to love, even without any ending. 33、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, But to one person you may be the world. 34、一个女人必须牢记,男人,只要他是男人,无论老幼都爱漂亮的女人。 A woman must keep in mind that a man, as long as he is a man, both young and old love beautiful woman. 35、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 You laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years. 36、我们不能忘记过去,不是因为忘记不了谁,而是怀念那些时光里的自己。 We can’t forget the past, not because of who can not forget, but miss the old days. 37、感情就是这样,你伤害了别人,无论有意无意,就总会有一个人来伤害你。 Feelings is like this, you hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally, there is always someone to hurt you. 38、穿着高跟鞋在大街上疯跑,我想这是我十几年来做过的最发泄情绪的方法。 Wearing high heels run wild in the street, I think this is my ten years of the venting method. 39、我喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久。 I like you, for a long time, waiting for you, also for a long time, now, I want to leave, even longer than for a long, long time. 40、只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪,在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。 Just want to find a can bear my tears, when I am frustrated when I am happy, can let I bite shoulders.


英语经典爱情格言 1、I love you not because of eone is to be sitting right beside them knoan, , the best things e an is an, a fe! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!48、I’ll think of you every step of the hirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。英语爱情格言大全 1、爱一个人,你是会自爱的。 Love a person, you will be love. 2、世上最保暖的,是情人的体温。 In the world the most warm, is a lover’s body temperature. 3、我不恨你,因为我不想记住你。 I don’t hate you, because I don’t want to remember you. 4、爱情和死亡一样,都是很霸道的。 Love and death, is very bossy. 5、青春的爱情之吻是一个长长的吻。 A youth love kiss is a long kiss. 6、多少人以友谊的名义,爱着一个人! How many people in the name of friendship, love a person! 7、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的爱情。 Ten million to take up, change to the true love. 8、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。 Habit is everything, even in love. 9、爱是一个慢慢等待的过程,就像茶苦茶香。 Love is a process of slowly waiting for, just like tea bitter tea. 10、突然我觉得说爱你说恨你,不过是多余的话。 Suddenly, I feel love you said hate you, but is superfluous words. 11、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because loved, so mercy; Because understand, so tolerant. 12、站在世界的某个角落,一个人看着日出日落。 Stand in a corner of the world, a person looking at sunrise and sunset. 13、枯干的木头容易破裂,虚伪的爱情容易破裂。 Dry wood is easily broken, false love easily broken. 14、情人永远熬不过正妻,皆因激情永远熬不过承诺。 Lover always cook however is a wife, because of passion boil but promises forever. 15、其实生活很平淡,只是我们自己把它弄得苦不堪言。 In fact life is very dull, only our own make it miserable. 16、永远比一辈子还长,谁能保证这样的誓言不会过期。 Than the rest of my life forever is long, who can guarantee that vowed not to out of date. 17、如果爱你一开始就是个错误,那么我想一错再错下去。 If loving you is a mistake at the beginning, so I want to repeat one’s mistakes. 18、生死的别离,一次就足够了。如果你爱我,你会舍不得。 The separation of life and death, once is enough. If you love me, you will loathe to give up. 19、爱情永远不可能是天平。你想在爱情里幸福就要舍得伤心。 Love is never balance. Do you want to happy to have to give up sadly in love. 20、一段感情能给你带来多大痛苦,就曾给你带来过多大快乐。 A relationship can bring you much pain, had bring you much happiness. 21、爱情有吸引力,婚姻有约束力。想要逃离两者只会白费力。 Binding love attractive, marriage. Want to escape from the two will only fish in the air. 22、迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。 Open into the sun flower is beautiful, with the revolutionary ideals to sweet love. 23、有些事,有些人,是不是如果你真的想忘记,就一定会忘记。 Some things, some people, if you really want to forget, forget. 24、一刹真情,不能说那是假的,爱情永恒,不能说只有那一刹。 A brake genuine feeling, can’t say that is false, love is eternal, not say only that moment. 25、不属于我的东西,我不要,不是真心给我的东西,我也不要。 Does not belong to my things, I don’t, not really give me something, I don’t. 26、真正的爱情就像鬼魂,很多人在说,真正遇到的却没有几个人。 True love is like ghosts, a lot of people are talking, but few people really. 27、能让男人轻松的女人是好女人,能让女人满足的男人是好男人。 Can let the man’s relaxed woman is good woman, can let the woman satisfy the man is a good man. 28、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again. 29、快乐是装给别人看的另一种痛楚,狂欢是留给自己的另一种寂寞。 Happiness is installed to others see another kind of pain, carnival is to yourself another kind of lonely. 30、当你做对的时候,没人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错。 When you do right, no one will remember; When you do something wrong, even breathing is wrong. 有关爱情的英语格言 1.a heart that loves is ales a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 4.distance makes the hearts groeone edies, and hoan is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 22.the darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 23.there is no remedy for love but to love more.治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 24.to love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。 25.to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 26.true love’s the gift which god has given to man alone beneath the heaven.真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。 27.we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 28.when love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 29.within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。搞笑英语格言 搞笑英语格言 1、The more you learn,the more you knoean. And behindeveryunsuccessful man, there are tan. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人;每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。 人生格言英语 人生格言英语 1、The voice of one man is the voice of no one. 一个人的声音没有力量。 2、It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。 3、It’s the easiest thing in the . 经验是智慧之母。 6、Nothing great small beginnings comes great things. 伟大始于渺小。 36、If you do e on pany on the road is the shortest cut. 行路有良伴就是捷径。 59、Truth never fears investigation. 事实从来不怕调查。 60、A great ship asks for deep waters. 大船要走深水。 61、 the vices die before thee. 让恶习先你死去。 英语环保格言 1、植树造林,功在千秋。 Afforestation and centuries. 2、留住草的美,体现你的美。 Keep the beauty of the grass, embodies the beauty of you. 3、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。 Use your hands well, garbage everywhere. 4、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。 To have a smoke less and planted a tree. 5、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 protect the environment, is to cherish life. 6、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。 There are green, where there is life. 7、我们的地球需要每个人的保护。 We need everyone to protect the earth. 8、做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她! Do the earth mother’s boy, protect her! 9、追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明。 pursue green fashion, going green civilization. 10、风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。 The wind clear aqua green shamrock, our beautiful home. 11、止住您的脚步,留住一片绿茵! Stop your footsteps, keep a piece of green! 12、请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。 At the foot of mercy, please, don’t hurt the grass. 13、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。 participate in the green action, protect the beautiful home. 14、从自己做起,爱护我们的家园。 Starts from oneself, to take care of our home. 15、快快行动起来,保护自然生态! Quick action, protect the natural ecological! 16、水是生命之源,树是生命之根。 Water is the source of life, the tree is the root of life. 17、我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。 I am a flower, please love me, don’t pick me. 18、请高抬贵脚,听,小草在哭泣! please carry your feet high, listen to, the grass in the cry! 19、捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。 picked up a piece of paper, to create a beautiful environment. 20、请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。 please don’t disorderly woods, let air more pure and fresh. 21、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。 With our hands to protect our earth. 22、树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。 Set up the environment consciousness, protect the ecological environment. 23、为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。 Life to the earth, save our environment. 24、建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 Building beautiful border, love our home. 25、地球是我们的母亲,我们要爱护她。 The earth is our mother, we have to take care of her. 26、只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。 There is only one earth, human should be in the same boat. 27、每人少扔一张纸,地球就会更美丽。 Less per person threw a piece of paper, the earth will be more beautiful. 28、小草刚钻出地面,请自觉保护弱小。 The grass just drill ground, please voluntarily protect the weak. 29、不让尘土进校园,只让美好到我家。 Don’t let the dust into the campus, let beautiful to my house. 30、科技发展无限好,只是地球太难堪。 Science and technology development is infinite good, just the earth too embarrassed. 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《英语经典爱情格言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 唯美英语爱情经典语录 专题。


1、在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁。 In a world of love, not who I’m sorry. 2、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。 Love makes the heart imagine sublimation to good. 3、爱情越热烈、越真诚,就越要含蓄。 Love more enthusiastic, more sincere, more implicative. 4、爱情是场梦,可有些人却总是睡过了头。 Love is a dream, but some people are always overslept. 5、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。 Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime. 6、谁脚踏实地地生活,谁就会真心实意地去爱。 Who is down-to-earth life, who will sincerely to love. 7、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。 Love to drag me to the side, and the reason is to pull me to the side. 8、水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。 Water will drain, fire will be extinguished, but love and fate. 9、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。 Can’t get rid of one of the root is the anguish of life, especially in love. 10、让风慢慢吹,让鱼慢慢游,将来我们一起慢慢变老。 Let the wind blow, slowly let the fish swim slowly, we grow old together in the future. 11、年轻吗?不要紧。听过几首歌,爱过几个人,就老了。 Young? It doesn’t matter. Heard a few songs, loved a few people, just old. 12、我最害怕的一件事情是,看着我心爱的人爱上另外一个人。 I fear most is one thing, watching my beloved people fall in love with another person. 13、我的原则就是,我这一辈子,绝对不会让你离开我的身边。 My principle is, I this lifetime, and never let you leave my side. 14、从来没有想过恋爱的自己,遇到你的那一刻,我承认我输了。 Never want to love yourself, meet your that a moment, I admit that I lost. 15、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 Able to tell the wronged, not injustice; Can take lover, is not love. 16、喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个;我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。 There are lots of people like you, don’t lack I a; I like of the person rarely, in addition to you didn’t. 17、纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you don’t ho show, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 18、我不需要那个人有多完美,我只需要你能让我感觉到我就是你的。 I don’t need that person how perfect, I only need you can let me feel that I am your. 19、不一定要爱上一个漂亮的人,但要爱上一个使你的生活变漂亮的人。 Don’t have to be in love with a beautiful person, but to fall in love with a make your life become beautiful. 20、窗外放晴了,屋内仍继续下雨。我微笑,你不在,并不等于我快乐。 Clearing up outside the window, the house is still continue to rain. I smile, you’re not here, not equal to my happiness. 21、当人们厌倦爱时,他们很容易忍受别人的不忠,以解除自己忠诚的义务。 When people are tired of love, it’s easy to bear other people’s infidelity, to lift their loyalty duty. 22、要是爱情不允许彼此之间有所差异,那么为什么世界上到处都有差异呢? If love don’t allow the differences between each other, so why there are differences in the world? 23、爱情在开始时我们能感觉到,当两人相处长久了,爱情之花因沉闷而凋。 In the beginning we can feel love, when two people get along for a long time, the flower of love for conditioning and dreary. 24、有时,爱也是种伤害,残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt, cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to harm themselves. 25、既然在爱或停止爱方面决不是自由的,情人们就没有权利相互抱怨对方的变心和轻浮。 Now that never in love or stop is free, the lovers have no right to complain about each other of a change of heart and frivolous. 26、真正爱你的人绝不会离开你。他纵有千百个理由放弃,却也总会找一个理由坚持下去。 The man who ever really loves you will never leave you. He longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up, but also will always find a reason to stick to it. 27、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。 Time will slowly Pcipitation, some people will be in your heart gradually blurred. Learn to let go, you need to own perfect happiness. 28、如果我的生命中没有智慧,它仅仅会黯然失色;如果我的生命中没有爱情,它就会毁灭。 If I there is no wisdom in life, it just will be eclipsed by; If my life without love, it will be destroyed. 29、没有哪段感情是在浪费时间。如果它没有给你想要的,那它教会了你什么是你不想要的。 No relationship is a waste of time. If it doesn’t give what you want, it taught you what you don’t want. 30、在某个时刻,你不得不意识到,有的人可以留在你的心里,却不会出现在你的生活中了。 At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but won’t appear in your life. 31、爱情就是上辈子欠下的情债这辈子来还,我上辈子一定俗不可耐,搞得我今生无债可还! Love is the affection of shangbeizi owe debt to pay in my life, I shangbeizi must be tacky, make my life out of debt can also! 32、不管生命多么短暂,我们要笑着生,笑着享乐,笑着受苦,最后笑着死,这才不枉活一生。 No matter how short life is, we want to smile, smile of pleasure, suffering with a smile, finally died with a smile, it make lives worth-living. 33、爱情就是这样,她让我们何时何地都惦念着对方,如果惦念淡没了,消失了,爱情也就结束了。 Love is like this, she let we miss each other when and where, if miss light didn’t, disappear, love also is over. 34、我拒绝了所有人的暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的未来;我用一生的幸福做赌注,你怎么舍得让我输。 I refused all ambiguous, just to wait you of an uncertain future; I use a lifetime of happiness do bet, how can you let me lose. 35、上帝给了我们这颗心,是让我们用来爱的,而不是用来恨的。我们应该知道,爱一个人,比恨一个人要快乐得多。 God has given us this heart, is to let we used to love, not hate. We should know, love a person, hate a person to be happy than.


1、我忘了生命叫快乐,却忘不掉你。 I forget to call life happiness, but I forget you. 2、我知道你对我的爱,心疼你为我等待。 I know you are my love, love you wait for me. 3、我们把爱情堵上了,谁都不可以反悔的。 We put our love up, no one can go back on our word. 4、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love. 5、只要??一个拥抱。我就可以永远保持微笑。 As long as you a hug. I can keep smile forever. 6、男人彻底懂得一个女人之后,是不会爱她的。 After the man thoroughly understand a woman, is not love her. 7、你说你会永远陪着我,却让我感到更加寂寞。 You said you would always accompanied me, made me feel more lonely. 8、爱情不是寻找共同点,而是学会尊重不同点。 Love is not to find common ground, but learn to respect differences. 9、只希望,我的百转千回,换回过你的一瞬欢颜。 Only hope, I given, change back your moment joys yan. 10、我们真正该留住的、该珍视的是什么样的爱情。 It is true we retain, what is the value of love. 11、幸福的秘诀是得到自由,而自由的秘诀是勇气。 The secret of happiness is free, but the secret of freedom is courage. 12、人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。 Life sometimes, always is ironic. A turn round is probably I. 13、一个人不谈恋爱,是因为心里有一个不可能的人。 A people don’t fall in love, because of the in the mind has a impossible person. 14、有的人,总是忘不了,就像有的人,总是记不住。 Some people, always forget, like some people, always remember. 15、牵手是一个很伤感的过程,因为牵手过后是放手。 Holding hands is a very sad process, because hand after is to let go. 16、其实没有谁是不幸的,只是有些人固执的不愿放手。 In fact no one is, unfortunately, only some people stubbornly reluctant to let go. 17、要是有人追求,世界上没有一个女人不是飘飘然的。正因为这样,女人才会那么迷死人。 If someone pursuit, not a woman in the world is not high. Because of this, the female talent will then drop dead. 18、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people is doomed to be waiting for someone else, some people are doomed to people, etc. 19、记住青春时候的勇气,然后也更不在乎别人的否定。 Remember when youth of courage, and then also more don’t care about other people’s negative. 20、快乐是每个人都能给的,幸福只能一个人让你有感觉。 Is everyone can give happiness, happiness can only be a person make you feel. 21、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 On the face of the happy, others see. In the mind of pain and who can feel it. 22、我的思维已经全被你打乱了,就因为你的那句我喜欢你。 My mind has gone completely disrupted by you, is because of you that I love you. 23、思念随着时光渐渐没有了力气,爱也失去了原有的光芒。 Miss with time gradually no effort, love also lost the original light. 24、花开再谢、人来又走。假若注定是过客,起初又何必招惹。 The flower thanks again, people come and go. If it is doomed to be traveler, why to provoke at first. 25、毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。 No experience of first love is charming, but stand the test of love is priceless. 26、成长没有止境。我愿意等,等一切要走的,等一切该来的。 There is no limit to growth. I am willing to wait, all want to go, everything is coming. 27、你可明白,如果有一天我不折腾了不闹了,那代表着什么。 You can understand, if one day I don’t do not make up, what it rePsents. 28、我已经退让的让你和她在一起暧昧,还是让我痛苦的走过。 I have give let you with her ambiguous, let me painful past. 29、最幸福的事情,就是每天与你分享,平凡生活的点点滴滴。 The most happy thing is to share with you every day, every bit of ordinary life. 30、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。 Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him. Afraid to lose him. 31、两个人若是还在乎对方,无论多难,都会为爱找到出路的。 If two people still care about each other, no matter how hard, will find a way out for love. 32、我不想说,我在难过我在痛,我知道你也不好受只是你没说。 I don’t want to say, I’m sorry I was in pain, I know you also sorry you just didn’t say. 33、当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。 When there is nothing you can lose, is a time when you start to get. 34、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don’t get married, love is dead have no resting-place. 35、偶尔想起痛也只是一刹那而已,岁月会把你渐渐地变得无情。 Only occasionally think of pain is a moment, time will take you gradually become heartless. 36、缘分来得早或迟,都没有关系。遇见你,就是我最好的时光。 The fate come early or late, it doesn’t matter. Met you, is my best time. 37、我能用一切去博你一笑,但是你却不舍的用一笑来换取我的全部。 Can I use all to bo you a smile, but you don’t give up all to return for me with a smile. 38、我以为我走的潇洒是因为为你好。转身凝视。才懂是因为我不爱你。 I think I walk of natural and unrestrained because for your own good. Turned around and stare. To understand because I do not love you. 39、爱情应当使人的力量的感觉更丰富起来,并且爱情确正在使人丰富起来。 A person the sense of the power of love should be more enriched, and love is really make people rich rise. 40、因为心里装着你,所以沿途的风景如此美好。尽管你不知道,你看不到。 Because my heart filled with you, so the scenery is so beautiful! Although you don’t know, you can’t see. 41、到最后,你总会明白,谁是虚心假意,谁是真心实意,谁为了你不顾一切。 In the end, you will understand, who is hypocrisy, modestly who is sincere, who is desperate for you. 42、两人之间,有一点牵挂,却不会纠缠;两人之间,有一点想念,却不会伤心。 Between two people, a little bit of caring, but not entangled; Between two people, a little miss, but not sad. 43、爱情从希望开始,也由绝望结束。死心了,便是不再存在着任何我曾经对你有过的希望。 Love from the beginning of the hope, also by the end of despair. Be dead, is there no longer any I have been to you have hope.



1、When keeping the ambiguity with you,I fear I will fall in love with you,and I fear I will cry after your leaving.


2、We come to love not by finding a perfectperson,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.


3、Accompany you to go through a long time.


4、Flowers fade and fall and fly about up in the sky,But who pities the loss of your fragrance when you die?


5、The furthest distance in the world.Is not being apart while being in love.But when plainly cannot resist the yearning.Yet pretending you have never been in my heart.


6、No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world.


7、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


8、Brief is life,but love is long.


9、Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.


10、Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time?Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.


11、As long as you are willing,please let me know what I can do for you.When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody’s shoulder,I will stand before you immediately.I feel so lonely under the sky full of stars and clouds.I expect your love will give me something sweet on a snowing day.


12、I don’t know whether I really love you,but I know I cannot lose you.If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that“you are the only one I want to see”.


13、I can meet a person in a minute,like a person in an hour and love a person in a day.But it will take me a whole life to forget you.


14、The water of the fountain does not die,and the fire of love does not die.


15、Absence is to love what wind is to fire,it goes out to Mars,but up flames.



1、心全给了你,你却爱着她。 Heart all gave you, but you love her. 2、听我说从今以后我会一个人生活。 Listen to me from now on I will a personal life. 3、眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。 Eyes in the rain for you, the heart is an umbrella for you. 4、突然不希望时间来过,因为你会走。 Suddenly don’t want time to pass, because you will go. 5、该爱的没有爱够,该恨的没有恨够。 Not enough love, the love of the hate not hate enough. 6、在茫茫人海中行走,像鱼一样不能回头。 Walking in the boundless huge crowd, like a fish cannot turn back. 7、当爱情来了,懂得把握,那就是一种幸福。 When love comes, grasped, that is a kind of happiness. 8、即使你不在我身边,也能感觉到你的温暖。 Even if you’re not here with me, also can feel the warmth of you. 9、你永远不懂我伤悲,就像白天不懂夜的黑。 You will never understand my pain, like daytime don’t understand the night’s black. 10、你已经长大了,不要再追求不存在的事情。 You have grown up, don’t pursue does not exist. 11、你们的背叛,你们不说破,我就当没见过。 Your betrayal, you had not, I be not seen. 12、时过境迁,对不起。我错过了你那么多的瞬间。 Times have changed, I’m sorry. I miss you so much. 13、亲爱的、我自己编的昱严已经不能欺骗自己了。 Dear, I am yu yan can’t fool yourself. 14、痛已离去,伤却在!你给我的那段记忆无法抹去! Pain has gone, wound is at! You give me the memory can’t erase! 15、我希望你幸福,即使我不是这个幸福里的一部分。 I hope you happy, even if I’m not part of the happiness. 16、我是个资深的骗子,可是骗来了感情,迷失了自己! I’m a senior cheat, tricked into coming to the feelings, but lost themselves! 17、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple. 18、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you. 19、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。 Youth is a beautiful grief, I didn’t cry, but tears streaming down. 20、突然你闯入我的世界,就不允许你随便离开我的世界。 All of a sudden you break into my world, you are not allowed to casually out of my world. 21、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. 22、一下子成熟、忘了怎样软弱。昨天的不满现在换成开阔。 At maturity, forget how to weakness. Yesterday’s dissatisfaction with open now. 23、可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,保护我的脆弱。 Can I have a person, can see through my try to be brave, protect my fragile. 24、我的心房只有那么大,你来过,还叫我如何去接纳别人。 My heart is only so big, you have been to, also call I how to accept others. 25、我们的幸福,只练习了一半,学会了离开,却未学会忘记。 Our happiness, only practice a half, learned to leave, but did not learn to forget. 26、能够爱一个人爱到问他拿零用钱的程度,都是严格的考验。 To love a person asked him to take pocket money, is the strict test. 27、爱情永远不可能是天平。你想在爱情里幸福就要舍得伤心。 Love is never balance. Do you want to happy to have to give up sadly in love. 28、一个人太久都带着假面生活,会渐渐忘了自己本来的样子。 A person too long with a persona life, will gradually forget their original appearance. 29、因为想念你以至无法言语,因为无法言语所以更加想念你。 Because miss you and can’t words, because words cannot be so miss you more. 30、微笑,不是因为快乐的太久,是太久的时间里忘记去悲伤。 Smile, not because happiness too long, is too long time forget to sorrow. 31、不想面对他离开,逃避不是一个好方法,但却是唯一的办法。 Don’t want to face his leave, escape is not a good method, but it is the only way. 32、愿时间,赋予我们智慧和勇气,在这条道路上,一直走下去。 Wish time, give us wisdom and courage, on the road, always go on. 33、有些事情,越是靠近越是平静,有些人,越是抓紧越是远离。 Some things, the more close to the more calm, and some people, the more grip the more far from them. 34、我不后悔我爱你,我后悔我所做下的事、伤你也伤了我自己。 I don’t regret I love you, I regret what I do, hurt you also hurt myself. 35、除了爱情之外,你自己必须拥有使你坚强站在大地上的东西。 In addition to love, you must have a stand on the ground to make you strong. 36、离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。 Separation and reunion, is constantly put the life, habits, is no longer pathetique. 37、风筝在阴天搁浅,想念还在等待救援,我拉着线复习你给的温柔。 A kite on cloudy days, miss is still waiting for the rescue, I pull a line review your gentleness. 38、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。 I put down the dignity, put down the inpidual character, down stubborn, all just because can not let go you. 39、如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。 If a relationship, don’t turn you into a better person, then it’s a pity that you with the wrong person. 40、这个世界很小,我们就这样遇见。这个世界很大,分开就很难再见。 The world is very small, so we met. The world is big, separate it is hard to goodbye. 41、爱情如拉链,只有共同经历过故事,才会有刻骨铭心,才会有不离不弃。 Love such as the zipper, only together through the story, just can have deep-rooted, just can have. 42、幸福就像你身后的影子,你追不到,但是只要你往前走,它就会一直跟着你。 Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you can’t, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you. 43、如果你想被别人爱,你首先必须使自己值得爱,不是一天,一个星期,而是永远。 If you want to be loved, you must first make ourselves worthy of love, not one day, a week, but forever.



  The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other.


  Love’s mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book.


  To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.


  To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.


  It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all.


  Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart, it is woman’s whole existence.



  Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquith, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.



  The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other.


  Love’s mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book.


  To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.


  To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.


  It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all.


  Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart, it is woman’s whole existence.



  Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquith, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.



  1、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


  2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.


  3、The worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.


  4、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


  5、 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


  6、Don’t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.


  7、Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.


  8、Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


  9、 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


  10、 Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


  11、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


  12、 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.


  13、 The worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.


  14、 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


  15、 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


  16、 Don’t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.


  17、Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.


  18、Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


  19、 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


  20、Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


  21、Where there is great love, there are always miracles.


  22、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


  23、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.


  24、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


  25、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


  26、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.


  27、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


  28、I need him like I need the air to breathe.


  29、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


  30、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.






  1、Meet with you, is my best lucky


  2、just don’t want to lose my smile left with pride.


  3、I reversed the entire world,only put your reflection right.


  4、And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong.


  5、The most qmainful distance,you are not with me but in my heart.


  6、Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.


  7、The collision between reality and faith to our young black and blue.


  8、Feeble story,just making excuses.


  9、Staring today, I am going to do myself a favour.To forget about the burdens. To forget about the pains.To forget about the hurts.


  10、Disappear a memory.And leaving is unforgettable memories.


  11、Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love.


  12、When it has is lost,brave to give up.


  13、Remember that if you get through yesterday,you’ll get through today.


  14、The best things in life are unseen,thats why we close our eyes when we kicry and dream.


  15、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward.


  16、Keep me in your memory,leave out all the rest.


  17、It looks like you already know deep in my heart.


  18、I didn’t cry because it is over,but suddenly learned to miss it.


  19、sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.


  20、coming days would be long.After all do not grow,grey haired.


  21、I don’t want to be the first one.I want to be the only one.


  22、If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


  23、Wherever you are,will always be behind you.


  24、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.


  25、Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need.

  有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求。

  26、Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love.


  27、Memories, beautiful very hurt,memories,memories of the past but can not go back.


  28、I can give up anything in the world except you.


  29、Sometimes the right person for you was there all along.You just didn’t see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight.


  30、There’s always that one song that brings back old memories。


  31、You made my life,Holly,but i’m just one chapter in yours.


  32、Don’t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can’t get.Don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.



  33、If you want to understand today,you have to search yesterday.


  34、The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.


  35、Don’t be easy to get,or you’ll be easy to forget.


  36、I needn’t a photo to remember you.Because you never leave in my hear.




  When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.


  Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last.


  I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


  Is there anyone who hasn’t suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit’s always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it’s very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.


  I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I’ve no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.


  In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


  If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


  I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.


  Idon’t think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it’s aselecting process, knowing what’s the most important and what’s theleast. And then be a simple man.


  When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we’ve all grown up.And we become different.


  Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory.


  Love makes man grow up or sink down.


  Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


  We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone.



1、只怕爱的太早,不能和你终老。 Is love too early, I can’t die with you. 2、失去的爱情,总是令人怀念的。 Lost love, always nostalgic. 3、想回到过去,试着让故事继续。 Want to go back to the past, try to let the story continues. 4、既在乎天长地久,也在乎曾经拥有。 Both care everlasting, care once owned. 5、没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 Nothing can not pass, just no longer return not to go. 6、谁的寂寞覆我华裳,谁的华裳覆我肩膀。 Who petticoats lonely by my China, whose China stripping at my shoulder. 7、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。 After black clouds after the sun more huan, don’t love the more sweet. 8、爱一个不爱你的人,就像在机场等一艘船。 Love doesn’t love you of person, like a ship at the airport and so on. 9、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。 Fortunately, love is not everything, but everything is not love. 10、爱情是一位伟大的导师,她教我们重新做人。 Love is a great teacher, she teaches us to turn over a new leaf. 11、爱情是一个平台,上面聚集着形形**的人。 Love is a platform, there are all sorts of people gathering above. 12、我想给你全世界,却忘记了你需要的不是我。 I want to give you the world, but forget you don’t need me. 13、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。 Love, is own complete, I no longer lack some what. 14、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。 Have a love of life is happy, life for love is foolish. 15、尽管你在我心里占得位置很小,但谁都替代不了。 Although your position in my heart is very small, but who can’t replace. 16、如果爱情真的可以忘记,那我也就不用如此伤心。 If love can really forget, that I also need not so sad. 17、我爱你!为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切,包括你。 I love you! For the sake of your happiness, I want to give up everything, including you. 18、一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。 A was deeply hurt my heart, need is not sympathy, but understand. 19、你对我如此的冷淡,是我做错了什么,还是你变心了。 You so cold to me, is what did I do wrong, or you changed. 20、愿意委屈自己的人,唯一的原因,就是深深爱着对方。 Willing to compromise their own people, the only reason, is love each other deeply. 21、想要的生活非常简单,追寻它的道路却始终迂回反复。 Want to life is very simple, but the way of pursue it always circuitous repeatedly. 22、爱,直至成伤之后就是永远对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love, until into after injury is forever sorry, even if you don’t feel me. 23、有些人,去死都和我没关系。有些人,弄死我我都放不下。 Some people, death to all that’s ok with me. Some people, killing me I can not let go. 24、一个人的快乐不是因为它拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。 A person’s happiness is not because it has more, but because he caring less. 25、离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。 Separation and reunion, is constantly put the life, habits, is no longer pathetique. 26、面对金钱,爱情是伟大的,面对巨额金钱,爱情是可以交换的。 In the face of money, love is great, in the face of huge amounts of money, love is can be exchanged. 27、世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是最熟悉的人,渐渐陌生。 The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but the most familiar person, gradually unfamiliar. 28、没有爱情的婚姻不会得到幸福,而爱情不能用金钱和物质换取。 A marriage without love won’t get happiness and love can’t use money and material. 29、爱是一把手中的细沙,握得越紧,流得越快,最后,会一无所有。 Love is the head in the sand, the more tight grip, the faster flow, finally, will have nothing. 30、风吹着我单薄的衣衫,我一个人走在想你的路上,又温暖,又凄凉。 The wind blowing my thin clothes, I miss you a person walk on the road, and warm, and sad. 31、有一些人活在记忆里,永远走不开;有一些人活在身边,却很遥远。 There are some people who live in the memory, never walk not to open; There are some people who live in the side, but is very far away. 32、总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己,我没有办法一无所有的爱你。 One day you will understand, people must first love yourself, love you I can’t nothing at all. 33、对盛开的花朵,寒冷的天气是敌人;对亲密的爱情,离间的怪话是敌人。 The blooming flower, cold weather is an enemy; The intimate love, piding the complaint is the enemy. 34、再也没有一个人,让你看到她笑,会轻扬唇角,看到她皱眉,欲以身代。 Never a person, let you see her smile, will be blown lip Angle, see her frown, for generations. 35、人生最遥远的距离不是,生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 The furthest distance is not life, life and death, but when I stand in front of you, but you don’t know I love you. 36、也许爱情就是这样吧,它这样折磨人,让你疼,让你凉。又让你不能忘记。 Maybe love is like this, it’s so tortured people, let you pain, let you cool. And you can’t forget. 37、没有人不渴望得到一份完美的爱情,没有人不希望自己的爱情美丽如童话。 There is no one but longs to have a perfect love, there is no one but wants to love as beautiful as a fairy tale. 38、有时候希望灵魂能够像一朵烟花,能够明亮温暖地在夜空中停留一刻再坠落。 Sometimes want to souls can like fireworks, able to stay in the night sky bright warm moment to fall again. 39、最快乐的人并不是一切东西都是最好的,但他们会充分享受自己已有的东西。 The happiest people are not everything is the best, but they will fully enjoy what they have. 40、满世界都是绿的,活力四射,除了我,懒的被忽略,所以忘记了春天的味道。 The world is green, energetic, in addition to me, lazy is ignored, so forget the smell of spring. 41、不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏。所以,我们调情,我们暧昧,却永远不要相爱。 Don’t love love, never go bad. Therefore, we flirt, we ambiguous, but never fall in love. 42、感动你的执着,心动你的牵挂,在流浪的封闭小屋,只有你的名字,光亮透明。 Touch you, move your CARES, in the wandering closed cabin, only your name, bright and transparent. 43、女人在一次次的恋爱中知道男人是什么东西,男人在一次次的恋爱中知道女人要什么东西。 Women in love and know what is man, a man in love over and over again know what women want. 44、爱情也是一种发明,需要不断改良。只是,这种发明跟其他发明不一样,它没有专利权,随时会给人抢走。 Love is also a kind of invention, the need to constantly improved. Only, this is not the same as other invention invention, it has no patent right, can give a person at any time.






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2024年8月1日 09:20



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2024年7月6日 09:30




2024年3月27日 04:20



本文目录《好少年》的歌词我们要做雷锋式的好少年歌词原文《我们要做雷锋式的好少年》的歌词《好少年》的歌词LRC歌词 试听此歌曲 推荐此歌曲 我们要做雷锋式的好少年演唱:中央人民广播电台少年广播合唱团LRC:毓杰(吉林延边)我们要做雷锋

2024年6月17日 07:30



本文目录英模教育心得体会【四篇】守护者胜利的意义对安全观后感心得体会7篇最美逆行者之逆行观后感心得5篇范文观看生命安全教育观后感(9篇)英模教育心得体会【四篇】【 #心得体会# 导语】教育也是一种教书育人的过程,可将一种最客观的理解教予他

2024年5月27日 02:50




2024年8月16日 08:50

初三数学练习册答案(海淀区九年级数学第二十五章 概率初步练习册答案)

初三数学练习册答案(海淀区九年级数学第二十五章 概率初步练习册答案)

本文目录海淀区九年级数学第二十五章 概率初步练习册答案初三上册(青岛版)数学配套练习册答案 P69-72初三数学上册练习册答案(补充里有题目)山东省初三数学练习册52页第六题答案初三人教版数学练习册答案96-103页我上初三,数学练习册上有

2024年9月20日 04:00



本文目录介绍一种事物说明文作文说明文450字作文介绍一种事物介绍一种事物说明文作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构

2024年4月14日 07:10



本文目录立春是什么意思和习俗介绍立春的含义是什么意思 立春代表的寓意是什么立春的由来含义和风俗立春有什么说法立春的含义和风俗是什么立春的寓意和象征立春的含义和风俗立春的含义是什么习俗有哪些立春的含义和风俗有哪些立春是什么意思和习俗介绍立春是

2024年7月3日 00:40




2024年9月5日 10:20




2024年2月28日 04:40

保持微笑 英文(记得每天保持微笑英文)

保持微笑 英文(记得每天保持微笑英文)

本文目录记得每天保持微笑英文保持微笑的英文怎么说初二八年级英语作文带翻译-保持微笑请保持微笑用英语怎么说保持微笑 英文“笑一笑”用英语怎么说你要经常保持微笑 英文什么说“保持微笑”的英文是什么保持微笑的英语作文记得每天保持微笑英文记得每天保

2024年7月1日 20:30




2024年7月15日 03:40



本文目录会计核算的一般原则有哪些会计核算的一般原则会计核算原则(基本原则)会计核算原则关于会计核算的几项基本原则会计核算的原则有哪几个会计核算的13个基本原则是哪些会计核算的原则会计核算的一般原则有哪些 会计核算的一般原则是进行会计核算的指

2024年7月3日 06:50



本文目录乡思古诗译文及赏析乡思是什么意思解释《乡思》原文翻译赏析,乡思全诗的意思古诗乡思意思原文翻译-赏析-作者李觏李觏《乡思》诗词鉴赏李觏《乡思》原文及翻译赏析乡思的意思乡思 诗意《乡思》(李觏)全文翻译鉴赏乡思古诗译文及赏析 乡思(宋

2024年3月2日 20:20

柏拉图 理想国(柏拉图《理想国》内容梗概)

柏拉图 理想国(柏拉图《理想国》内容梗概)


2024年9月19日 01:20




2024年6月4日 19:40