
2024-05-06 18:20:27 :41






  Why was Tesss girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in modern times? Is everything too late?

  Recently Ive read the British famous writer Thomas Hardys masterpiece-Tess of the Durbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, till to be ruined. With the development of the plot we find that her tragedy is inevitable. We can not but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.

  The cause of Tesss tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I cant do very well in analysis the novel. I dont know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I do have an understanding of the novel by myself. Alec and Angel who are the two people very closely related to Tesss fate. I think fierce Alec played a very important role in killing Tess, but in fact, it was hypocritical Angel who killed Tess indirectly but more cruelly.

  I wanted to cry, Tess, do not follow him when I read that plot. I hope she met her true love before she was seduced, but everything was too late. She was seduced by a so called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respect her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of man. Women were too weak. Tess was poor, weak and helpless and met the wrong person at the wrong time.

  I strongly believed that it was Angel who killed Tess cruelly and without mercy. Angel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himself lived in the countryside rather than serving the god. Angel was a man who questioned the churchs teaching. He thought the churchs views were too strict and did not allow free thinking. Angel extricated him from religion and his family, but he couldnt break with traditional moral principles. He wanted a wife who was the daughter of nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent, graceful, pure as snow and extremely beautiful. In the first part I thought Angel loved tess very much. In the following part I found that he loved an image he imagined. After their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked Tesss forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once. She innocently thought that the thing she was going to confess would be forgiven. Poor Tess! She sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven, but she was wrong. The woman pays.

  Angel claimed that you were one person, now you are another when tess asked why. The woman Angel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tesss shape. Angel loved the person he imagined. He considered tess the daughter of nature. Compared to tesss words, I thought angel, that you loved me-me my very self! If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frightened me! Having begun to love you, I will love you forever, in all changes, in all troubles, because you are yourself. I ask no more. we know how deep tess loved angel. She would have laid down life for angel. She not only loved the merits but also accept the demerits. We know from the book that when angel came back from Brazil, he could hardly be recognized by his mother because the cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted angel immediately, because he was the man she fell in love with.

  I dont know why angel couldnt forgive tess since he himself had done the similar thing.


  She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.

  She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.

  She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.

  Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!

  Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!

  Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!

  In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”

  People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.

  Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…

  Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.




  德伯家的`苔丝英文优秀读后感 篇1

  This is a book of grievous mood. A beautiful young girl’s life was destroyed gradually and really---not by her energy, but by the people who said love to her. What kind of this love is? What make the love destroy its lover? Tess could be a happy girl though her family was very poor. But “noble, status, and money” were strongly in her father’s mind, just because of the discovery that a parson said to him.

  Without their horse’s carrying load, life became rather difficult. Tess blamed herself completely, and she wondered what she could help her parents. Then Tess obeyed her mother’s idea, to work at the d’Urberville’s home, and met her cousin, Alec d’Urbervilles. This then was the beginning. Tess had to meet the wrong man, and one who was so strongly attracted to her. Yet to the right man, she was only a half-forgotten impression from an evening’s dancing party in a country field. This mistake was to ha一ve tragic results. Alec used his clever brain to help Tess’s parents, and this made Tess feel grateful to him. Because of her slackening vigilance, Alec’s intention came true ---Tess would be maiden no more. As the people of her village said, “It was to be.”

  And from now on, Tess’s life was to be completely different. Tess left Alec’s home, returned her village. But all had changed, Tess wouldn’t be happy, people in village wouldn’t see her as before. After her baby’s death, she had to lea一ve her home, went to a far place. Perhaps at that time we should thank Alec, thank baby’s death, or Tess wouldn’t lea一ve her home and met Angel Clare, her right man in the dairy. Tess was a so lovely girl that Angel was soon crazy for her. At last, they conquered many difficulties and got married. But Tess’s experience was still her mortal wound, Angel couldn’t accept the truth and left her. The story came to its turning point again. When Angel realized his mistake and went back to look for Tess, all was too late, the poor girl again dropped into Alec’s trap.

  With the intertwine of love and hatred, Tess had to end herself with a tragic results. God played with Tess so much. When her right man appeared, God yet didn’t give her happiness. Tess’s parents loved her, but it was just an instinctive love; Alec said love to her, but it was a evil love; Angel said love to her as well, but it was a immature and selfish love. He wanted Tess to forgive him, but he couldn’t forgive Tess. Tess didn’t make any mistakes, but at last, she born all punishments and sufferings. At first, God had let the two persons miss each other. A tragedy was doomed. But perhaps no love, no hatred, no dignity, death was the best way for Tess to extricate herself. We ha一ve nothing to do but watching world changing, destroying Tess, then continuing changing. The tragedy recurs every day in fact. I can’t help asking, ha一ve we missed our happiness?

  德伯家的苔丝英文优秀读后感 篇2

  Chinese NBA player Sun Yue has little problem speaking English. But he still has to prove himself on the court. He has spent a lot of his time with the Lakers on the bench.

  “As a newcomer I’ve met with some difficulties,but I’m prepared,”said the guard.“I will try my best to win more time on court and prove myself.”

  The Lakers drafted Sun,23,into the NBA in 2007. He signed with the team last year.He became a teammate of Kobe Bryant. This year,he hopes that the Lakers will win the championship.

  “I’ve learnt a lot from Kobe’s strong desire to win,and see the extra work he puts into training,”he said.

  He thinks teamwork is the most important thing.This is why he likes to share his ideas with his teammates and coaches.

  “After matches,I enjoy chatting and eating with them,”he said, “We’ve already developed a friendship.

  “Being able to communicate helps you fit in quickly,”he told Teens.

  德伯家的苔丝英文优秀读后感 篇3

  About Thomas Hardy

  Thomas Hardy (1840—1928), who is an English novelist. His father is a stoneworker, who is fond of music. His parents thought much of the education of their son. He grown up in the Dorset shire, so the environment of there became the main backdrop of his writings. His writings often reflecting the change after capitalism intrude the countries in England and the people’s hard life.

  At first, Hardy wrote some novels, and in his old age, he worked on poets. The novel was published in the year 1891. Thomas Hardy facing the terror of the war and propagating the love-kindness, he is one of the greatest English writers.

  The summary of the book

  As is known to all, is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy. Tess comes from a farmer’s family, the Durbeyfields. One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family. Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman. Unwillingly, the girl comes in contact with the Stoke, D’Urbervilles. There she meets Alec D’Urbervilles. Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D’Urbervilles. Before long the rich but guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant. Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home, and gives birth to the child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon . Without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire. After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love. In the wedding night, Tess admits about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust. Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay. In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles appears again. He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent. At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man. However, Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness comes back, which makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she kills Alec. Then she follows Angel and escape with him. They manage to hide for a while in a wood before she is arrested. She is hanged later.

  In this story, the dramatis persona Tess is a beautiful, virtuous country girl. Angel Claire loves Tess, but his love is selfish, he can’t forgive her wife’s mistake, he forsakes her .Alec D’Urbervilles is an evil person, he makes Tess’s life being a tragedy.

  The comment

  This is a dolorous book.

  This is a story of love.

  Tess, the poor girl as innocent as the sleeping birds in the trees, or the small field animals in the hedges, her life destroyed by her relatives, lover and some other people. They say they love her, but they like themselves most. Her parents want her married Alec only because they want her doing some good for the family. Alec wants to possess her, because she is the most beautiful girl in the village. He makes her pregnant but can’t give her his love. Angle is tess’s true love, but his love also not consummate, he can’t forgive tess’s mistake, although he had did wrong with a women.

  Why only the women had to pay? I thought of this problem for a long time. In the 19th England, women had not status, they live very hard because people’s prejudice. Tess is the victim under the not fair environment, she lives with force, and even the law thinks the insults are allowable! At the end of the book, Fortune’s wheel bereaves the last thing she had—her life.

  How to vindicate the women’s right? Expect change the people’s prejudice women must learn to be adamancy and independent. We must know how to take care of ourselves. We must have the ability to feed ourselves, so that we can win the independent of personality and life. And so that we can have a pure au pair love.

  The word “woman” doesn’t means “puny”!


1. 英文作文观后感题目怎么写


A Wonderful Movie

It’s a Wonderful Movie!

A Enjoyable Movie

An Unexpectedly Great Film

A Great Emotional Drama , Based on a True Story

Superb Drama of Courage and Humanity

A Touching, Historical Masterpiece

2. 英语读后感500到700个单词左右大神们帮帮忙一本英语课外书的读后

苔丝 英文读后感 The Woman Pays TESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d’Urberwilles.She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec,and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence.People looked down on her and respected her no more.Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men.She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident,so she thought she deserved nothing good.In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong.Maybe God didn’t agree with that,because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare.Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why.She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason.Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess.Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day.Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he mitted to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s fiveness.Tess was not at all angry and fave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.She sat and told everything to Angel,hoping he would five her as he was fiven but she was wrong.She was not fiven,not as she thought she was.The woman pays.Without Angel’s love,nothing meant anything to her.The result wasn’t important now.Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman.Why?She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER fiveness,after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess,she was desperate.That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never e back so he won Tess’s trust.Unluckily Angel did e back and found Tess.!Everything was too late!Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time!The strengh of her love was so strong that she had fotten the difference beeen right and wrong.Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec,everything really changed!She became a criminal!How could it be?She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible.Her whole character was honest and faithful.Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all!Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it.Why it is always the woman who pays?Why they are always hurt?Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost?Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman?Why do the bad often ruin the good?Why is beauty damaged by ugliness?Women are too weak!Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!In old China there was a culture,which didn’t think of women as human beings.If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family,he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters.If you asked why then he would say,“Ha,they are not included!” People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going.They thought girls had no use for the family.They would be married and go to live with their hu *** ands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later.So they were extremely hard on girls.。

3. 【求这篇英语文章的读后感,大概100单词求这篇英语文章的英文读

不是吧,要写英文读后感?Sentence by sentence reading this post after the landlord,could not calm my heart a long time,shocking ah!Why is there such a good post!Horizontal neork in my BBS for many years,thinks there will not be any posts can move me,I did not expect to see such ingenious and inparable like this an post.Lord,is you let me understand the ’people outside the people,there is day’ this sentence.Thank you!After reading this post,I did not immediately reply,because I fear my vulgar response will promise this last rare post.But I replied,because I feel so wonderful if they can not leave his post behind the ,that I will not rest in peace in death!Be able to leave behind such fascinating own is so proud of one thing ah!Lord,please five my selfish!I know that no matter how geous words to describe the fascinating degree of your landlord is not enough,are hypocritical,so I just want to say:your post nice!I am willing to read on a lifetime!好吧,打了很长时间的说,给分哦。

4. 《TheSecret》英文读后感用英文写畅销书《TheSecret》的读后感,先

To be honest,"secret garden" is a good book,no wonder the JK Rowling said:Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good."Secret Garden" is the U.S.writer Frances.Burt’s works.I have read the "Little Princess" is also her writing.So I am very interested in her works.Edison has said so:good book is the author left to the human gift.This how a good book in that kind of a story?» Pofu story to a mysterious and legendary ancient manor of color as the background,through a day in lost both parents in the *** all Yuanduchongyang Mary,came to Britain from India took its Gufu - Zhuang Yuanzhu by a series of incredible Erwenmudu Mysterious incident,and reveals the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history.The author is extremely clever idea of art,so that the whole story,Central interlocking,ists and turns of tension,suspense ups and downs,she also delicate psychological description,the book’s characters to life,Huzhiyuchu…… However,we feel the novel is moving And sometimes Renjunbujin,and sometimes Cuirenleixia,is also the main author of his profound vision and sharp thinking,and is particularly valuable in a loving,true to reveal the different treatment of people living very different mentality.Friends,when you read the novel,you will find not only enrich your knowledge,open up your vision,cultivate your sentiments,it will give you stay .。

5. 【英语作文题目大小写英语作文题目什么时候大写

英语文章题目的大小写的原则:(1)、文章题目的第一个字母什么时候都需要大写; (2)、文章题目中的所有冠词都不需要大写; (3)、字母多于三个(不含三个)的介词、连词的首字母都需要大写; (4)、名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、感叹词的首字母需要大写; (5)、大些所有英语中需要大写的单词.如月份、人名、地名等.这几条原则的优先性是递减的,如果几条原则之间出现了矛盾的情况,应优先实用前面的原则.如:如果第一个单词是冠词或不多于两个字母的介词也应该大写.。

6. 【英语作文“Alettertomymother”怎样写

A letter to my mother1.\x05Write a outline for the essay.(为作文列提纲)2.\x05The structure of the essay:1)\x05What (开篇点题:现象或观点是什么)2)\x05Why?(开展阐述:原因,利弊)3)\x05How?(归结行动:提倡正面的,规避负面的)3.\x05The end:enhance the central idea.(最后再次强化中心思想).A letter to my motherDear Mom,How are you going recently?I am writing to tell you that I will travel to Beijing with my clas *** ates in the following vacation.I am so eager to travel to Beijing,the capital of our great country.I have learnt a lot of Beijing city which has a long history and ancient culture.But that knowledge is just from books,this time,I prefer to see the beautiful scene with my eyes,touch the walls of the Imperial of Palace with my figures,and measure the length of the Great Wall on my foot.I will try to learn the knowledge from the society.Though I am still a child in your eyes and you will always worry about me while I am away from you,I will insist joining the travel.As,I need to climb up the mountain of the life on my own.So,please don’t’ stop me from travelling,and give me courage and confidence.I ensure I will plete the whole journey.God will bless me.Best wishes.Your sincere。

苔丝(the Catcher in the Rye) 英文读后感

《苔丝》是美国作家J.D.塞林格于1951年出版的小说,是20世纪最具代表性的文学作品之一,在全球范围内拥有广泛的影响和受众。“苔丝”是主人公霍尔顿.考尔菲尔德(Holden Caulfield)的化名,被誉为美国文学的经典之作。霍尔顿.考尔菲尔德是一个十七岁的少年,他在纽约市度过了一个周末的冒险之旅,其中既有与女性谈情说爱的经历,也有与人发生争吵的情景,还有自我反省、迷茫和困惑。这个少年总是对自己和周围的人持有批判的态度,他对社会和人类有着深深地失望和不满,对虚伪和虚假的东西产生了很强的反感和厌恶。我非常喜欢这个小说,因为作者用一种特殊的口吻和语言风格,让读者感觉到霍尔顿.考尔菲尔德的真实感受和思想。作者塞林格采用了第一人称的叙述方式,让读者像亲身经历霍尔顿的感受和经历一样,产生了一种身临其境的感觉。读完这个小说后,我很深刻地感受到了霍尔顿的孤独和迷茫,同时也感受到了自己这个年龄阶段的特点。和霍尔顿一样,我们这个年龄的人很容易感受到孤独和无助的情绪,往往对现实和未来充满困惑和迷茫。此外,小说中霍尔顿和自己的妹妹菲比的关系也非常感人。尽管霍尔顿经常批评他的妹妹纯真的想法和行为,但在适当时刻却在保护她。这种保护并非是一味地开导或者命令,而是让她成长并且学会独立思考和行动。在我看来,这个小说传递的信息非常深刻和有启发性。它告诉我们:即使在最黑暗的时刻,也不要失去对于生命和未来的信仰;同时,也要对于人性和现实保持着清醒的认识和观察,不要沉溺于表面和外表的虚伪和假象。总之,这个小说实在是值得每一个人花费时间和精力去品味和体验的。

哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感 和 德伯特家的苔丝读后感要英文版的 1000字左右 我着急 有的 快点给我 谢谢了

  读《《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》》 有感当我合上这本书后,嘴角流出了一丝会心的微笑。 Reading "《Huckleberry. Finn Adventures of" Record》 felt when I closed the book, the mouth and out the hint of smile. 这样一本书我还是第一次读到,我想,它写出了对奴隶制的不满、对社民的讽刺、对时代不公正现象的悲哀、还有对人格内心的剖析。 This is the first time a book I read, I think, it sets out the dissatisfaction of slavery, the people of the irony of the community, on the injustice of the sad times, but also on the inner personality analysis. 对于主角―――哈克贝利.费恩也赋予了很多特点:对大人世界的叛逆、对黑人的同情。 For the protagonist --- Huckleberry. Fehn also gives a lot of features: on the adult world of rebellion, sympathy for Black. 以上这些,是所有读过这本书的人都能感受到的,但在这本书中,有另外一种味道,一种哈克贝利.费恩和那群小男孩散发出的味道,这是这种味道塑造出哈克贝利.费恩独特的个性,这种味道,只有真正的孩子,才能真正读懂。 These are all read this book can feel, but in this book, there is another kind of taste, a Huckleberry. Finn and the group of small boys, the smell, It is this taste out of Huckleberry shape. Fehn’s unique personality, this taste, only the children really can be truly understood.  这种味道,让哈克和那一群小孩老是幻想干一些大事:做强盗、做英雄。 This taste for Huck and that a group of children always dream to do something big: do robbers as heroes. 说一些“如果本帮哥们泄露秘密,必须割断他的喉管,并把他的尸体烧掉,骨灰撒掉,把名字用血从名单中抹掉”之类一些听上去“像那么一会事”的话。 Some said, "If this helps buddy tell a secret, must cut his throat and his body burned, ashes scattered off, put their names erased from the list of blood," some of it sounds like "something like it for a while "words. 而实际上“连一辆装满萝卜的车子都对付不了。”我小时候也常认为自己是传说中神的女儿,是拯救世界的天使,而实际上连一个人呆在一个较黑的屋子里就会觉得背后有什么东西。 In fact, "with a car full of radishes are unable to cope." I often think that their child is the daughter of the legendary god is the angel to save the world, in fact even a person stay in a relatively dark room will feel something behind. 这,是一个孩子最天真的梦想。 This is a dream of a child’s innocent.  这种味道,让哈克和汤姆想“用一把小刀化37年时间挖一个地洞救出黑奴吉姆”,但发现行不通时,他们便打算“事实上是用铁铲马上挖,在这之后,我们不妨只当用小刀挖了37年”,我小时候经常用我认为“公主的睡姿”睡觉,可睡一会就不舒服了,于是我就横七竖八地躺在床上,只当是用公主的睡姿睡。 This taste for Huck and Tom would like "a knife of 37 years to dig a hole rescued black Nuji Mu", but found that does not work, they would like to "actually digging with a spade once, after which , we might just as with a knife and dug 37 years, "I was a child often I think" Princess of sleeping positions, "sleep, sleep will not be comfortable, so I noodle on her bed, just as is the Princess sleep sleeping position. 这,是一个孩子几乎无所不能的想象力。 This is a child’s imagination can do almost anything.  这种味道,让汤姆和哈克往吉姆那小小的“监狱”里放水蛇、老鼠等“宠物”,让吉姆用泪水浇灌一株花,而实际上吉姆已经自由了,只要汤姆说句话就可以被放出来。 This taste for Tom and Huck to Jim that little "prison" in Drainage snakes, rats and other "pet" and let the tears watering a flower with Jim, but Jim has actually free, as long as a word with Tom can be released. 这,是一个孩子奇特的幻想。 This is a strange fantasy child.  而这种味道,叫“童真”。 And the smell, called "Innocence."  苔丝英文读后感-上帝制造的悲剧  A Tragedy Produced by God  ----Book review of “Tess of the d’Urbervilles  This is a book of grievous mood. A beautiful young girl’s life was destroyed gradually and really---not by her energy, but by the people who said love to her. What kind of this love is? What make the love destroy its lover?  Tess could be a happy girl though her family was very poor. But “noble, status, and money” were strongly in her father’s mind, just because of the discovery that a parson said to him. Without their horse’s carrying load, life became rather difficult. Tess blamed herself completely, and she wondered what she could help her parents. Then Tess obeyed her mother’s idea, to work at the d’Urberville’s home, and met her cousin, Alec d’Urbervilles. This then was the beginning. Tess had to meet the wrong man, and one who was so strongly attracted to her. Yet to the right man, she was only a half-forgotten impression from an evening’s dancing party in a country field. This mistake was to have tragic results.  Alec used his clever brain to help Tess’s parents, and this made Tess feel grateful to him. Because of her slackening vigilance, Alec’s intention came true ---Tess would be maiden no more. As the people of her village said, “It was to be.” And from now on, Tess’s life was to be completely different.  Tess left Alec’s home, returned her village. But all had changed, Tess wouldn’t be happy, people in village wouldn’t see her as before. After her baby’s death, she had to leave her home, went to a far place.  Perhaps at that time we should thank Alec, thank baby’s death, or Tess wouldn’t leave her home and met Angel Clare, her right man in the dairy. Tess was a so lovely girl that Angel was soon crazy for her. At last, they conquered many difficulties and got married. But Tess’s experience was still her mortal wound, Angel couldn’t accept the truth and left her. The story came to its turning point again. When Angel realized his mistake and went back to look for Tess, all was too late, the poor girl again dropped into Alec’s trap. With the intertwine of love and hatred, Tess had to end herself with a tragic results.  God played with Tess so much. When her right man appeared, God yet didn’t give her happiness. Tess’s parents loved her, but it was just an instinctive love; Alec said love to her, but it was a evil love; Angel said love to her as well, but it was a immature and selfish love. He wanted Tess to forgive him, but he couldn’t forgive Tess. Tess didn’t make any mistakes, but at last, she born all punishments and sufferings. At first, God had let the two persons miss each other. A tragedy was doomed. But perhaps no love, no hatred, no dignity, death was the best way for Tess to extricate herself.  We have nothing to do but watching world changing, destroying Tess, then continuing changing. The tragedy recurs every day in fact.  I can’t help asking, have we missed our happiness?  看吧,满意就给分吧,呵呵




  She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.

  She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.

  She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.

  Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!

  Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not onlyon what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tessdidn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defendherself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also didthe wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime butHE was not blamed for it.

  Why it is always the woman who pays? Whythey are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why doesthe wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin thegood? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak!Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have alwaysbeen treated unfairly!Inold China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as humanbeings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, hewould probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some eldersisters.

  If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are notincluded!”Peoplegave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep thefamily name going. They thought girls had no use for the family.They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home andbe their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremelyhard on girls.Girlsshould be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuousand the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If herhusband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl,a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then shewould gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go nearher. What about men? People did not care whether he was anexperienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. Theythought man equals power and power equals rights…Nowlet’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have becomemuch better. Some are because of the change of society and some arebecause of civilization. Just let those poor painful women likeTESS be just a memory.


  Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in modern times? Is everything too late?

  Recently I’ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hardy’s masterpiece-Tess of the D’urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, till to be ruined. With the development of the plot we find that her tragedy is inevitable. We can not but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.

  The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I can’t do very well in analysis the novel. I don’t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I do have an understanding of the novel by myself. Alec and Angel who are the two people very closely related to Tess’s fate. I think fierce Alec played a very important role in killing Tess, but in fact, it was hypocritical Angel who killed Tess indirectly but more cruelly.

  I wanted to cry, Tess, do not follow him when I read that plot. I hope she met her true love before she was seduced, but everything was too late. She was seduced by a so called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respect her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of man. Women were too weak. Tess was poor, weak and helpless and met the wrong person at the wrong time.

  I strongly believed that it was Angel who killed Tess cruelly and without mercy. Angel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himself lived in the countryside rather than serving the god. Angel was a man who questioned the church’s teaching. He thought the church’s views were too strict and did not allow free thinking. Angel extricated him from religion and his family, but he couldn’t break with traditional moral principles. He wanted a wife who was the daughter of nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent, graceful, pure as snow and extremely beautiful. In the first part I thought Angel loved tess very much. In the following part I found that he loved an image he imagined. After their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once. She innocently thought that the thing she was going to confess would be forgiven. Poor Tess! She sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven, but she was wrong. The woman pays.

  Angel claimed that you were one person, now you are another when tess asked why. The woman Angel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tess’s shape. Angel loved the person he imagined. He considered tess the daughter of nature. Compared to tess’s words, “ I thought angel, that you loved me-me my very self! If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frightened me! Having begun to love you, I will love you forever, in all changes, in all troubles, because you are yourself. I ask no more.” we know how deep tess loved angel. She would have laid down life for angel. She not only loved the merits but also accept the demerits. We know from the book that when angel came back from Brazil, he could hardly be recognized by his mother because the cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted angel immediately, because he was the man she fell in love with.

  I don’t know why angel couldn’t forgive tess since he himself had done the similar thing.


  I think Tess must be a kind-hearted girl.

  She endured so much pain, but she never complained about others. When she was young, she missed her best love. Then fate began to play jokes with her. A so-called gentleman cheated her and took away the most important thing of an un-married girl. No matter Tess was regretted or not, people around her, contained the church, all of them thought that she was a bad girl. She couldn’t get married. She couldn’t stay home to wait for her parents’ order to get married. She ran away and met her best love. Since she thought that she wasn’t innocence, she stood her deep love of Angel, and put the opportunities to other girls, those who can never compared to her.

  At last, she got married to Angel, but the fact of her history made her husband angry and bad-tempered. She tried her best to make her husband happy, but he didn’t care what she had done, how sad she was. Until Angel found that he loved Tess very much, Tess had come back to the disgusted man. True love was a power. Tess killed the man, ran away with Angel, lived in others’ house, and be caught by the police. Although Tess would be in prison and be killed, she wouldn’t regret at last. After all, Angel really loved her at last.

  Everybody will day dream sometimes. But we won’t care it any time. Tess’s father was a dreamer. We must think about ourselves. When somebody tells us a thing which is far away from our daily life, we must think about it carefully and investigate the fact. We are not fools. If what they say, what you believe, our world will become a mixture. We all know that we are just citizens of China, and students of Kashgar Teachers’ collage. Life is life. How can we fall into a hole of imagination? This imagination led Tess to death. That was the result.

  In the old times of China, people also had a conception of innocence of girls. But did they think about men? Yeah, at that time, men were the host of world. Women just needed to give birth to babies, teach them, and do housework to their husband. That was a duty. Even though at present, we don’t have a judge on men either. We also meet problems on finding jobs. Because those companies think that our women are terrible. We can’t do many things but men can, we will give birth to babies but men don’t, every month we have several days of mental problems but men don’t. That’s unfair. We do so much, so it is right to give more opportunities to us.

  At the ball, Tess missed her love. Nowadays, we need to be brave. And when the opportunity is coming, we must catch it in time. If we lose, we can hardly meet it again. The chance is given to the people who get the ready to. So we should prepare and chance will find us. And we need to learn refusing. If Tess refused to made friends with Alec, maybe she could avoid this disaster. In present times, many children know the relationship between women and men earlier. And also many of them don’t know. Actually, our society need to teach them in order to know what will happen or what they should do to protect themselves. Although most parents think that this is a bad thing beyond virtue, but it tends to the young to learn that.

  We need forgiveness. We can see that Tess lived in a religion place, but those people didn’t get the thought of kind-hearted and forgiveness. As we are students who have the relief on Marxism, we have learned to be kind-hearted, but how about them? So we should be an atheism. We learn science, not ghosts.

  After Tess went to the farm, she met her love again. She was afraid, was under pressure, and was shy on her first feeling of love. Why should we have a crime feeling after making a mistake? Just correct our mistakes, we are good persons too. Of course, we can not make mistakes if we know they are wrong.

  We can not avoid problems either. Tess daren’t to tell Angel the truth. When Angel knew that, he couldn’t accept at once. In our daily life, we can meet many difficulties. And we may make mistakes. At that time, we must think highly of it and face it but not to avoid. Fact will come out unless you don’t do it. Most of us can not accept our relatives’ or friends’ betray. So face it earlier, maybe we can get forgiveness earlier.

  Another important thing was that Tess’s family had many children. The poor environment made her have to approach to Alec. Should the poor do like this? There are many poor men in our country, but they find jobs for themselves, although the job is very hard to do. They make their own money and endure pains.

  I just think of my family. I am the only child of my parents. They love me very much. And most of my life, they had a correct way to teach me. And I have grandparents. When I was young, four of them taught me to do housework. They said that I would be a good girl if I listened to them. And I always listened to them, contained other things, which might be wrong now. This winter vocation I went home. I found that they had many wrong conceptions. So I think that if I was as clever as now when I was young, maybe our family would be a good family. But when I think about the development of our society, my parents and grandparents did a good job already. So I regret a little that I love them not so much. And sometimes I quarreled with them. I should talk to them, right? That is to be a good daughter and granddaughter. Their thought may not catch up with the society. So it’s necessary to us to tell them the right or advanced thing.

  Women’s reputation is higher and higher. It is quite different now. Men become good husbands who always listen to their wives. Maybe we must make this situation fairer. Two persons must respect each other, and then life will be better. My parents quarreled in winter vocation. It was a small thing. I don’t know why they quarreled. It seems that if you think more highly of another, you will have more words to say.







2024年9月20日 15:30



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2024年3月12日 22:50

超拽的女生个性签名(签名霸气超拽有范女生 女生微信个性签名霸气(59句))

超拽的女生个性签名(签名霸气超拽有范女生 女生微信个性签名霸气(59句))

本文目录签名霸气超拽有范女生 女生微信个性签名霸气(59句)简短超拽高冷的女生霸气个性签名女生超拽霸气个性签名霸气高冷范女生超拽个性签名一句话 在我的舞台上你不再是主角微信个性签名霸气女生 女生霸气签名超拽霸气(58句)霸气个性签名女生高冷

2024年3月23日 03:50




2024年5月29日 05:40



本文目录如何理解城镇化概念城镇化是什么意思呀城市化的定义城市化与城镇化的区别什么是城镇化简述城镇化的含义具体包括哪些方面 简述城镇化的含义有哪些城镇化的含义如何理解城镇化概念 城镇化是指人口从农村地区向城市地区流动,并在城市地区进行聚

2024年2月26日 15:00



本文目录花藤缠绕字体昵称,唯美符号特殊花藤网名有哪些如何设置QQ韩文网名如何把QQ网名转换成韩文繁体字转换器转换出来的QQ网名最火特殊符号网名,有特殊符号的高级网名有哪些求 火星文转换器 在线转换的,或者英文火星文转换器特殊符号昵称,特殊符

2024年6月6日 10:00



本文目录端午节包粽子的由来粽子的来历粽子的由来粽子是怎样来的呢粽子的由来是什么粽子由来包粽子的由来端午节的吃粽子的由来 端午节为何要吃粽子端午吃粽子的由来是什么端午节包粽子的由来端午节包粽子的由来如下:1、纪念屈原公元时期关于粽子的来历。公

2024年5月18日 22:20



本文目录新年寄语2022励志80句2022年鼓励自己的话简洁明了(精选56句)2022加油奋斗100句关于成长的激励语2022(通用80句)2022送给自己的一句话 2022鼓励自己的话2022人生励志鼓励的说说句子(精选24句)2022年

2024年4月5日 05:50




2024年4月18日 05:30




2024年7月23日 15:10




2024年6月27日 19:20



本文目录表示突出人物优点的四字成语计算机网络最突出的优点是形容突出的优点的成语!突出的优点是什么写自己的优点研究生复试时问你最突出的优点是什么自己最突出的优点学生个人突出优点怎么写表示突出人物优点的四字成语 1. 形容人优点的四字词语

2024年2月24日 18:50



本文目录想要个人简历表格,在哪里可以下载个人求职简历模版 百度云盘求分享~手机下载可以直接使用的电子简历模板如何下载个人简历表格怎么在手机上下载简历模板简历模版在哪里找wps简历模板在哪wps表格怎么简历模板简历模板免费下载word格式如何

2024年4月25日 16:50



本文目录求15条新闻加上新闻的评论不少于100字中国评论新闻网的由来求四篇800字的新闻评论,谢谢!急用!暑假作业时事评论 400字左右 6篇中国评论网是正规网站吗求3篇新闻评论,要最新的,100字左右新闻时事评论2023 1000字求15

2024年9月16日 19:40




2024年7月20日 03:40




2024年8月23日 06:10




2024年9月5日 17:30



本文目录积极阳光的励志网名好听的坚强励志网名最有上进心的励志网名积极阳光的励志网名  写上属于自己积极向上的网名,每个早晨都是一个新的开始。那什么样的阳光网名才能出彩呢?我为大家整理了一些积极阳光的 励志网名 ,希望大家喜欢。  积极向

2024年4月15日 02:10




2024年8月30日 06:40




2024年8月18日 17:10




2024年6月1日 00:20