
2024-03-07 22:10:01 :25




中级口译的英文: Intermediate Interpreter;高级口译的英文:Senior Interpreter

Interpreter 读法 英  

n. 解释者;口译者;注释器


1、card interpreter卡片翻译机,卡片解释...

2、inhibiting interpreter抑制的翻译程序...

3、interpreter code翻译代码

4、electronic interpreter电子翻译器

5、language interpreter翻译程序语言...



translator 读法  英  

n. 译者;翻译器


1、translator dispatcher翻译程序的调度程序...

2、output translator输出变换器,输出译码...

3、level translator电平转移器,电平变换...

4、electronic translator电子译码器

5、translator program翻译程序










5、具有良好的口语能力,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译、国际研讨会翻译 以及外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。




笔译能力和水平要求: 译者不仅具有较高的英文水平,而且对汉语亦应有较深的造诣;否则会造成理解上的困惑和措辞上困难。 译者应知识渊博,广泛涉猎。这样笔译时才能得心应手,游刃有余。 



中级口译的难度比4级难点,比6点简单; 中级口译的基本要求: 一名合格的译员应具有听、说、读、写、译五项基本技能且都能达到较高的水准; 1、听力能力和水平,提高听力水平是其它基本技能发展的关键,也是综合英语交际能力的基础,要求学生达到四听懂、两听译; 2、笔译能力和水平,译者不仅具有较高的英文水平,而且对汉语亦应有较深的造诣;否则会造成理解上的困惑和措辞上困难; 3、口语能力和水平,要求具有口头交际手段的能力,具有良好的口语能力,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译等工作; 4、口译能力和水平,要求具有基本口译技能,可从事一般的生活翻译、外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作,考试旨在测试考生的“英译汉”和“汉译英”的口译能力以及对口译基本技巧的掌握程度,应具有口译短篇演讲文的能力,考生应具有良好的听译能力。



点击查看试题答案及解析   SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)

  Part A: Spot Dictation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with banks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer inthecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

  Britain is changing more rapidly than ever before in her long history. In some respects the new British society reflects general world trends.In other respects it has kept its own _________(1). British society is evolving, that is to say, developing and suiting itself to __________(2). Evolution rather than revolution or violent change is a ___________(3) of the British way of life.

  This is shown in one way by how the British people __________(4). The Conservative and Labour Parties have controlled __________(5) for the last fifty years, but today neither party can any longer be sure from which class or __________(6) its support will come. Not long ago you _______(7) the working classes always to vote for the Labour Party. The’ word“Labour ” means“hard work”—especially hard work”___________(8). The Labour Party is the party which is supposed _________(9) the “working man”. Your would also have expected the ________ (10) classes to vote for the Conservative Party. The word“Conservative”means “keeping things _________(11)”The Conservative Party is supposed to be the party which represents __________(12), businessmen and the self-employed. In some respects traditional British“class distinctions”are becoming _________(13), and you can be less sure how people will vote. Many members of the middle class __________(14).

  Many ordinary working people enjoy a better standard of living and are ___________(15) any change which might affect them. But the ___________(16) between the classes remain. Many Conservative fear that the sovereignty of Parliament is being threatened by __________(17). Many workers are afraid that the Conservative bosses are trying to keep __________(18) down. But class feelings have not reached a __________(19) yet. Middle-class and working class min can ___________(20) at a football match and be the best of friends.

  Part B: Listening Comprehension

  Ⅰ. Statements

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements ill be spoken only once, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  1.A. The houses had not been sold until last January.

  B. The houses have been for sale for some time.

  C. They went to the market to but their house.

  D. They have marked down their house since last January.

  2. A. Alice doesn’t have much talent.

  B. Alice is writing a book on business administration.

  C. Alice earns more money in writing novels.

  D. Alice knows more about business administration.

  3. A. We knew your phone number, so we called you.

  B. We didn’t know you were at home, so we didn’t call you.

  C. We didn’t want to disturb you, although we had your phone number.

  D. We didn’t have your phone number, so we didn’t call you.

  4. A. The suitcases are $ 19.85 each and come in three colors.

  B. The suitcases are available in red, green and blue for $ 19.85.

  C. The suitcases are nine dollars each.

  D. Each color has a different price.

  5. A. Most of the board members didn’t like the dress code.

  B. Few of the board members voted for the dress code.

  C. The director was the only one who was against the dress code.

  D. The director as well as the board members voted for the dress code.

  6. A. Cathy told the police about the burglary.

  B. Cathy telephoned to say that her office had a window pane broken.

  C. The police told Cathy that they had found the key to her office.

  D. The police was called in to check the security system of Cathy’s office.

  7. A. The manager will spend his summer holiday in the North.

  B. The manager is going to have a look at some northern factories.

  C. The manager himself will run the factories in the North.

  D. The manager plans to retire after his travel to the North.

  8. A. Thirty guests came.

  B. Forty guests came.

  C. Twenty guests didn’t receive their invitation cards.

  D. More guests came than were expected.

  9. A. One hundred and fourteen passengers called about the flight.

  B. Flight 114 was announced over the public address system.

  C. Flight 114 was canceled because of the weather.

  D. The flight was delayed due to the heavy rains.

  10.A. Many shops are moving to the suburbs.

  B. Sales figure is increasing in the suburbs.

  C. Shops in the downtown areas are more expensive.

  D. More goods are on sale in the suburbs.

  Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  Questions 11~14

  11.A. The size of the campus.

  B. The city bus system.

  C. The length of time for each class.

  D. The university bus system.

  12.A. The entire campus. B. Part of the campus.

  C. The campus and the. D. Only the off-campus areas.

  13.A. Nothing. B. Three dollars.

  C. A few cents D. Fifty cents.

  14.A. Red. B. Green C. Yellow. D. Blue.

  Questions 15~18

  15.A. Big computers. B. Portable computers.

  C. Various kinds of computers. D. Three types of machines.

  16.A. Only big computers. B. Only portable computers.

  C. Various kinds of computers D. Three types of machines.

  17.A. Professional people only.

  B. Large department stores.

  C. Small businesses, large companies and professional people.

  D. School children and university students.

  18.A. International Business Machines Corporation.

  B. Internal Business Machine.

  C. Iron Beam Machining Company.

  D. Iron Boat Machine Corporation.

  Questions 19~22

  19.A. From a textbook. B. From the television.

  C. From a periodical. D. From a lecture.

  20. A. How trees are grown in America.

  B. How paper is made from trees.

  C. The quality of paper used in America.

  D. The amount of paper that Americans use.

  21. A. 15 million tons. B. 50 million tons.

  C. 85 million tons. D. 850 million tons.

  22. A. Cut down more trees. B. Use less paper.

  C. Produce more paper. D. Read more about the problem.

  Questions 23~26

  23. A. Artificial plants.

  B. Plants in plastic containers.

  C. Plants that resemble plastic.

  D. Plants that produce a usable substance.

  24. A. It lasts longer. B. It is more artificial.

  C. It is easy to make in a laboratory. D. It is good for the environment.

  25. A. It biodegrades slowly. B. It kills plants.

  C. People never throw it away. D. It is not very strong.

  26. A. Engineering. B. Art.

  C. Botany. D. Geology.

  Questions 27~30

  27. A. Because there were so many clever boys at that time.

  B. Because they could provide free education for clever boys from poor families.

  C. Because the government planned to give free education to all the poor children.

  D. Because the government wanted to develop a new school examination system.

  28. A. They are more than 120 years old.

  B. They are open to all pupils.

  C. They are very expensive.

  D. They become smaller and smaller in size.

  29. A. Prepare children for the public school examination.

  B. Produce Britain’s most famous men and women.

  C. Train pupils to live and stay at public schools.

  D. Enroll pupils who are not admitted by public schools.

  30. A. Overseas B. Cities

  C. Suburban areas D. Upper classes

  Part C: Listening and Translation

  Ⅰ. Sentence Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.






  Ⅱ. Passage Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.






第一部分 3-minute talk


第二部分 4 passages of interpretation





《新东方 中级口译口试速记100篇》(汪亮 编著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读




书名:《新东方 中级口译口试速记100篇》

作者:汪亮 编著




这个考试,官方(上海外语教育出版社)出了5本教程。但你只要买听力教程、 翻译教程和口译教程 3本。书中有至少40%的内容考点是考试的重点出题来源。这个考试分笔试和口试两个阶段。过了笔试的同学才能参加口试考试。在参加第一阶段考试的时候,可以暂时丢开口译书。全力以赴攻克笔试。关于单词:以4-6级为基础,一定要会拼会写会意。(听力以及翻译要写字,听字,所以拼写很重要。)P.S 你专四专八的词汇有的话,阅读部分 会更容易一些的以 Time 1000 (网上有WORD版)为辅助, (阅读部分的材料来源于美国的时代杂志。政论类、新闻类文章是常考文体)这好像和6级的要求不太一样,所以单词量要求多多益善。(PS.阅读教程和考试无关。)新东方有个紫皮词汇书,对翻译部分也有一定贡献。把翻译教程看熟就知道考试时怎么处理了。听力书很重要,因为听力是难点,有第一部分挖二十个空的,多练就会快,一定要练到一定量。听力里还有一个难点就是听译了,这部分只能尽量拿分,但分值不高,所以不用太担心,不过也要多练,会有进步的。在考前几个月,做一下 历年真题。 就差不多了。(新东方的是梅红色的封面)如果你要单词资料,可以把邮箱留给我。我发给你。我还没有考场经验,以下是搜到的Hier 的考场听力技巧:听力三个部分(1dictation, 2answer the questions, 3translation)考前有2分钟浏览信息。抓紧宝贵时间。第一部分语速差不多130words/min。结束后会空出2分钟。建议LZ拿前1分钟誊写答案到答题纸上。后1分钟快速纵向浏览第二部分的选择题选项。第二部分共30题。前10个听句子回答是每题听完简单对话后有12秒时间给你选择正确答案。后20个为段落听后选择。共5段,每段4问(2000年前是4段5问)。每段念完问后问的4个问题之间间隔5秒左右供选题。第三部分句子听译之间间隔30秒供翻译成中文在答题纸上(不要翻在试卷上,考试结束后没有时间给你特别誊写)。段落听译间隔1分钟。给楼主几点建议:1.dictation部分里不要企图每个单词都边听边写全。有些可以用自己了解的速记记下代替,且只记实词不记虚词(The, a ,an 等)。20个空每空1.5分。关键词占三分之二分数。基本上一个空要填3个词的话关键词占1分。2. choices部分听段落时记得记下笔迹。比如真题里有道题看到选项里有rainy, cloudy, sunny等一定要在听段落时把各个地方的天气情况都记全,因为无法得知问题里会问哪个城市的情况。3.translation句子是3分每句,5句共15分。每句理解和表达各占一半分数。即中文意思若是对了但表达不符合汉语习惯也是要扣1或1.5分的。段落听译第一段较简单是7分,第二段8分。和句子的计分方法一样。且有些细节可省略。改分不是很紧。建议每段前部分脑记后部分笔记。第二部分实在记不下来也要把数字记下。数字占得分很多哦。考试时三个部分语速都和教程里的一样。停顿时间如上述。笔试好好准备,通过并不难。第二阶段的口译要更下功夫才行。总结:单词基础+三本教程(好好练习)+真题=必过笔试阶段。



  点击查看试题答案及解析   SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)

  Part A: Spot Dictation

  Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the correspo nding spa ce in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.

  Travelling by air is one of the maj or conveniences of modern times. So last summer when we planned a holiday abroad, we decided to take advantage of such a modern, convenient _______ (1).

  We began preparations for our trip early by calling the airline and _______ (2). A few days later we received our tickets telling us our flight number and the _______ (3) from our city and

  arrival at our destination. We were advised to arrive at the airline terminal an hour before takeoff in order to _______ (4) for our flight, receive our _______ (5), and check our baggage. It is important not to be late, or you might miss the flight. On the day of the flight, we went to the _______ (6) where we were directed to the _______ (7) of the gate from which the airplane

  would depart. As we entered this area we were checked _______ (8). While we were waiting, I noticed how busy everyone was. The _______ (9) were checking the plane for last minute repairs, and a large truck was fueling the plane with gasoline to make it _______ (10).

  When our flight was called we _______ (11). We were pleasantly greeted by the flight attendants and offered _______ (12), drinks and food. The weather was good, and there was no

  _______ (13) to cause us worry or discomfort. Although our flight was _______ (14), during the holidays air travel becomes more hectic. Often airlines sell to many tickets for a flight and are then _______ (15). Some unlucky passengers will e bumped and _______ (16) on a later flight. Bad weather might also cause a later takeoff, and this delay often _______ (17) at the next stop. One of the most annoying aspects of air travel at holiday season is the possibility of _______ (18). I always try to carry with me _______ (19) for several days. On the whole, however, traveling by air is _______ (20). It is fast, safe, and usually reliable.

  Part B: Listening Comprehension

  Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be sp oken ONLY ONCE, and you will not fi nd them written on the paper; so you must listen caref ully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statementyou have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  1. (A) We can meet the chairman later.

  (B) The chairman rang to say that he would be late.

  (C) We’d better telephone the chairman now.

  (D) The chairman turned up half an hour earlier for the board meeting.

  2. (A) I am considering Mr. Johnson for thejob of accounting manager.

  (B) I have decided that Mr. Johnson be the branch’s accounting manager.

  (C) Mr. Johnson is interviewing short-listed candidates I have selected for him.

  (D) Mr. Johnson is eager to take to position although he is not qualified for it.

  3. (A) I do not weight very much.

  (B) It was not your fault.

  (C) This is no way explains the event.

  (D) The flame of that fire is too high.

  4. (A) I want Charlie to discontinue his research project.

  (B) Charlie should be encouraged to work on his research project.

  (C) It was an honor to be able to do the research project with Charlie.

  (D) Charlie has a lot of courage to take on such a large research project.

  5. (A) Health food experts and doctors have been testifying against the increased sales of Vitamin E.

  (B) Thanks to the lies of health food experts and some doctors, the sales of Vitamin E have doubled over the past five months.

  (C) The claims of health food experts and some doctors will help increase the sales of Vitamin E in the next five years.

  (D) The increased sales of Vitamin E are due to the favorable statements from health food experts and doctors.

  6. (A) Our foreign experts will arrive in September to teach a three-month extension course.

  (B) If you have a three-month extension education, you may apply for the position.

  (C) Your visa will expire three weeks later, so you are not eligible for an extension.

  (D) Your may get an extension of your visa if you apply in due time.

  7. (A) The speaker is surprised at the difficulty in developing a treatment for the common cold.

  (B) The speaker is watching a TV program about the development of science and technology in the last two centuries.

  (C) It took scientists two hundred years to develop an effective cure for the common flu.

  (D) Scientists gave up efforts in developing a drug to treat the common cold after two hundred years of experiment.

  8. (A) Graduate students may apply for working on campus, if they are married and unable to pay for their school tuition.

  (B) The university offers on-campus housing to graduate students, if they can meet certain requirements.

  (C) If both of you register for this graduate course, you may choose to live in an on-campus apartment for less than 1700 dollars a month.

  (D) We charge 1700 dollars a month for the MBA course, which includes the provision of a two-bedroom on-campus apartment.

  9. (A) Employees very much enjoy their trip to work.

  (B) Employees try to cry out to deal with their stress at work.

  (C) Employees have to commute a long way to work.

  (D) Employees prefer to live in the suburbs of most US cities.

  10. (A) The ovens should be dispatched in no longer than two weeks.

  (B) The ovens should have been returned two weeks ago.

  (C) The ovens will be brought back for maintenance in 14 days.

  (D) The ovens have not been assembled until after 14 days.

  Questions 23-26

  23. (A) A wide road built by the Chinese government.

  (B) A British concession in Shanghai.

  (C) The original name for the Yangtze River.

  (D) A small river parallel to the city wall.

  24. (A) They set up concessions along some of the rivers.

  (B) They sold imported fruits to local people.

  (C) They built toll bridges across the rivers.

  (D) They ruled the area according to European traditions.

  25. (A) Because it was a river of strategic importance for military maneuvers.

  (B) Because it was located between concessions and Chinese-run areas.

  (C) Because there was many commercial buildings on either side of its banks.

  (D) Because it was so deep that the foreign cargo ships could go up to unload.

  26. (A) To purchase something from their fellow countrymen.

  (B) To bargain with native small-business people.

  (C) To draft contracts or documents for European merchants.

  (D) To communicate with people from European countries.

  Questions 27-30

  27. (A) Some thieves broke into her house.

  (B) She had an accident during her night shift.

  (C) Her car broke down and she had to walk home.

  (D) She had valuable things stolen while she was away on duty.

  28. (A) The two watches and a few earrings.

  (B) Her car in front of the window.

  (C) The Japanese-styled box on the dressing table.

  (D) The stereo system and the television set in the lounge.

  29. (A) In her purse.

  (B) In her car.

  (C) In her desk.

  (D) In her dressing table.

  30. (A) Because they couldn t find any cash.

  (B) Because they saw the woman drive back.

  (C) Because they planned to be in and out very quickly.

  (D) Because they noticed that the woman had only a black-and-white TV set.

  Part C: Listening and Translation

  1. Sentence Translation

  Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Aft er you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET.






  2. Passage Translation

  Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Aft er you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the correspond ing sp ace in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.



  SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)

  Directions: In this section, you will read severalpassages. Each passage is f ollowed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A) , (B), (C) or (D) , to each question. Answer all the questions f ollowing each passage on the basis of what is stated or imp lied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  Questions 1-5

  Last year more than a million and a half foreign tourists visited the United States. In order to understand intercultural problems better, and perhaps to find ways to improve the American image abroad, a reporter recently interviewed some of these visitors as they were leaving to return home. He especially wanted to find out their first impressions of the United States, what places they most enjoyed visiting, and some of their likes and dislikes.

  As far as first impressions are concerned, almost all of the foreigners were impressed by the tremendous size of the country. The United States, of course, is a large country. The distance between San Francisco and New York is about the same as that between Gibraltar and Baghdad. Indeed, the entire Mediterranean Sea could easily fit within the country’s borders. Even expecting this, foreigners who visit the United States for the first time are overwhelmed by the vast distances. Apparently to be believed, such distances have to be traveld.

  The foreign visitors were also impressed by the range of climate and the variety of scenery in the country. Many were amazed to discover that, in the same day, they could travel from the snowy cold of New England winter to the sunny warmth of Florida sunshine. Even in the single state of California, they could find sandy beaches, rocky shores, tropical vegetation, hot dry deserts, redwood forests, and towering snow-capped mountains.

  They were also impressed by the informal friendliness of Americans. Whether on buses, trains, planes, or at vacation or scenic resorts, there visitors generally agreed that they had been greeted warmly. On the other hand, some reported that hotel clerks, waiters, and taxi drivers were often unsympathetic, impatient, and rude. The most common complaint of all was that so few Americans can speak any language but English, and some foreign visitors claimed that they had difficulty understanding the American accent.

  1. What does "this" in "Even expecting this…" (para.2, line 11) refer to?

  (A) The distance between San Francisco and New York.

  (B) The vastness of the country.

  (C) The size of the Mediterranean Sea.

  (D) The country’s borders.

  2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  (A) New England winters are cold.

  (B) Some taxi drivers are impolite.

  (C) The U.S.A is a popular place for tourists.

  (D) Hotel staff are often sympathetic.

  3. New England is located _______.

  (A) in the south west of the US

  (B) to the south of California

  (C) in the northeast of the US

  (D) to the west of Florida

  4. What made the most negative impression on foreign visitors?

  (A) The country’s vastness.

  (B) The informal friendliness of Americans.

  (C) The fact that the American accent is hard to understand.

  (D) The fact that not many Americans can speak a foreign language.

  5. The overall purpose of this passage is to _______.

  (A) demonstrate the cultural differences between America and Europe

  (B) indicate ways to improve the American image abroad

  (C) describe the general impression of foreign visitors on America

  (D) criticize some behaviors of American taxi drivers






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2024年7月30日 21:10




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本文目录下列关于按语的说法,正确的有()按语是什么意思《杜骗新书》,不懂勿进!下列关于按语的说法,正确的有()下列关于按语的说法,正确的有() A.如果需要为文章加按语,可以根据实际需要,将按语置于文前或者文后。B.说明性按语,主要用于

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​宽恕就是爱 (九):无条件的爱?爱就是饶恕别人恨就是毁灭自己什么意思

​宽恕就是爱 (九):无条件的爱?爱就是饶恕别人恨就是毁灭自己什么意思

本文目录​宽恕就是爱 (九):无条件的爱爱就是饶恕别人恨就是毁灭自己什么意思宽恕就是爱爱为什么是永无止境的原谅宽容是仁爱之心的重要表现宽恕就是爱是什么书​宽恕就是爱 (九):无条件的爱      人间有些爱常是发自内疚和忧惧,你不知不觉地从

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本文目录重阳节关爱老人活动总结关工委年底工作总结区民政局关心下一代工作总结关心下一代工作委员会工作总结、活动名称、主题、会议内容、等等,越多越好,给的材料多悬赏就多哈乡镇关工委工作总结重阳节关爱老人活动总结 经历了充满意义的活动后,相信你一

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2024年3月1日 15:50



本文目录就这样在慢慢地长大作文就这样慢慢地长大初中作文600字慢慢长大作文400字就这样慢慢长大初三作文800字就这样慢慢地长大作文慢慢地长大八年级作文慢慢长大_就这样在慢慢地长大作文   在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用

2024年9月29日 12:00