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- 2019海上钢琴师电影优秀影评4篇
- 海上钢琴师观后感英文版
- 海上钢琴师 英文影评 谁能告诉我一下!~
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- 海上钢琴师英文影评
1、Film Review 影评(功夫熊猫)My favorite moive is 《KongKu Panda》. It was a story about a panda named Po, who wanted to be a Kongfu warrior. One day he was chosen by chance to be Dragon warrior to fight against a bad guy. But the master thought he was not qualified, because he did know about KongFu, and tried to make him quit. Through his hardworking, he finally defeated the bad guy and became the Dragon warrior.The film is so interesting and also has profound meaning. It tells the old and classic story about not giving up and believing in yourself. It is also very interesting to find out that the film is full of the Chinese elements and take them into account. The fat panda itself is the behalf of our country. And the music and lines in the moive is also very wonderful to represent the Chinese culture. It seems that Hollywood knows us better. The best line for me is Master Wugui’s saying "Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called present."2、Harry Potter (哈利波特) I always enjoyed all the movie about Harry Potter. I must disclaim that I am a huge fan of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. I think the movie is really fascinatng. Harry Potter is a boy who has sorcery.He is very brave and firm. All the movies have many features. For example, the fourth movie ’s circs is intense.But the fifth movie is very boring.Don ’ t go to see it if you have time.3、THE LEGEND OF 1900.(1990海上钢琴师)today i saw a movie named THE LEGEND OF 1900.it touched me so much that i narrowly began crying.the movie is about a man who was born on the ship and played piano on it till the time the ship was destroyed and he himself died.the lonely man played piano throughout his life and he only had one friend,but that is a real friend.he once fell in love with a girl,but he did’t own the courage to express his feeling.the movie is so great for it build a character who deeply touched everybody who watched the film.and the actor performance is also very natural.it is a good film which is worth watching,so i hope every one can go to see the film and feel the heart of the man in the film. 哈,楼主看是否ok?至于中文翻译,可以用在线翻译器翻译一下,希望能帮上忙哦~~~~
第三次重温了《海上钢琴师》。 不论第几次看,它都是我心目中当之无愧的经典之作。
他手指划过键盘流淌出来的音乐,深情,动人,一如他不曾出口的情感表达。他慵懒典雅的身姿, 孩童般纯净的天使面庞,清澈纯净的蓝眼睛······当这样的声音钻进耳朵,这样的画面印入眼帘,总是禁
因为是新世纪的第一天,养父丹尼给他起名叫1900。由于没有相关的出生证明,丹尼担心他被人抱走,所以1900从来没有离开过船舱。他就在这船一样大的摇篮里长大,他不知道海的尽头还有其他世界。就像他单纯地以为“妈妈”是一匹马,一匹跑得很快的马,一匹好马。 尽管如此,有养父丹尼的疼爱与照顾,1900的世界是温情的。
可就在1900 八岁的时候,唯一能够给他庇佑的养父意外去世。懵懂中,年幼的他便经历了生离死别。
树欲静而风不止。这时候,爵士乐的鼻祖杰里闻名来到弗吉尼亚游轮,欲与1900对决高下。1900不喜将音乐以任何一种形式划分,于他而言,音乐就是心之所在,情感之所达。毫无悬念地,他赢得了比赛。大概音乐不仅是他情感表达的出口,更是上天赋予他的一种能力,凡人所不能及。尽管天才已经被 滥用,我却找不到更确切的语言来称谓他。
财富、名誉,从不曾令他有丝毫动摇。但爱情, 让1900心中起了涟漪。他试图尝试用除了音乐之外的语言去交流,但最终发现,对他而言,能够出口的语言表达,相比琴键能够流露出来的情感,如此微弱,困难。他只能在三等舱去偷望她,在深夜里轻轻吻了他心中的爱情,仓皇而逃......他销毁了因她而生的柔情似水的,可以扬名立万的原碟片。
1900是勇敢的,坚毅的,执着的。他知道自己需要什么,不要什么。我们都想能够做自己喜欢的事,做自己愿意做的自己 ,但却又害怕是个与众不同的异类。究其心理,是我们只想得到自己想要的,却不愿意为之而取舍,为之而付出代价。
也许有人会讲,这是一种消极的人生,这是一种懦弱的态度,这是一种逃避的借口。但我们清晰的看到他随着钢琴在海浪起伏摇摆的船舱内肆意滑行,听着他为心爱的姑娘弹奏出海上钢琴师的内心独白,用“fuck the regulation”轻轻地回答了船长的指责……这些画面无一不告诉我们,他不是一个没有自我的人。他生活于他自己构建的灵性殿堂,那个殿堂无人可攀。他不属于任何一种生活,他被上帝隐秘的藏起,被海洋保管,被一个多情的导演,用戏剧把他的所有一一遮盖……
后来渐渐明白了为何1900终其一生也不愿走下弗吉尼亚号半步,因为我们的陆地就是他的海洋,无人愿意一生漂泊。我们这些“陆地”上的人,学习,工作,为人父母,然后老去,听来仿佛一切都已明了,人生却还是那样漫长。然而在闭上眼的那一瞬还是会含笑着想起,自己曾和挚友在毕业之际把酒言欢;会含笑着想起,自己曾拥有良人在侧,许下一屋两人三餐四季的誓言;会含笑着想起更久远的从前,父母望着刚来到世间的你满脸尽是疼爱……会想起那些曾无数次温暖过你的点点滴滴,然后默默告诉自己 ,这是很长、很好的一生。
10年前,无意中搜到了这部电影,那时,并没有领会原版电影的标题“The Legend of 1900”(直译:1900传奇的一生),而其中文名“海上钢琴师”让我充满了期待。10年后,当再次重温这部经典时,才发现,1900这个数字饱含的寓意,才发现,1900,不仅象征着那个世纪,也是那个时代的标签。工业革命的兴起,物质文明的开始,一切都充满了希望,工业梦、美国梦,在这艘往返于欧洲和美国的弗吉尼亚号上显现地淋漓尽致。影片一开始,我们的主人公便被烙上了这个时代的烙印,他的父亲,一名黑人船工,就给这个捡来的孩子取了捡来的名字,“1900(NineteenHundred)”,充满着幻想与希望但又荒诞不羁。而正是这简单的数字,才是整部电影的点睛之笔。
在这个充满“机遇”,充满幻想的时代,1900也许正是Danny(可怜的煤炉工) 将希望寄托在白人弃婴上,对这个新世界的幻想,对自己不公待遇的呐喊。也许1900,就像他那与众不同的名字那样,凭着个人的力量,在那个“功利性”的世界中,给那些盲目追求财富、追求幸福的人们,一记响亮的耳光。
I think land people wasted a lot time wondering why. Winter comes they can’t wait for summer; summer comes they’re living drilled of winter. That’s why you’re never tired of travelling, chasing some place far away, where there’s always summer. That doesn’t sound like a good bet to me.
The Legend of 1900
Morning everyone,today i will introduce a film to you all.its name is the legend of 1900,its not talk about stories happened in 1900 ,its mainly about a pianist who was born, lived and died in a ship and never left the ship with a special name .yes his name is 1900 .an orphan was adopted by a black man working on the ship
To be honest i have download this film for a long time ,but i didn’t watch it ,because i think it won’t be very interesting .just a pianist ,what wonderful story can happen to him ?
But recently i just opened it by accident ,firstly it was really very dull ,no famous film star ,no interesting plot,no wonderful kungfu.but finally my eyesight was caught by the pianist , He’s a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms,and also he’s a man so stupid that he chose to stay on the ship gone with the wind and storm while he can ashore and become the most famous pianist.what’s more ,at the end when the ship should be destroyed he still refused to leave and finally died with the ship.
Someone may see this film as a tragedy,but is it really one ?maybe the end was indeed so sad ,most of us would feel its a pity to see his died .But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. Only a man like him can give up desire of reputation and money on the land. Only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell... It is really difficult to image what will happen if 1900 set foot on land ?start an ordinary life and become vulgar ,be absorbed in chasing fame and fortune .no ,we don’t want to see that ,so the story just stop here ,even painful and sad .
Just let us remember him A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.
Leggenda del pianista sull’oceano,la
Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are
eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by. What I didn’t see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world... You get me up on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end.That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano. How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die... I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way.
Maybe you will say the legend of 1900 is a literary film without any strange creature or kongfu,but it is truly a great film.No film will attract me from the beginning to the end like the legend of 1900.No film can make me think seriously about the life in the world like this film.In my eyes,I think it is the best film I have ever seen.
The greastest success of the film is the shock that it brings to people. As an orphan,the leading role 1900 was left on a piano,then he was adopted by a worker on the boat. He has gone through a happy time with the worker,but the worker is dead when he was eight years old.Then he began to show his unique talent on the piano,everyone who has listened his music on the boat—Virginia was being touch by his skills and his met his only friend—Maxs who was a trumpeter.Not before too long,his talent on piano has been heard by the father of jazz.Konwing the 1900 can mix ten kinds of jazz on his music,he decided to have a duel with 1900 in front of the public on the Virginia,but he was shocked by 1900’s talent and leaving.Then his friend maxs said to him that he should go to the land to play for the public,he believed that the world would be crazy for his music and he will own everything what he wanted,but 1900 never decide to left the boat or even let his music left him as a record heared by the others.On once occasion,he loved a girl who listened his music carefuilly,he decided to left the boat to visit the girl,but he giving up this mind when he saw the street and buildings on the land.In the end,he never left the boat and being blown up with the boat by lots of bomb,even choosing to be dead with the abandoned boat he rufuse to go to the land.What impressed me most was the talking between maxs,Maxs was moved to tears by what he said and I was touched deeply by what he said too.As a person,he didn’t has a country ,he didn’t even have a birth date or a birth date.there are no record on any books.As if he has never exsited .In his words, he didn’t exsit for anyone.The film contain more that I don’t know how to express them .In a word, it absolutely is a excellent film.
海上钢琴师 英文影评 谁能告诉我一下!~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------英文影评He’s a man so brave, that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born, lived and died in. Yet he’s a man so scared, that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday. He’s a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms (or I’d rather say, he has God’s arms). Yet he’s a man so stupid, that he chose to gone with the wind while he’s other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a child. He’s a man so perceptive, that he could use his music language to describe exactly others’ feelings. Yet he’s a man so insensitive that he’d rather disappear after a gentle kiss on his beloved while she’s asleep than unburden himself and tell her "ILU". But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist. Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm. Only a man like him can give up the first two bouts of a duel, and beat the competitor entirely, convincingly, potently in the last bout. Only a man like him... can have such a beautiful story to tell... This man is Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred, who is also known as simply "1900". A man never existed. He has never set foot on land in his entire life. No ID. No passport. No Visa. No parents. No birthday. Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music. So he played. For the first class guests. For the third class members. For the girl at the window. For the darkness of the night. For the heartbeat of his own. For the sea-- his eternal home. He had once wanted to get off the ship. To meet his girl and to hear the voice of the sea, as he always wanted to. He hugged friends goodbye and waved and went down. But his pace became slower and slower, and finally stopped. As he described at the end of the movie: "Nineteen Hundred: All that city. You just couldn’t see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn’t see. You understand that? What I didn’t see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world... Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by. You get me up on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that’s the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano. Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets?There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die... All that world is weighing down on me, you don’t even know where it comes to an end, and aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it? I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful; it’s a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It’s a music I don’t know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don’t exist for anyone. You’re an exception, Max, you’re the only one who knows I’m here. You’re a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I’m not getting off." He didn’t get off. That’s what he said and he did. As I mentioned above, he died with the ship, in the explosion. I believe at this point of the movie, no body can hold their tears back. By the way, this movie is Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, who is also the director of Nuovo cinema Paradiso and Malèna. Some people say the legend of 1900 is the director’s compromise to Hollywood-style-commercial movie. Well, I know nothing about this kind... It’s a excellent movie. Much I could say.
The whole ship is the most important film props, but also in the whole movie took place aboard ocean-going vessel People are excited because to be on land, while his 1900 film hero has chosen to stay on board forever, waiting for the passage of time waiting for the ship gradually aging, waiting for the people gradually forgotten, moments before the explosion he met a friend, the original Want to disappear quietly, as he quietly hid in the abandoned cruise ship in until the destruction of the tankers in the growth of cruise ships in the rest of his happy hours, the sea is quiet is choppy, and he belongs to The sea and, after individual countries, but never left the ship one step, then the long wait is a pause between the disembarkation, land of the world is wonderful, but like the Chinese, like duckweed, left the ship left the harbor He has not taken root, in the meantime there is not his courage shake is not enough, no one knows, no one would understand him in the film, the beginning of the sentence from his mouth tells a friend "as long as you have a Good story, you will never be forgotten "
这里有本片英文影评213篇:***隐藏网址***楼主可以借鉴,挑选几篇,把内容整理一下,就可以了。推荐其中一篇:When 1900 was a baby, he was abandoned in the ship. Since then, he never left the ship. His talents on piano made him welcome. After defeating the black jazz musician, he became more popular. But he was so afraid of getting off the ship that he gave up his love for a girl. His friend Max wanted to persuade him to leave the ship because the ship would be exploded. It did not work. A tragedy could not be avoided. In the end 1900 sank to the sea along with the ship.Although the storyline was weak, the great piano music was good enough to make it uncommon. I particularly like the following scene. When 1900 played the piano for Max, he created different music for different people with different action and expression. The amazing place was that the music was so appropriate. That was the most interesting part of the movie.Tim Roth convincingly played a sympathizing talented pianist. I think that its original sound track is sure to be sold well.If you like piano music, you should not miss it.
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