近日,一著名的化妆品公司欧莱雅(中国)有限公司,在重庆某百货有限公司“欧莱雅”专柜因发布虚假广告,被判定罚款20万元。 我们先来看看欧莱雅的这条广告文为何构成了虚假宣传。 “法国碧欧泉8天、肌肤犹如新生愈颜、弹润、透亮源自活源精粹的愈颜力、奇迹水肌底精华露、无论年龄,无论肌肤状态、8天肌肤犹如新生、明星达人挚爱之选、众人见证8天奇迹、肌肤问题一并解决、68800人已经见证奇迹水带来的肌肤新生……”“使用8天肌肤就宛如新生”“无论年龄、无论皮肤状态”“肌肤问题一并解决”“68800人已经见证” 都是一些非常强有力的信息,说得是丝毫不带含糊,一波连着一波的“高光”词汇让人毫无抵抗之力。 虚假广告之所以构成虚假,一是指商品宣传的内容与所提供的商品或者服务的实际质量不符,另外一个就是指可能使宣传对象或受宣传影响的人对商品的真实情况产生错误的联想,从而影响其购买决策的商品宣传。 这样一看,欧莱雅这款宣传是虚假广告是实打实的事情了。 而欧莱雅虚假广告宣传已经不是第一次。 早在2013、2016、2017年欧莱雅都因广告过度宣传被罚款10万到20万不等的金额。 不止是欧莱雅,其它的大牌也没少翻过车,韩束、倩碧、欧舒丹…… 对于这样的大牌,这次的罚款其实真的有点隔靴搔痒。 我们先来看一组数据: 据欧莱雅集团2018年财报显示,集团2018全年销售额增长7.1%至269.4亿欧元,获得自2007年以来的最高年度销售增幅,经营利润率也创下历史新高,达到18.3%。其中,亚太地区的销售额同比增长20.4%至74.06亿欧元,可比销售同比增幅高达24.1%。 而中国已经成为了美国以外,欧莱雅在全球的第二大市场,2018年的销售额同比增幅达到33%。 然而令我稍感疑惑的是,当我阅读到这则新闻,我的第一反应是有点意外。 不是因为这样的大牌竟然做虚假宣传的意外 也不是罚款金额的意外。 而是,原来这样写广告词是违法的。 这样的文案,貌似似曾相识啊。 翻车的不止是大牌,虚假宣传如今充斥着我们的生活 还记得那段时间火起来的VC水吗? 这款爽肤水厉害了,不仅可以保湿,还可以淡化黑色素,防止黑色素沉淀,提亮肌肤,满满玻尿酸,让肌肤水润嫩滑,更是让你白成一道光!还有那款火遍全网的“韩国FHD血橙面膜”,除了便宜大碗,某宝价108元/30张,更是效果惊人,集补水、美白、舒缓、激活细胞四效合一,急救型面膜,0铅0汞0激素,就差告诉你,只要你是个人都可以用,用了变仙女,不用变巫婆。血橙面膜成分里没有血橙,只不过一般面膜都会有的神经酰胺、精氨酸,透明质酸等保湿成分。 面膜是真的,但是被代购吹成这样,生产商可能也表示无奈。 况且,面膜成分里含有防腐剂、苯氧乙醇、表面活性剂PEG60还有红色预警的香精香料等争议成分,而一些种草文案闭口不谈,甚至还声称孕妇敏感肌都可使用。 这些种草文案,除了差个专门的广告宣传片以外,虚假广告该有的点它都踩了。 可怕的是,不少人也不知道怎么上的贼船。 种草——其实就是另类的广告 成功的广告都会有一个共同的显著特点,那就是 “点燃你的情绪”。 消费者行为学里人类的态度一般由认知、情感和行为三个元素构成,在消费过程当中,我们一般会先形成认知,然后产生情感,最后才做出决策进行消费。 但是广告可能会把你的认知切掉,只剩下情绪和行为两个元素。 比如有一款精华液,它说:这个精华液啊,你用它首先会觉得非常的舒服,它里面饱含着无数个细小的水分子,渗进到你的皮肤,让你的肌肤大口大口地喝水,你的肌肤就会变得水润透亮,Q弹无比。 注意到这个描述吗,它会细化整个使用的过程。是不是真的大口喝水我们不知道,但是这个广告词的确让我们形成非常美好的联想, 还没用,我们已经对这个结果充满了期待。 这时候注意了,你的认知已经成功被你脑中的画面和心理燃起的愉快情绪替代,点击一下购买键,你就可以拥有了,就这么简单。 当然这样的广告词只要不是太过夸张,仍然属于合理营销的范畴,像欧莱雅的“8天让你的肌肤焕新生”明显超出它自己的实际功效。 即使不是购物狂,相信大家都有过“被种草”的经历,如今最怕听到的是“亲测有效” 还有李佳奇的那句“oh my god,真的超级好看,买它买它买它!” 全民种草的时代,每个人说话成本都很低,在利益的驱使下,有多少的虚假宣传大行其道,而我们,又该相信谁? 消费者个人要理智对待广告和种草是一方面,但是逐利的市场如果没有跟上来的市场监管,恐怕也会陷入一片混乱。 只是希望那句:世界会奖励那些真诚卖货的网红们。 不是无奈的自我安慰。
I do not like to stop the people, social, sports, travel, but I enjoy the recent body tired, but I will never allow his face tired, once I have time to relax, the most important thing is to take care of my skin, Every day I will use L’Oreal men’s strong refreshing lotion, it is the only vitamin c moisturizing cream, can help the skin to inject energy, the skin is full of electricity, it is really good. The future of the skin, you decide. You deserve it, L’Oreal Paris.
It’s really good. The future of the skin is up to you. You deserve it, L’Oreal Paris.
L’Oreal Paris, you also deserve.
You worth it too ~~
I just worth my dear and lovely
you deserve to have.
I believe seen the ads to the crush L’Oreal Paris can immediately think of the popular L’Oreal Paris ad. This ad is the L’Oreal Paris, you deserve it. In addition to the outstanding advertising endorsements, in fact, our consumers the most important thing is the quality of the brand itself.
I believe seen the ads to the crush L’Oreal Paris can immediately think of the popular L’Oreal Paris ad. This ad is the L’Oreal Paris, you deserve it. In addition to the outstanding advertising endorsements, in fact, our consumers are most valued or the quality of the brand itself. As a big brand and attaches great importance to bring consumers high-quality brand.L’Oreal Paris naturally will not let you feel the disappointment of consumers.The brand not only in skin care products have been covered, and hair care in hair shampoo has also made a lot of achievements. As the ad said, it has by virtue of their own strength in the minds of the majority of consumers occupy a space for one person. Xiaobian here for you on the brand is not very understanding of the crush a brief introduction.
L’Oreal Paris ad is a spokesperson Fan Bingbing say. Fan Bingbing Fan Ye believe that the hearts of many of the goddess of the United States and her atmosphere and calm and elegant and dignified yet glamorous and very generous and approachable style and L’Oreal Paris positioning itself is also very relevant. Although maintained a high standard of quality has been, but the price is very close to the public can be accepted by consumers. But also in the hair care of this cold has been achieved good results. Not only is advertising good, more importantly, Paris L’Oreal R & D center has been persistent research. The brand is not only responsible for their own products, but also to the majority of new L’Oreal responsible for the consumer. So insist on high standards of strict requirements has been constantly developing new products also continue to upgrade themselves, in particular, is worth mentioning that the R & D part of L’Oreal has so far developed on the 10,000 kinds of patents, such a huge number of figures have to People feel very surprised. But in addition to the surprise at the same time can also feel more L’Oreal responsible for the consumer.
Although taking the high-end line, but the price can make the majority of consumers are acceptable. Which is more against the background of the Paris L’Oreal ad the phrase you deserve. Recently, there are a lot of crush response to the small series of L’Oreal Paris law enforcement essential oil is very easy to use. In fact, it is not only in the field of shampoo and law enforcement has been a lot of consumer praise in the skin care and cosmetic aspects of it even have involved. In fact, a brand in the end good or bad is not the effect of their propaganda how magical, and no longer with their advertising how delicate shot. Ultimately, as long as consumers recognized that this is the biggest success of the brand. Many crush has been to Xiaobian feedback that the brand is very easy to use.
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