- 新年致辞英文
- 姚梦瑶致辞英语原文
- 致词的英文怎么说
- 英文致辞
- 致辞 [zhì cí]什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么
- 英文版毕业致辞范文
- “总经理致辞”用英语怎么说急急急
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- 商务宴会欢迎外宾英文致辞
1,Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity。
2,The new year is coming!I wish you can break new ground!
3,I would like to wish all of them and their fellow villagers a prosperous and thriving New Year.
4,The new year is a clean slate to you .
5,On this New Year I wish that you have a superb January, a dazzling February, a Peaceful March, an anxiety free April, a sensational May, and Joy that keeps going from June to November, and then round off with an upbeat December.
6,Wishing you 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of fun, 8760 hours of joy, 525600 minutes of good luck and 31536000 seconds of happiness.
7,Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.
英文:On a serious note,what do we learn from debating。I see in all the contestants the quality of being aspiring,adaptable and absorbed。
英文:Debating nurtures an inquisitive mind and a compassionate heart。You wake up every morning with a genuine interest to explore and embrace something new,to excel at school,at work and in life full of hope and drive,for a larger purpose。
英文:I learned that debating is more about reasoning,not arguing。It’s as much about getting your message across as listening to what others have to say。
It’s more about being open-minded and tolerant than outwitting others or winning the game. Ignite curiosity and inspire action。That’s what debating is all about。
toast:祝酒辞address:演讲,致辞(The Geddysburg Adress就是林肯在美国内战后一篇非常有名的演讲辞)speech:演讲,公开演说oration:致辞,演讲相比而言,toast一般是在酒会或者婚礼上敬酒前的讲话,address一般指规格比较高,比较正式的演讲,speech还可由于指一般场合的演讲,而oration多指在特定场合的演讲,慷慨陈词型的。
欢迎词的英文:welcoming speech
speech 读法 英
1、parts of speech 词类;词性
2、keynote speech 会上发表的主要讲话;政党代表大会上关于施政方针的演说
3、speech quality 声音品质;话音质量
4、opening speech 开幕致辞
5、indirect speech n. 间接引语
1、speech的基本意思是“说话,说话能力”,指人的一种语言的能力。speech也可作“说话方式”解,指人们为了表达自己的某一意图而采取的一种表达方式,作以上两义解时, speech是不可数名词。
2、speech还可作“演说,演讲; 讲话”解,通常指在公共场合为群众所作的讲话,强调影响、教育或娱乐群众。这种讲话可以是有准备的或措词庄重的,可以是正式的或是非正式的,有时还可指讲话或讲话稿的风格。作此解时speech是可数名词。
lecture, speech, report, talk这组词都有“演讲,讲话,报告”的意思,其区别是:
1、lecture 侧重带学术性的演讲。
2、speech 普通用词,指一般的发言或讲话,可以是事先准备的,也可以是即席的。
3、report 一般是指下级给上级或负责人给委托机关的书面或口头报告。
4、talk 常用词,强调非正式讲话,讲话方式一般较为自由。
致辞 [zhì cí]什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么
亦作“ 致词 ”。指用文字或语言向人表达思想感情。
《楚辞·九章·思美人》:“因归鸟而致辞兮,羌宿高而难当。” 王逸 注:“思附鸿鴈达中情也。” 唐 杜甫 《石壕吏》诗:“听妇前致词,三男 邺城 戍。” 唐 权德舆 《拜昭陵过咸阳墅》诗:“田夫竞致辞,乡耋争来前。”
《宋史·乐志十七》:“每春秋圣节三大宴……乐工致辞,继以诗一章,谓之‘口号’,皆述德美及中外蹈咏之情。初致辞,羣臣皆起听,听辞毕,再拜。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷三:“乐人 史金著 者,粗能属文,致词于帘陛之外。”参见“ 致语 ”。
致辞,词语,拼音zhì cí亦作"致词"。指用文字或语言向人表达思想感情,现指在举行会议或某种仪式时请具有一定身份的人讲话。 更多→ 致辞
司仪 总结 悼词 年会 辞呈 祭文 仪式 华诞 恭贺 晚宴 开幕词
Go for it版本九年级英语第十四单元110页2b的译文如下:女士们先生们:感谢大家今天来参加第三初级中学的毕业典礼。首先,我想祝贺在座的所有同学们。还记得你们刚步入校园开始七年级学习生活时的样子,个个都朝气蓬勃,渴望学习。当然你们当中的确有些同学难以对付!但是今天,我看到满堂都是有才干的年轻人,对自己的未来充满期望。你们成长了许多,我为你们感到无比自豪。虽然在过去三年时光里你们都非常努力学习,但你们都不是单枪匹马作战。我希望你们记住所有出现在你们生命中的重要人—— 父母,老师还有朋友,他们都帮助和支持过你们。请认真想想他们为你们做过什么,他们对你来说意味着什么。永远不要忘记对你身边的人心存感恩之情。最后,初中生活的结束其实是新生活的开始。你们一定知道,高中的学习生活将更加艰难,而且你们将会面临许多困难。你们一路上都会犯错误,但重要的是你们要从错误中汲取教训并且永不放弃。然而除了困难,也有许多让人兴奋的事情在前方等着你。在每一扇你打开的大门后面蕴藏地是学习新事物的就会,你有能力做出自己的选择。选择要明智,并要为自己的决定和行为负责。虽然你们现在都要开始自己的旅程,但我希望不久以后,你们能回母校看看。在你踏上新的旅程的时候,必要忘记你来自哪里。未来属于你们!同学们,祝你们好运!期望早日与你们再见!
总经理致辞的英文:General Manager Speech
Speech 读法 英
n. 演说;演讲;言语;语言能力
1、I had to give a speech to the press club.我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
2、He closed his speech with a funny joke.他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。
1、clear speech说话清楚
2、concluding speech闭幕词,结束演说
3、educated speech有教养的谈吐
4、free speech言论自由
5、general speech一般的讲话
2、speech也可作“说话方式”解,指人们为了表达自己的某一意图而采取的一种表达方式,作以上两义解时, speech是不可数名词。
3、speech还可作“演说,演讲; 讲话”解,通常指在公共场合为群众所作的讲话,强调影响、教育或娱乐群众。这种讲话可以是有准备的或措词庄重的,可以是正式的或是非正式的,有时还可指讲话或讲话稿的风格。作此解时speech是可数名词。
1、long speech长篇演说
2、open speech公开演说
3、opening speech开幕词
4、ordinary speech日常说话
5、political speech政治演说
Over the past 16 days, we admired your outstanding performances. 在过去16天里,我对你们的出色表现钦佩不已。 Each and every one of you strived to achieve your personal best. We were deeply touched how you were wishing and cheering for your competitors to achieve their best as well. 你们每一个人都力争取得最佳成绩,但你们也希望竞争对手取得最佳成绩,并为他们加油。我们为此深受感动。 You not only respected each other. You supported each other. You embraced each other, even if your countries are divided by conflict. 你们不仅彼此尊重,还相互支持,即使有的地方因为冲突而对立,但你们彼此拥抱。 You overcame these divisions, demonstrating that in this Olympic community we are all equal. We are all equal – regardless of what we look like, where we come from, or what we believe in. 你们克服了这些分歧,证明了无论我们有着怎样的面容,无论我们来自何方,我们在这个奥林匹克大家庭里人人平等。 This unifying power of the Olympic Games is stronger than the forces that want to divide us: you give peace a chance. 奥运会团结的力量比那些试图分离我们的力量更强大。你们给了和平一次机会。 May the political leaders around the world be inspired by your example of solidarity and peace. 愿你们树立的团结榜样鼓舞全世界的政治领导人。 We share this Olympic spirit with all the athletes who because of the pandemic could not make their dream come true. 我们与所有因为疫情而无法参加的运动员分享这份奥林匹克精神。 It breaks our hearts that you could not be with us. 你们的缺席令我们伤心 But you belong and you will always belong to the Olympic community. 但是你们现在是,并且永远都会是我们奥林匹克大家庭的一份子。 If we want to finally overcome this pandemic, we must be faster, we must aim higher, we must be stronger – we must stand together. 要最终战胜这次疫情,我们必须追求更快、更高、更强、更团结。 In this Olympic spirit of solidarity, we call on the international community: give equal access to vaccines to everybody around the world. 本着奥林匹克运动的团结友爱精神,我们呼吁国际社会,请为全世界每个人提供平等的疫苗接种机会。 The Olympic spirit could only shine so brightly, because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way – and in a safe way. 奥林匹克精神之所以如此闪耀,得益于中国人民为我们出色地搭建了安全的奥运舞台。 The Olympic Villages were outstanding. The venues – magnificent. The organisation – extraordinary. The support of the National Olympic Committees, the International Federations, our TOP Partners and Rights-Holding Broadcasters – unwavering. 本届冬奥会的奥运村独具匠心,场馆令人叹为观止,组织工作非凡卓越。来自国际奥委会国际单项体育联合会,全球合作伙伴,持权转播商,对我们的支持坚定不移。 Our deepest thanks and gratitude go to the Organising Committee, the public authorities and all our Chinese partners and friends. On behalf of the best winter sport athletes of the world, I say: 我们要向北京冬奥组委、中国政府部门,以及我们在中国所有的合作伙伴致以最诚挚的谢意。我仅代表全球最优秀的冰雪运动员们,向你们表示感谢。 Thank you, our Chinese friends! 谢谢你们,中国朋友! To all the volunteers I say: you warmed our hearts with your smiling eyes. Your kindness will stay with us forever. 我要对所有的志愿者说,你们眼中的笑意温暖了我们的心田,你们的友好善意将会永驻我们心中。 Thank you, volunteers! 志愿者,谢谢你们! This unforgettable experience was only possible because of our gracious hosts, the Chinese people. With over 300 million people now engaged in winter sports, with the great success of the Chinese athletes, the positive legacy of these Olympic Games is ensured. 我们之所以能够有如此难忘的经历,都要归功于我们热情好客的东道主,全体中国人民。目前中国已经有3亿多人参与冰雪运动。中国的冰雪运动员取得了巨大成功。 With the truly exceptional Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 we welcome China as a winter sport country. 这是一届真正无与伦比的冬奥会,我们欢迎中国成为冰雪运动大国。 Congratulations, China! 祝贺,中国! And now I have to mark the end of this unforgettable Olympic experience: I declare the 24th Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 closed. 现在我不得不为这段令人难忘的奥运经历画上句号。我宣布北京2022年第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会闭幕。 In accordance with tradition, I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Milano Cortina, Italy, to celebrate with all of us, the 25th Olympic Winter Games. 按照奥林匹克传统,我号召全世界青年四年之后在意大利米兰-科尔蒂纳丹佩佐相聚,与我们一起参加第二十五届冬季奥林匹克运动会。
welcome speech,ladies and gentlemen:
first of all, please allow me to express a warm welcome to you on behalf of our school of civil engineering & architecture of hainan university.we have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time. it is a very nice day today.
located on the island of hainan, hainan university is the only comprehensive university in this province. located in the capital city of haikou in hainan province, hainan university is bounded by qiongzhou strait to the north and naidu jiang river to the south.
the campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut- scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine. hainan university covers 150hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a
domain of wisdom.our school is relatively small between all schools of our university. but it is one of the most popular professions.
since we are already here,let’s make ourselves at home. thank you very much. farewell speech ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for bulang professor to leave. it’s a pity that you can not stay in hainan university any longer.allow me, on behalf of our school of civil engineering & architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.
first of all, i wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past days. you have kept good time on all occasions,you have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier. also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of academic research.i’d like to add that you are the best friends we’ve ever been with.
once again, thank you for your speech and guide.
enjoy your voyage!
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