
2024-08-07 12:30:11 :16




  关于鬼,历史上有着纷繁的记载,而把一件子虚乌有的事讲得活灵活现,从来就是文学家的天赋,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇英语短篇恐怖 故事

  英语短篇恐怖故事:Traditional revenge

  Seated on the flat wagon carriage with his two sons. The eldest son Jeff he was 17 years old this year, the younger son He Jian fifteen years old this year.

  At a time when the spring planting season, the family just finished busy in their own field to fat, driving a carriage on his way home.

  Two sons are in high spirits around a plate of soft, not a mess, in the shape of something like a mass of rotting flesh, this thing is just fertilizer application in the fields, dig out from the ground.

  Father and son three people see along while, also didn’t see this is a what thing. Soft hand touch touch feeling, it seems, are still moving, it should be a living creature.

  The last three father and son want to stepping up people often say, look at this thing and usually people say about. Has no fixed shape, like a lump of rotten meat, heard that is a very rare thing, take back may sell a good price.

  Like this father and son three people take putting together to, open carriage went to the house.

  This He Lao two driving in the car, two sons sat down on a flat trailer idle, took the heap of doubt is stepping in your hands to play with.

  This he yong and He Jiange two like a lark, fight rob to want oneself with the pile of rotten meat. Didn’t expect that in the process of competition, the second He Jian a didn’t hold, the pile of rotten meat from He Jian hand fell to the ground, was a moving carriage a wagon wheel pressure after the dish.

  Listen son yelling, He Lao stopped his carriage, two father and son three people dropped out of the car for the pile of rotten meat, only to find that what also can’t find it! The suspected tai sui pile of rotten meat, has gone out of thin air.

  Now that can’t find, think well, father and son three people didn’t care about this matter, will open carriage to return home.

  At noon the next day, when the father and son three people like last night busy work in the field, but still open the four road car flat wagon toward their home.

  When the carriage driving to drop the rotten meat section, He Jian He Lao 2 of 2 son, for no reason! From the flat wagon, with a big head fell down.

  When He Lao two stopped his carriage in the son he cries, the He Jian has been flat wagon wheels from the heavy pressure on the past. He Jian have few spitting blood, words haven’t say it out.

  Just still alive and kicking children, quickly, it stands on who, who also can’t stand it. So two He Lao two husband and wife, not Gu Guzu dissuade the middleman and villagers, indifferent to the He Jian buried properly.

  In rural areas has an unspoken words, that is an unnatural death of an underage people, cannot be buried. Can get a lot of straw on the body, pour oil, a fire so far. This case if the implementation of the burial, occur resin become the bane of the neighbourhood.

  He reluctantly couple two desperation, determined bought a thick coffin, buried He Jian is a piece of the woods behind the village.

  Is probably buried He Jian in less than a week, in our village liujia kannika nimtragol, haiyan in the bride’s family go walking after supper. When passing the small forest He Jian tomb, was scared to death, stumbled ran to the door, he lost consciousness.

  The family then make haiyan wake up later, haiyan awe to the family tells the story of a strange thing.

  Originally, in haiyan will be passing the He Jian springing, unexpectedly standing besides the found there a thin figure.

  Haiyan involuntary played a quivering, trembling voice asked a who is there? Who know each other unexpectedly replied: madame, is my He Jian.

  He Jian is not dead? Haiyan’s first reaction is to see the ghost! Spelled a life calf twitch, also dare not answer, ran back to home.

  Along the way heard behind him has been a voice shouted again wait for me, I with you together back to the village.

  Hearing this, the family feel scalp Fried, feel incredible, can it really be that cause death He Jianqi resin?

  So, haiyan accompanied in her family to He Lao second home. Didn’t know just what had happened and He Lao two husband and wife both said, the couple not only don’t believe, but also a face not happy, Shouting loudly to haiyan family to push out.

  Really had an accident, that night when I was in the middle of the night the event!

  Village carpenter’s house have a 14 year old daughter, named Zhang Fang. This good sleep sleep until midnight, suddenly open lamp cord, kneeling on the ground to the parents’ bang bang bang! Upon the three XiangTou, mouth say: I’m going to the village after the woods with He Jian brother, here to say good-bye to her parents, next life goodbye!

  The carpenters, husband and wife two daughter is this Yin cece scared half to death, siming came near, and took her daughter, ask what is going on?

  Helpless Zhang Fang pale, glassy-eyed, corners of the mouth hanging eerie smile, being from the pull of the parents, turned around and pushed the door and ran to the village come and watch disappeared in the vast darkness.

  , the population of the village are carpenter the cries of husband and wife two to stir up, when asked to understand is how one and the same time, have ran to the village after He Jian graveyard.

  Come to He Jian tomb, where there is Zhang Fang shadow? Nothing, only the sound of the brush the wind blowing leaves.

  Zhang Fang disappeared so strange! The villagers found He Lao 2 home, what happened with He Lao two husband and wife both said, meaning is to find a way to look at? Perhaps is really He Jian tomb is haunted.

  But this He Lao two couples two just don’t listen to that set of evil, even to the people ignored. Both husband and wife is that the villagers for their good He Jian burial practice biased, thinking method of fault to put pressure on their husband and wife.

  Very helpless things like this go away in the past. But the very next day night, the village of villagers in your home’s second girl jade lotus, also like Zhang Fang missing as before, on his knees in the middle of the night kowtowing, bade farewell to his parents.

  In your couple with jade lotus elder sister, has failed to hold three people strange bade farewell to accompany He Jian brother jade lotus. See jade lotus disappeared in the vast darkness.

  英语短篇恐怖故事:Hardcore fans

  I have a friend, and the challenges and this spring, were killed in a car accident.

  His QQ also lying in my friends list, but head is always gray.

  He was very love my novel, also said to do my hardcore fans. I know it’s just a compliment, but now he really become a pile of ashes, buried in the cold ground.

  It happened last month.

  That night, I turned on the computer, boarded the QQ as usual, then open the document, and began to write a new novel.

  Suddenly, drops dripping, QQ above, a face in the flashing.

  At the time of first saw the picture, my scalp like tattoos hedgehog, heart pounding.

  The head is challenges!

  My in the mind a tight, the brain a blank.

  Window pops up a few lines of words: leaf hydrophobic, and archive of the novel? Come over me see.

  I noticed that he is not want cook.

  Is this a word, frighten I stay leng along while.

  I don’t know what to answer him, and in the chat window input words: challenges?

  Drops drops.

  Each other soon back: nonsense, fast burning up anything, I am so bored here.

  I must have scared silly at that time, look like a pig liver. What age is this, even the demons also like to see a ghost story?

  I don’t want to provoke them, so back to, I this a few article archive, is uncle didn’t contribute to the ghost, or sent to you see first?

  Soon each other back to: all right.

  I’ll write five articles online for nearly half a month in the past. Each other after receiving, will soon get offline. I heaved a sigh of relief.

  That evening, sleep very depressive, nightmares. The second day early in the morning, I will print copy, find a quiet corner, to the challenges burned in the past.

  After about a month, I bring out those five novels, after revising, voted for the ghost uncle editor.

  Editor from information in the QQ window: don’t you make a mistake? This five story, half a month ago, were published in the journal of other.

  My brain bomb exploded at a draught, then suddenly enlighted, violently pulled down the thigh!

  His mama of, this is stolen draft!

  Must be the disgusting guy, stole the jersey QQ number, cheated me copy!

  Is when I am depressed to commit ritualistic, edit reply: that was a novice, the first five months before the draft, it’s not easy. It is a pity, I hear that he went to the bank to withdraw money, a few days ago by a big truck to flying, died on the spot.

  Black coffee on the table at the strange heat, I end up, gently sipped his.

  My heart gave a evil laughter: the person is probably go to the bank to bring his fee, who knows?

  I just remember, as a few months ago, the challenges are also by a big truck.

  英语短篇恐怖故事:The strange disease

  Doctor, I exactly what disease? Li Wang sat in the examination room chair, staring at the front of the doctor with a pile of paper tension of asked.

  You have no disease, all the data are displayed normally.

  But, I feel sleepy but I recently always, there is waist sour backache, and recently serious to see things in the evening.

  Li Wang doctor looked at his pale face, and then pass the hand documents, he said: I believe in the data, you said the symptoms may really exist, but we can’t check it out you what is ill, so, first you go home and watch a few days, if this phenomenon continues to last, I suggest you go to large hospital to see.

  Took a stack of all kinds of paper, Li Wang face stiff expression. But under had to go home.

  Li Wang was only recently discovered his strange disease, recently returned from their hometown, I sensed that walk with difficulty, like carrying a few jins things, even in the meal time will back because there was a sudden noisea pressure and cause he came close to lie prone on the table. Then he began to go to the hospital to check, but through several hospital, laboratory test results are the same, his body is healthy!

  Walking in the street, feel the life is despair Li Wang, because what disease so would not let him have a horrible idea of terminally ill.

  Walking, suddenly a chill struck, Li Wang feeling followed by a person, suddenly turned around, behind the empty, let alone a person, is a dog.

  Strange, clearly feel someone behind me just now, how suddenly no? Was I hallucinating? Li Wang scratched his head and stay where they were, he now thought of is a person in this step, what’s wrong with it to arrive. This bottom and hallucinations.

  Li Wang hurriedly walked forward, product, product a nasty footsteps slowly with behind Li Wang Li Wangmeng turned around, is empty. This terrible feeling let him choke, there seems to be a kind of unknown creatures in following Li Wang. For an instant, a fear of not to speak of Ming instantly filled Li Wang, he ran forward, seems to want to get rid of that thing behind as soon as possible.

  Li Wang Li Wang ~ ~ ~ ~ all of a sudden, if a have if have no voice coming from behind Li Wang.

  Who is it? Li Wang suddenly turned wary of staring at the source of the voice behind them. But, there is empty, just now, that sounds exactly is who?

  A person walking in the dark streets was scary things, moreover also met such a strange thing. The head of Li Wang emitted and close of sweat. He quietly stay where they were about ten minutes. Suddenly, a familiar pressure coming from behind.

  Ahem Li Wang couldn’t resist a cough.

  Hee hee, fun, fun, ride Malaysia, ride Malaysia. A child laughing sound coming from behind Li Wang.

  Who? Who’s there! Li Wang nerve reflex to look behind him.

  Hee hee, I want to be with you hiding a child laughing voice came again.

  At that time, Li Wang smear at the moment, suddenly can’t see a thing.

  The symptoms appeared, and what’s the matter?

  All of a sudden, Li Wang inadvertently look down to the feet of water, thrilling scene appeared in front of his eyes. See was lying on his shoulder at the moment is a pale young children, and the hand of the child is covered his eyes!

  This is this Li Wang try very hard to run forward, all fear of an instant hanging over him, feeling a twinge of cold, behind the imp clearly followed his is not a day for two days. His illness these days finally found out the root cause, everything turns out to be the kid in the mess up!

  In Li Wang try very hard to run forward, suddenly don’t know what is at the foot of tripped and Li Wang well with a large fall in front of the tip.

  Who is this? It turned out that he was tripped by a lying on the old man in the dump.

  See the old man got up and looked at the Li Wang, all of a sudden, dirty face flashes a little surprised, then, the old man took the Li Wang up out of the rubbish dump.

  Young man, stepping on people do not know to apologize? The old man couldn’t hear the tone of blame.

  I see the hall hair black, recently feel lumbar acerbity backache, there is behind the strange feeling chills? The old man sitting on the ground, staring at Li Wang.

  Li Wang is this strange old man got to be in a fog, but in the end the old man said was caught his attention. Li Wang because now know the source of the disease has been pestering his home, the old man can tell at a glance of his symptoms, perhaps can save his life.

  Thought of here, Li Wang hurriedly got up and came to the old man and the respectful said: old man to help me, please.

  See your boy is smart, I will help you once, you kids are staring at me at this very moment. Said the old man, from his pocket and took out a dusty red paper, and then his mouth murmured against the Li Wang read something behind. Moments later, I saw the old man fiercely open your eyes, your hands suddenly thrown at the behind Li Wang, oddly enough, the old man after finished these, Li Wang is obviously a relaxed feeling. He take out a cellular phone looked at, found on the shoulders of imp was gone at this time.

  Thank you for your return Li Wang deferential knelt on the ground upon several XiangTou is finished.

  Looking at Li Wang left, the old man staring at the front of the air suddenly said: dust to dusts, dirt to dirts, I save your life tonight, you are reborn.

  Li Wang disease is so good, even the doctor of the hospital, feel very magical. But at the moment in the heart of Li Wang is one more won’t resolve the bumps.

  Originally, his shoulders the pestering his kid than someone else, it was his own son, a few years ago, the son of Li Wang because of congenital heart disease, often be in hospital, at that time, for only a month more than 2000 Li Wang is undoubtedly a big spending, forced to blind alley Li Wang produced a terrible idea, is in turn in the son, let him die!

  Since his strange disease good Li Wang rarely go to the hospital, but recently the body somehow always can feel the heart waves colic, Li Wang again to go to the hospital tests.

  But the assay of data Li Wang feel it’s fate, he had a heart attack! Doctors also feel very strange, Li Wang tests repeatedly for many times before, are no exception, but according to the test out Li Wang have three years of heart disease.

  And Li Wang son died just three years  

英语短篇恐怖故事相关 文章 :

1. 恐怖英语鬼故事两篇

2. 英语鬼故事

3. 英语经典鬼故事

4. 经典恐怖鬼故事阅读

5. 英语经典恐怖鬼故事


It was a foreign language schools in the women’s dormitory, there are a number of times at night often have a red woman’s clothes to sell door-to-door late at night, do not know how she was downstairs escaped inspection.Every day, all night, a knock-room, if someone opened the door and asked; ’red clothes do not want to /’ As the girls were very angry after the quarrel, are not big cried, a few days this night. One night, That woman came again. Thunk! Thunk! When the door opened from the inside out one of the girls she roared; "what the red dress? I want the whole. How much does it cost?"Woman smiled, turned away and did not give her a red dress, and that night we all slept well, no one has come knocking at the door. The next day, the dormitories were all up, only that the women’s big red red The roar of girls not to get up, her students opened her quilt, she is all red, her skin of the upper part of the body has been ripping up. Huang who have blood flow, looks like a dress Red pieces of clothing.红衣服 那是一个外语学校的女生宿舍,有一些时间夜里经常有一个穿红衣服的女子深夜上门推销,也不知道她是怎么逃过楼下检查的.天天夜里都来,一间间房间的敲,如果有人开门就问;’要不要红衣服/’由于女生被吵后非常生气,都大叫着不要,一连几个晚上都这样.有一个晚上,那个女子又来了.咚!咚!这时门开了,从里面冲出一个女生对她大吼;"什么红色的衣服?我全要了.多少钱?" 那女子笑了笑,转身走了,也没给她红色的衣服,那晚上大家都睡得很好,没有人再来敲门了.第二天,宿舍里的人全都起来了,只有那个冲红衣女子大吼的女生还没有起床,她的同学把她的被子掀开,她,她浑身都是红色的,她上身的皮已经被剥开了.血流得潢身,看起来就像是穿了一件红衣服






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