初三英语优秀作文:平安夜Christmas Eve?难忘的平安夜作文300字【6篇】
- 初三英语优秀作文:平安夜Christmas Eve
- 难忘的平安夜作文300字【6篇】
- 夜初二作文
- 平安夜我送妈妈苹果作文600
- 有关平安夜的作文600字【5篇】
- 平安夜的英语作文【5篇】
- 有关平安夜的英语作文范文
- 作文平安夜(365)怎么写
- 祝父母平安夜快乐和感受作文200字
- 有关平安夜的英语作文范文【十篇】
初三英语优秀作文:平安夜Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is coming soon, it is on December 24, the day before Christmas. At first, Christmas is very popular in western country, as the world gets globalized, Christmas Eve become a worldwide festival. On that day, people decorate the tree, families have dinner, all the members get together, chatting and singing while sitting around the stove. People have a lot of activities on that night, the young like to have party or masquerade, they hold the party all the night, celebrating the coming of the Christmas. For kids, it is a tradition that they put stockings in the chimney, the Santa Claus will bring them gifts that night. Actually, the gifts that the kids get are from their parents, the Santa Claus is their parents. Christmas Eve is like Chinese New Year’s Eve, both are important, the culture between Chinaand western countries has something in common. 平安夜很快就要到来了,这在圣诞节的前天——12月24号。一开始,圣诞节在西方国家很流行,随着全球化的发展,平安夜成为了世界性的节日。在那天,人们装饰圣诞树,家人吃晚饭,所有的成员聚集在一起,坐在火炉旁,聊天,唱歌。夜晚人们有很多的活动,年轻人喜欢参加派对或者假面舞会,派对进行一整晚,庆祝圣诞节的到来。对于小孩子来说,他们把长筒袜房子烟囱里,这是一个传统,圣诞老人就会在晚上给他们带来礼物。实际上,孩子们得到的礼物是父母给的,圣诞老人就是他们的父母。平安夜就像中国的除夕夜,两个都很重要,中国和西方国家的文化有相同性。
默默 ,默默我问你, 你到底什么时候告诉我?那个答案。
记得那时雨夜葱茏,你穿着一身碎花长袄拂袖站在静亭湖边,你的脸淹没在黑夜的静谧中,半鞠着身子,湖水涟漪 ,倒影着你粉白的脸 , 你的眉上挑,睫毛修长, 一双亮白色的长筒吊靴,红底高跟。 你的嫩指轻搭在墨色的栏杆边, 头发散落着,长而细的刘海直垂的倾泻下来 ,触着清眉,你撩撩被湖风吹乱的长发 ,你的头发真美,没有一丝湖波的从耳边斜落下来,红润的嘴微张着, 急促的呼吸着,你将扶在清杆上的细指拿起,转过身,对颜着我,袄边米白色的茸毛柔过你的指尖,在夜色的踉跄中滑过一道弧线, 停滞在我的耳边。
你缓慢的凑过身来,每一缕轻烟般的行旅,就好像阻隔了万水千山般的完整。你轻滑的热风从我的耳垂边一席而过,我能感觉到你的凉眉如同清幽的湖水一般明净,你竖起凉长的红指,尖厉的袭过夜空,绣成一落白烟挺滑在墨色里,你颤动着晶亮的双唇, 微咪着眼睛,你说:"凉风像一条巨龙的尾巴。”
此刻的你,心里该有何等的.悲伤。 无奈交织的梦想涕流而下,随着流星雨式坠落的灵幻潸然语咽。
圣灵葱蕙,夜蹈雨深,你双肩颤抖,手捧在胸间,你垂下眼帘,清长的睫毛搭压在桃红色的封愿上, 天起云开,你的修指顺着凉夜的栏杆滑下,腿蜷着,如水般的卷曲着,像一条龙的圣灵。 你浑身颤动着, 无法停止。像一卷纤弱的湖风。
那晚,你跟我说的最后一句话,就像当晚的凉风从水底滑过化成巨龙,再随着流星雨落下 ,你说的。你说:“我恨你,夵夵,我恨你。你知道吗?我会去一个声籁俱哗的地方,看着你,直到你找到你的幸福。现在,夵夵,夵夵我告诉你,我是你姐姐,而我恨你,恨你。夵夵你真是个好女孩。可是当你守护你的幸福的时候,我就会来守护你。夵夵,我爱你,你记住。”
默默, 夜凉天昏, 你告诉我,告诉我那个答案。好不好? 默默!!
今天晚上七点半跟同学约好了去逛街,共三人,谢、莫还有我。我们骑着自行车边踩边聊,很快就到了约定的地方——超群,和谢会面后,我们就把车停在百惠的停车场里。 我和谢计划买个书包,于是我们走进眼花缭乱的书包店,谁知连续走了好几间都不合我们心意,同学提议到另一条街看看。那里有很多新开的店铺,特别是精品店,货架上摆着令人眼花缭乱的商品,其中有我最喜欢的风铃,我情不自禁地用手去摇它,耳边立即响起奇妙的乐音来,我很想买下它,可价钱太贵了,我便打消了这个念头。还有古灵精怪的玩具店,我们进去看了一下,的确挺好玩的,很多东西我都没见过,忽而看到一个合起来的盒子,同学怀着好奇心打开了它,随着音乐的响起,原来盒子里是一只血淋淋的手,我们都吓了一跳,听说万圣节快到了,怪不得这么恐怖,你要知道,女孩子都很胆小的。接着走进一间叫“百足”的包包店,里面的包包种类繁多,很吸引人,老板就坐在一旁听音乐,看我们进来也没说什么,心里暗想:服务态度也太差了吧。我和同学试了几个,觉得挺好,但我又不想买,因为那是流行的东西,并且一个中学生是不应该用拿东西来装书的,其实这不过是逛街用的挂包,只是我觉得不应在校园(特别是中学)里出现,这不仅会使学生产生攀比心理,且也是追随潮流罢了,学政治也有说我们都不能随波逐流呀,何况我身为学习委员,更要起带头作用。(闲话多说了点)我们试了大概半个多钟头,也是在发牢骚啦,同学看中了一个棕色的包包,跟老板谈价时,他才出声,好像沉默是金似的,他说:“看你们挑了这么久,实惠价30块,没得谈。这时也有个中年妇女看中了这包包,她说买给她女儿,说来真巧,她女儿是我们学校初一的,她边看边打电话征求女儿的意见,听说我们也挑了这个,她说那我挑另一个好了。这是我们也在和老板压价,说了一会,他朋友来了,他便走了,换他朋友跟我们压价,说得口水也干了,他就是一分钱也不减。这时走进两位“帅哥”,他也说就是,就是,最终我们走出了店铺,可同学说真的很喜欢它,就叫另一个同学去买回来。说来也真气人,我们挑了那么久,他就是固执,总有很多理由来反驳我们,当然我们也不逊色,真是个无良商家,同学说道。而我最终什么也没买到。
你们知道平安夜可以互送什么来表达彼此之间的祝福吗?苹果?对了,平安夜那天就是用苹果来传递祝福的。就在今年平安夜,我和同学们真正过了一次平安夜,就是互送苹果表达祝福。我买了7个苹果,每一个苹果都包装得很精致。送给了我的好朋友和老师后,还剩3个。朋友们收到了我的好礼,不由分说的还赠给我一个包装也很精致的苹果。我收到苹果,小心翼翼的放在书包里,好似有人要抢走似的。更有没收到苹果的无赖者,死赖着我,叫我给她一个苹果。在那个人的软磨硬泡之下,我才恋恋不舍的给了他一个。不过苹果一会就没了,有些人没得到就说我小气,走了。我虽然还有苹果,但是那些是我好朋友还赠给我的,如果给了他们,朋友会说我一些不好的话,算了,不给他们了。 放学后,同学们又撒面粉庆祝……现在想起来都回味无常。好想再回到那时候,就给找我要的每个人发个苹果,嗯,好爽呀……“星星,快来吃苹果了!”好了,不聊了,我得吃那可爱的苹果去了。Bey-bey!
【 #英语资源# 导语】平平安安是快乐的源泉,平平安安是幸福的基础,平平安安是如意的核心,平平安安是吉祥的根基,平安夜到了,送上我最真挚的祝福,愿你平安相伴,平安夜要开心哟!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
Good morning sunshine, sprinkled on a page, such as dim as a brilliant sunset, a long drag on the tip of the partner. The wind always blowing more cold than usual, people could not help chills.
Think about it, only more than thirty days from the final exam, while only four days away from the monthly exam. At this time, preparing for Christmas in foreign countries, next Thursday is Christmas Eve, Friday is Christmas, we began monthly exam.
The eve of Christmas Eve last year, early in the morning, desk or drawer will have one apple, a chocolate flower branch, a branch length of the plum sugar ... Bang Bang ... and greeting cards, but also in a few days ago to quietly fashion today.
Christmas Eve, even in school, we will go out in groups, "Hi", no matter how late, there will be fireworks, lanterns and carnival. On the road late at night, a group of naive Whistling face together all the way ... ...
High and one of the. This years Christmas Eve, and I as usual "Hi", but my partner has become piles of piles of work and counseling book. Christmas, continue past tense.
After all, we no longer small.
Some things, has become the past.
This evening is a peaceful night, no atmosphere is found! Just outside know when a few colorful lamps... But its not so dazzling, just adding color!
Its a busy day to have a good rest. The so-called Christmas Eve is the other people out of the carnival, the whole building quietly, not the past that noisy sound, only in the wind from time to time by, made a tiny sound, let the silence a bit more obvious......
Look down from the glass window, I feel a little lively! I smile for a moment in the unwittingly... Bless you: the workers work busy going home, you have the most pro people waiting for you at home, and the hot meal; bless you: Xiangyixiangwei lovers, each other smile is so sweet, see your future happiness; bless you: Bounce child are your parents for your young spill their most kindly smile......
What a bustling city today, you let me know your position, you in each of the next to you in the arms of the people in the eyes of them on how much you desire! Cant deny before I have had, but now not completely, only yearning for home. There is always a silly idea. It is better to go back to the remote home and have dinner with his family, rather than spend it alone in this bustling city... This will be a non - hesitant choice!
All things are Utopian, just to calm the uneasiness of their own heart. Silent night, silent, lonely and helpless! Tonight is spectacular! Unfortunately, I do not belong to this city, just a wanderer!
Christmas Eve has always been my favorite. The flying snowflakes and the constantly playing Christmas songs make me have to say that a beautiful Christmas Eve is really intoxicating. It’s a pity that there hasn’t been any snow in Nanjing this winter, but this Christmas I’m happier than before: I went to Tangshan tourist resort with my parents and watched a colorful party, which is a bit like the Apollo Theater Performance in Nanjing. The wonderful performances of the actors make people laugh constantly; I tasted the delicious Christmas buffet and abalone for the first time in my life. It was really delicious and delicious. I also tasted the legendary Christmas Turkey, which made me excited; After enjoying the beautiful fireworks performance, the beautiful "flowers" bloom in the night sky with harsh calls
The most unforgettable thing is that my father and I had a close contact with the outdoor hot spring, although the outdoor night temperature is only 0 degrees, a little cold! Wearing swimming trunks and towels, we rushed out. I really can’t resist the temptation of the hot spring. The water is hot and the air is cold. It’s really ice and fire! It’s like eating hot pot in an air-conditioned room in summer. What you want is this feeling. If you’re not worried about being late for class tomorrow, you really want to stay for a while, soak for a while, and feel the strong Western holiday atmosphere.
When I left the resort, I found that I had learned to sing jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells.
On the night of December 24, the bright moonlight shone in front of the window. Christmas Eve came! Do you know how Christmas Eve comes? Let me tell you: The Bible says Jesus was born at night. When Jesus was born, an angel reported good news to the shepherds in the field: ’don’t be afraid, my message of great joy to you is about all peoples; For a savior, the Lord Christ, has been born to you today in the city of David. You will see a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger. That is the sign. " Then a large army of heavenly soldiers praised God with the angel: ’glory to God in the highest place! Peace and joy on earth belong to men! " Therefore, it is said that the night of December 24 is collectively referred to as "Christmas Eve".
On Christmas Eve, my family and I sat around the table and enjoyed the rich dinner carefully prepared by my grandmother for us. I couldn’t wait, so I wolfed it down. While I was eating with relish, my doorbell rang. It was my uncle’s family. My brother said, "let’s have Christmas Eve together!" I jumped up excitedly. They danced wildly like drunk and sang heartily. I made everyone laugh and talk about the happiness of their family.
Hi, friend. How do you spend the Christmas Eve this year? How do you feel? To be honest, this peaceful night is the warmest for me. Because my father came back! In my memory, this was the first time Dad had been with me for Christmas.
Dads home may be a common thing for you, just like eating three meals a day. But for me, it was a "chance". Because dad is iron four Bureau, perennial work in the field, only one time to come back. So its a good thing to be happy to come back. Of course, mother is happy, too. So, have pity on her, promised me on Christmas Eve asked to see the movie on the internet. So we opened the computer, opened the heater, and sat by the bed and watched the movie. Mom left, Dad on the right, I sat among them, although the outside wind whistled, lascivious, but a warm home.
When the film was just open, I suddenly felt a lack of something. Oh, snacks! Home snacks I finished early. So, Dad volunteered to buy food. When Dad went out, my mother and I watched the film with great attention. This movie called "Christmas legend", is about a little boy parents died, was brought in the same village. Every Christmas day, he changed his life. So, every Christmas Eve, he put his early toys in front of every door that had been raised for him. When he grew up, he became "Santa Claus", sitting in a sled, appearing over the night of peace...
At the end of the film, Dad came back. His face was red with cold, home kept hanging hand warmer. He bought a big bag of snacks. I rejoiced when I saw this big pile of my favorite snacks. But mom blamed dad for wasting money, and all of it was junk food. But dad said, "its hard to make children happy and happy on Christmas day." Dad also bought 8 unusual apples at high prices, and each apple was inscribed with "love". I eat the "love" apple, look at the movie about love, and feel the love of my mom and dad.
This Christmas Eve, because my father is at home, I feel very warm.
【 #英语资源# 导语】抓把雪花飘一飘,思念祝福都来到,拿双袜子挂一挂,开心快乐全装下,敲个铃铛响一响,健康平安在身旁,发条短信看一看,阖家幸福又美满。祝你平安夜快乐!以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
1.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇一
Last night was Christmas Eve. I went to dinner with my grandma and aunt! There are also some uncles and cousins who don’t know each other. Hehe, we will spend Christmas Eve together and wish everyone a safe life!
In the evening, when we arrived at the hotel door, a lot of small snowballs flew down, creating a snowy atmosphere. I was covered with snow. Inside the door, Santa Claus and aunts said to me, "Hello, little friend, can you give me a gift?". While saying that, I put a colorful Christmas cap on my head. I was a bit shocked because I had no psychological preparation before, so I lost the hat without wearing it. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to! Then I went directly to our table. Tonight, my stomach will be stretched out!
After a while, the dinner started and the program began at the same time. The first program was hip-hop. I don’t seem to know what hip-hop is, so I just eat. "Grandma, I also eat meat" is my favorite! "Grandma, I drink yogurt" can not forget to drink! When I was full and drunk, it was time to draw a lottery. Sister Yueyue wanted to go to the front of the stage, so we went there together. However, we were a little late, and some children had already arrived. But it didn’t matter. Sister Yueyue soon found the cameraman. She just heard her say to him, "Please pat my sister" and hugged me tightly. Hehe, in fact, Sister Yueyue wanted to pat her and was embarrassed to say so.
Another program started. He was wearing a black hat, a black suit, black eyebrows, black eyes and red mouth. Oh! So it’s magic! At this time, he suddenly came to me and turned out a small red lantern for me. I didn’t dare to take it. At this time, my aunt thought I was afraid and ran to me to say "I am not afraid", so I said "I am not afraid" to my aunt. In fact, I am not afraid, you must know!
How time flies! The last prize was drawn by an old grandma and a grandpa respectively, and what’s more, they respectively drew their own table number, which was so coincidental. It seems that those coincidences on TV really come from life! With the end of the activity, we all left with us. I’m so happy! There are still a lot of inner excitement I don’t know how to express, so I want to say, "This is really a beautiful night!"
2.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇二
Tearing off the November calendar, December came again. The striking words of Christmas suddenly came into my eyes, which made me recall the unforgettable Christmas Eve last year.
A week before Christmas, the atmosphere of Christmas is very strong. Colorful colored lights are installed on the roadside trees, which are very gorgeous. Almost some small stores selling trinkets put Christmas trees full of gifts at the door to attract customers. I came to a gift shop to send some greeting cards to my classmates, but found my father parked at the door of the shop waving at me, and I ran over.
Let’s go to KFC. Dad will take you to Christmas. Dad put down my schoolbag while saying, really? I bumped into the car roof with joy. I rubbed my head and felt excited. You know, Dad is seldom free to take me out for dinner at ordinary times. We soon arrived at a nearby KFC, and Mom had ordered food at the counter. The orange lights and the colorful Christmas tree all seem so harmonious and warm. We ordered two family buckets to have dinner together in the joyful music. I told them interesting stories about the school, and my parents looked at me with a smile. It was really a wonderful Christmas Eve!
After I had eaten and drunk enough, I patted my belly comfortably. It was snowing. Under the light of street lamps, countless feathers fell from the sky, adding a little romance to the Christmas Eve. At this time, the cold wind mixed with flying snow is coming, which makes people feel chilly. However, I think it is warm and happy to have family around in this cold winter.
3.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇三
Friday is Christmas Eve, or Christmas Eve. In the afternoon, several students in my class and I received Li Jiating’s invitation and went to her home to have a party in the evening. Everyone was very happy and excited to wait for the moment when school was over.
Finally, school was over, and I couldn’t wait to arrive at the appointed place - "Mother and Son" in the East Garden. I was the first to arrive. After a while, everyone arrived. Under the leadership of our little master Li Jiating, a dozen people set out in a mighty manner.
Once we arrived at Li Jiating’s home, everyone was busy. Some students helped Li Jiating’s mother decorate the Christmas tree, some students went to make cakes, and others were eager to play computer games. We also found that she kept a little hamster at home, with light gray mixed with silver white fur, black eyes and short tail, which looked very cute. I wish I could have such a lovely animal.
Auntie asked us to have dinner. It’s so sumptuous! There were cakes decorated by girls themselves, and many delicious dishes. Like a family, we had a happy and lively meal together. ha-ha! How happy!
After dinner, my aunt organized us to play games, and we divided into two teams to guess the brain twisters. Each team is divided into two people to guess together. I was lucky enough to be in the same group as Huang Yeheng. We got ten points in total, and one got two fruit candies
Time passed quickly. When we left Li Jiating’s house, we still had more than enough.
Everyone gave her a blessing. Of course, the most grateful ones are her parents, who gave us a happy Christmas Eve!
4.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇四
On Christmas Eve, angels will come to each child’s bed to pray for their happiness and kiss their wings. Yes, every child has wings, which will not fall off before they grow up.
With one exception, Ann has no wings. From the moment her father broke his dream, Ann lost her wings. Ann’s dream is to go to the African grasslands, go to Sahara, and spend her life in the journey; Ann’s father hopes to stay here safely, find a safe job and go through life quietly.
Ann, who lost her dream, refused to fly, and her wings fell off. At the moment when his father tore up the sunset of the Sahara and stepped into the dawn of the African grassland, An clearly saw the white feathers flying all over the sky, falling and falling in the pain of heart rending wings falling off
5.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇五
Today is Christmas Eve. My father gave me an apple in the morning and asked me to take it to school to eat.
When I arrived at school, I found that many students in my class had big red apples on their desks. At this time, Miss Liu came in and said, "Dear students, today is Christmas Eve, a traditional Western festival. It is said that eating apples will make you safe all your life. You can eat apples yourself, or you can send" peace "to your classmates and good friends!"
After listening, I left the apple behind. When my father came to pick me up after school, I gave the apple to my father and said, "Dad, I will send you an apple. I hope you are safe!" My father touched my head with a smile and said, "Good boy. I really understand!"
Christmas Eve is really good. I understand the origin of this festival.
6.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇六
On Christmas Eve, Alice hung a colorful Christmas stocking on the bed. My mother said that when Christmas comes, Santa Claus will quietly put the gifts into the Christmas stockings at night. Alice was very happy to think of this, and she dived into the bed and fell asleep sweetly.
The twinkling Big Dipper in the sky formed a huge spoon. The stars blinked bright little eyes, and the moon was also releasing its brightness heartily. It shone on Alice’s quiet little face and blond hair.
At this time, I saw a big golden star flashing out of the Big Dipper. Oh, here comes Santa Claus, sitting in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The reindeer, wearing crowns, were flying in the sky. Behind the sled appeared a long beam of light consisting of tens of millions of small, shining dots. With a wave of his hand, tens of millions of small dots fell like rain. In an instant, it turned into sweet and sour delicious candy on the earth.
The reindeer pulled the sledge and circled in the sky for several times, then flew down again. Santa Claus dressed in red and white, walked off the sledge. He climbed up the roof along the wall, slipped down the chimney, entered Alice’s room, and put a big gift bag in the sock. This is a gift Alice has always dreamed of. Then Santa Claus crept to the living room and ate the milk and cookies Alice had prepared for him. Then Alice opened her bleary eyes and saw that it was Santa Claus. She whispered, "Grandpa Christmas, can you take me to the sledge?" Santa Claus said kindly, "Yes, child." With that, Alice followed Santa Claus to the sled. "Oh, how funny, how funny! Ha ha..." At that moment, the alarm clock at seven o’clock in the morning rang, and Alice woke up from his dream.
This is the happiest, happiest and most unforgettable Christmas Eve for Alice!
7.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇七
Our family went to Jiaozuo this evening for "Christmas Eve"
We came to Haoxianglai Restaurant for western food. My brother ordered a set meal of Langsha Steak, and I ordered a set meal of filet mignon. This is our first time to eat delicious steak in Jiaozuo. Thinking, thinking, the waiter sister put the filet mignon in front of me and said, "Come on, put a piece of paper in front of the steak first, because the steak is too hot and the oil will spill on your body, which is very dirty! When the steak is not oily, my brother and I don’t know how to eat it. Mom said," Look, take a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand to cut one piece and eat one piece! I took the fork to my right hand and asked my mother, "Is it like this?" Mom smiled and said, "No! I told you that the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand should be handled in this way." I asked curiously, "Mom, how can you use it?" Mom said, "I used to eat steak with my friends here. Would I know?" Oh, I ate steak and fried eggs with relish. It was really delicious!
Tonight is really a happy and happy "Christmas Eve" for me
8.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇八
Today is Christmas Eve on December 24, and everyone will eat apples. Because Apple’s "Ping" sounds exactly like Ping An’s "Ping". Everyone eats apples to make life better, safer and happier.
My parents and I have eaten apples. The apples we ate are more delicious than each other. My parents hope that I am healthy, happy and happy, and I also hope that my parents are happy, happy and healthy.
On Christmas Eve, eat apples and have a safe night.
9.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇九
Last night was Christmas Eve. It was hard to go out to play, but no one answered all the phone calls to classmates. I was depressed. Finally, only Jing, Wang Zihui, Xu Haotong and Wang Chenqi got together. We really wanted to call those students out to get together. According to the plan, we gathered in Xinhua Bookstore, and then went to KFC. Everyone made it AA. Then everyone gathered around a table and paid. It reminds me that last time, we also came to KFC, but Wang Zihui did not come. It was also AA. Xu Haotong had only two pennies, and three pieces of gold. In addition, Wang Chenqi and I made a joint effort. One person had a portion of mashed potatoes, and then it seemed that there were French fries. Because KFC was too expensive, they went out to buy Coke, and then everyone had a satisfied meal. Now I think it’s really funny.
We each paid 20 yuan, but it was Xu Haotong’s turn to pay. I remember that he paid 10 yuan, and then it seemed that Wang Chenqi forced him to pay another 10 yuan. Then when I saw that he paid another 10 yuan, I said it was enough, but he said we were stupid. In fact, he didn’t have any pottery at all. Wang Chenqi said, "Wow, you should pay out the money quickly, even if it is profitable." We are confused enough to see.
After buying some food, we talked about something while eating, from the teacher to the students, and then to the boys and girls. It was eight o’clock in the twinkling of an eye. Time passed quickly. Jing said that she had to go. Then we were ready to go out together. KFC was warm and our faces were red. We pushed open the heavy glass door and said, "Wow, it’s snowing outside." I cried out with great excitement, and the sky was filled with snow. It was beautiful.
We spread in the snow, letting snowflakes fall on our cheeks.
10.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇十
On Christmas Eve, Alice hung a colorful Christmas stocking on the bed. My mother said that when Christmas comes, Santa Claus will quietly put the gifts into the Christmas stockings at night. Thinking of this, Alice was so happy that she dived into the bed and fell asleep sweetly.
The twinkling Big Dipper in the sky forms a huge spoon. The stars blinked bright little eyes, and the moon was also releasing its brightness heartily. It shone on Alice’s quiet little face and blond hair.
At this time, I saw a big golden star flashing out of the Big Dipper. Oh, here comes Santa Claus, sitting in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The reindeer, wearing crowns, were flying in the sky. Behind the sled was a long beam of light consisting of tens of millions of small, shining dots. With a wave of his hand, tens of millions of small drops fell down. In an instant, it became sweet and sour candy on the earth.
The reindeer pulled the sledge and circled in the sky for several times, then flew down again. Santa Claus dressed in red and white, walked off the sledge. He climbed up the roof along the wall, slipped down the chimney, entered Alice’s room, and put the big gift bag in the sock. This is a gift Alice has always dreamed of. Then Santa Claus crept to the living room and ate the milk and cookies Alice gave him. Then Alice opened her bleary eyes and saw that it was Santa Claus. She whispered, "Grandpa Christmas, can you take me to the sledge?" Santa Claus said kindly, "Yes, child." With that, Alice followed Santa Claus to the sled. "Oh, how funny, how funny! Ha ha..." At the right time, the alarm clock at seven o’clock in the morning rang, and Alice woke up from his dream.
This is the happiest, happiest and most unforgettable Christmas Eve for Alice!
?pwd=66gy 提取码: 66gy祝父母平安夜快乐和感受作文200字
每个孩子都有一双翅膀,当他拒绝飞翔的时候,翅膀就会脱落,孩子也会变为凡人,庸俗的度过一生。 平安夜,天使会来到每个孩子床前,祈祷孩子的幸福,并且亲吻孩子的翅膀。是的,每个孩子都有翅膀,在他们长大前翅膀是不会脱落的。 不过有一个例外,安没有翅膀。从父亲打碎他的梦想那一刻,安就失去了翅膀。 安的梦想是去非洲草原,去撒哈拉,在旅行中度过一生;安的父亲却希望安平平安安地呆在这里,找一份平安的工作,安静的走过一生。 失去梦想的安拒绝飞翔,安的翅膀脱落了。 在父亲撕碎撒哈拉的夕阳,踏破非洲草原的晨曦的那一刹那,安分明看见漫天的白色羽毛,在翅膀脱落那撕心裂肺的痛中,飘落,飘落…… 天使亲吻着安的伤痕,将一片羽毛藏在伤痕里,祈祷着安可以再度飞翔。 平安夜 ,一个父亲的病房 看过了孩子的天使会趁着圣诞钟声还未敲响的时候去抚慰一下仍有翅膀的大人。不用担心天使会累着,因为有翅膀的大人实在是太少太少了。 天使来到这位父亲的病床前。 这位可怜的父亲已经得了重病。现在,liuxue86天使要把他的灵魂带到天堂,让这个仍有翅膀的灵魂得到永久的抚慰。 这位仍有翅膀的父亲躺在病床上,回顾着自己的一生。 他是一位旅行家,在冒险中度过了大半生。为了自己的梦想(是的,旅行对于他来说就是可以用生命交换的梦想),他离开了自己的妻儿,甚至没有和儿子度过一个圣诞节;面对那些没有翅膀的人的嘲讽和不解,他毅然选择了飞翔。尽管那些嘲讽和不解使他感到痛苦。 “清风拂过飞翔的翅膀,所有的痛苦都会烟消云散。我会感到离梦想近了一步。”他想。于是,他飞翔,忍受着人们的不解,也承受着妻子思念的眼泪。 可是,当他知道儿子有和他一样的梦想时,他选择了踏碎这个梦想。他爱儿子,所以他不想让儿子去承受和他一样的痛苦。 “平平安安的生活,哪怕是安安静静的死去,至少不要承担像我一样痛苦。”他想,“可是……” 他最后的遗憾就是不能和儿子共度一个圣诞节,不能亲手把礼物送给儿子。 天使将父亲翅膀上的一片羽毛放进礼盒中,然后带着这位父亲飞向天堂。礼盒上有一张圣诞卡,上面写着: “给安。 ——爱你的父亲” 圣诞节清晨,父亲的病房 安打开礼盒,里面是一张修补过的撒哈拉沙漠的照片,背面有父亲的留言: “对不起,安。请自由的飞翔。 ——永远爱你并支持你的父亲” 眼泪落在羽毛上,安的翅膀慢慢生长。 安要飞翔,安会飞翔。 飞翔,随梦的方向。 非洲大草原的上空,安在飞翔,用天使的翅膀,用父亲的翅膀,飞翔……
【 #英语资源# 导语】缕缕思念,搭乘快乐的雪片,潇潇洒洒降落人间。相信最晶莹剔透的那片,会落在你的心间。你应能感到丝丝温暖,蜜蜜甜甜。晶莹雪,平安夜,有无限深情,你是否感应。祝平安夜快乐!以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
This day is Christmas Eve, that is, Christmas Eve. I spent the day at school and did my homework at uncle Liu Yuanping’s house. When my mother came to pick me up, she gave me a safe apple. I wanted to give this apple to the legendary Santa Claus. So I ran home quickly and wrote a note on it: "here you are, this apple is delicious!" Then, of course, I did my homework again. But at this moment, my father’s colleague aunt Gao Yun called and said that she wanted me to attend her Christmas Eve party. After my father told me, I was very excited, so I put on a beautiful skirt and went to Aunt Gao Yun’s house.
When I came to Aunt Gaoyun’s house, I found that only Xiaole (aunt Gaoyun’s child) was playing with another child. As soon as Xiaole saw me, he said, "sister Diandian is coming! Sister Diandian is coming!" I took off my boots and listened to Xiao Le say, "let’s dress up the Christmas tree! Sister Dian, you put the bell and the deer on the top. That’s why I invited you to come and play." I put the bell and deer on the top. When I looked at them in the distance, I found they were pretty good-looking. I thought: Xiaole has so many ideas!
After a while, Wang Qiyang, Liu Haotian and Doudou came one after another! Wang Qiyang gave each of us a shiny pop ring, including Santa Claus, reindeer and snowman. Wang Qiyang gave me a reindeer and said, "press the nose and it will shine. Press again and it will stop shining."
The next step is to guess riddles and eat fruit. I hurried home quietly and didn’t finish my homework!
One night passed. When I woke up the next morning, I found two boxes of things at the head of the bed. I looked at them. WOW! It’s two boxes of exquisite chocolate! Santa Claus must have given it to me! He also took the note I wrote him! I communicated with Santa Claus! Oh, oh, oh! fantastic!
Christmas Eve is a mysterious night. At this time, you have to eat apples (apples are peace fruits). It is said that as long as you eat Ping An fruit at 12 o’clock on the night of the 24th, it will be safe this year. Of course, the whole dormitory was full of curiosity that night. We ate the secret fruit of peace, but not at twelve o’clock. But everyone still makes their wishes silently in their heart.
At this time, I thought of something and shouted out loudly.
"Come on, get me a sock. I’ll put it on the head of the bed." The members of the dormitory frowned and looked puzzled, I pretended to be a learned professor and said with interest: "I don’t know. Let me teach you. It is said that there will be Santa Claus at Christmas. And on Christmas Eve, he will be afraid of us from the chimney. As long as you write what you want on paper and put it in your socks, he will meet your wishes and make your dreams come true!"
After that, everyone got anxious, "what if there is no chimney in our dormitory? Will he not come and send it to us?" Everyone said naively and curiously. I laughed loudly. It doesn’t matter. Let’s build him a fake chimney. He can find the entrance and give us gifts. So, everyone did it happily.
Soon it was done. Then we took a sock and a note, wrote down the gift we wanted, threw it into the sock excitedly, and looked forward to the emergence of Santa Claus
So we fell asleep with expectation and tired bodies until dawn.
The annual Christmas party finally arrived.
At 3:30 pm, the Christmas party was grandly kicked off on the 10th floor of Huibao building. Many students and parents came to the scene. They wore beautiful costumes and brought their own musical instruments to spend this unforgettable Christmas Eve. Of course, I also have a program, which is an English short play - playing truant. It’s almost time for us to play. We are very nervous and afraid of being laughed at. We went on the stage and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at us closely. We were more nervous than before. However, slowly, our performance became more and more wonderful and lived up to the expectations of the teacher. The audience gave us warm applause. After coming down, master Mu said, "your performance was great", and we all smiled.
The whole party was full of program atmosphere, dance, erhu, electronic organ... The students showed their talents heartily. I seriously appreciated and appreciated every program. Of course, the most important one is the buffet meal, which includes all kinds of delicious food, such as fruits, drinks and cakes... WOW! There are too many. We fight, fight, laugh, eat delicious food and watch wonderful programs one by one. It’s so happy! Finally, the teacher gave each student our favorite Christmas gifts!
Tonight is the happiest Christmas Eve I have spent. After my introduction, do you also want to participate?
Since I was so old, the happiest thing was Christmas Eve last year.
On November 24 last year, my mother and I had a happy night. I remember that night, the streets were brightly lit and the traffic was flowing. My mother and I came to Xinhe supermarket with the bustling crowd. We chose a big Christmas tree, and then bought colored lights, pictures and many small gifts. When we got home, my mother and I were busy dressing up the Christmas tree. We first hang up a string of colored lights, plug the power into the socket, and then install the remote control button. "Pa" sound, all the colored lights are on, colorful, very beautiful! Then we hung many small gifts on the Christmas tree and dressed it up in colors. My mother and I looked at each other, holding hands, jumping around the beautiful Christmas tree and singing happy songs. I found that what revealed in my mother’s eyes was not only joy, but also kindness and care for me. I stared at my mother and felt that at this moment, I was the happiest child in the world!
In this happy moment, we made our best wishes around the Christmas tree. My wish is: I wish my mother always young and beautiful!
Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted nobleman. His wife died of illness and left him and his three daughters.
The noble tried many inventions and failed, but they ran out of money, so they had to move to a farmhouse, and his daughters had to cook, sew and clean themselves.
A few years later, the daughters gradually reached the age of marriage, but the father became more depressed because he had no money to buy a dowry for his daughters. One night, the girls hung their stockings in front of the fireplace to dry after washing their clothes. When Saint Nicholas learned about their father’s situation, he came to their house that night. He saw the family through the window
They were asleep and noticed the girls’ stockings. Then he took out three small bags of gold from his pocket and threw them one by one from the chimney, just falling into the girls’ stockings.
The next morning, the daughters woke up and found that their stockings were full of gold, enough for them to buy a dowry. The nobleman was able to see his daughters get married and live a happy life from then on.
Later, children all over the world inherited the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. Children in some countries have other similar customs. For example, in France, children put their shoes by the fireplace and so on
"Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle." Santa Claus’s driver appeared in the beautiful night sky with an elk car full of gifts. "Hey! Children, your gifts are all in my backpack! Oh, no more, I’m so busy that I’m going to send gifts to children all over the world!"
Christmas Eve is the night we look forward to most. We dream: at 12 o’clock, a kind grandfather in red clothes, red hat and long beard will jump down our chimney and give me a basket full of gifts! Gradually, an old man’s kind face came into my mind: "he’s waving to us. He said there are too many gifts in his car! I can’t give them all to the children overnight alone. Grandpa Christmas needs our help!" With that, we immediately rolled down from the bed and dressed. "Grandpa Christmas, here we are!" "Thank you, my dear children," Grandpa Christmas turned his worries into joy. "Here is the gift list for tonight. You should finish the task well!" With that, Grandpa Christmas solemnly handed me a long, long list, touched my hair and said to me, "I now officially seal you as the delivery leader of the Christmas gift team!" I swallowed my saliva. This time I really feel how lucky and bitter grandpa Christmas is! Why doesn’t God send more people to send gifts to Grandpa Christmas? "You are!" Grandpa Christmas knew what I was thinking, stroked his long beard and said. "OK! Let’s go now and help Grandpa Christmas send gifts!" I said loudly to the team members. "I wish you success, children!"
The elk car gradually flew into the sky. According to the list, we sent beautiful gifts to the socks and baskets prepared by the children for gifts, and wished the sleeping children a beautiful dream on Christmas Eve. We suspect that children may scream and jump up happily after receiving gifts.
Unconsciously, we have completed the task entrusted to us by Santa Claus. We yawned and went back to the room. As soon as we turned on the light, we found that the bed was full of gifts, and there was a Christmas tree in front of the bed, a Christmas tree shining with gold.
Christmas Eve is equal to the day before Chinese New Year’s Day - New Year’s Eve, that is, the night before foreigners celebrate the new year.
On Christmas Eve, there is one thing that I still remember: on that night, I was decorating my beautiful Christmas tree. Suddenly, I remembered that today was Christmas Eve and wanted to send apples. I knew there were no apples at home, so I asked my mother for money and hurried downstairs.
It was dark. Because I only wanted to buy apples, I had forgotten my fear. In addition to the moon mother and her star baby, there was no pedestrian on the road. Soon, I went to the supermarket and picked one big apple and one small apple. The big one was red and bright; The small ones are small and lovely. After paying the money, I took the apple with me, panting all the way and running in the direction of going home. Mother moon and Baby Star laughed and fell into the clouds when they saw me so embarrassed.
When I got home, I took flowers, gift boxes, wrapping paper, flower bags and other tools and decorated them
When Dad came back, I came out with two boxes of apples. One is an apple gentleman with a bow, the other is an apple held by a little girl with flowers. Dad and mom said it was good-looking!
These two fragrant and sweet red apples were eaten by us with our laughter
On December 24, I got 100 points in the class exam. When my mother knew it, she happily said to me, "my mother took you out to dinner in the evening as a reward for you." "Yes! Yes!" I said quickly. My mother said I had to wait for my sister to come back, so I immediately went to do my homework while waiting for my sister.
Hearing the sound of my sister entering the house, I jumped three feet high and immediately pulled my mother up to "set sail". My sister was confused by my appearance and asked, "what are you going to do?" Mother told her sister, "pack up quickly and let’s go out for dinner." Sister, now I understand what’s going on.
When we got to the hotel, we found that there were a lot of people here, which can be described as a sea of people. Our seat number is 2101, but now it’s 2059! My sister proposed to go shopping, but I opposed it. If we forget the time when we go shopping, wouldn’t we miss it. My mother and sister respected my opinion. We sat in the lobby of the hotel and waited.
The night is as cool as water and the thoughts are like the wind. A cup of hot coffee curls around, but it still can’t dispel the coldness in my heart. Such numb and confused waiting makes me a habit in my life after countless disappointments.
Staring at the wall clock, the minute hand moved slowly. With the passage of time, my heart fell into a trough bit by bit. Today is Christmas Eve. I forget it again. On the table, the unopened red wine is filled with quiet light.
The smoke obscured his sad eyes. In that almost hysterical roaring song, I let my heart have a short peace of mind. That strong, stormy yearning arrives on the black carpet at the beginning of each night, hitting the dam of the soul like the tide. Yearning will prolong the long night infinitely, and memory will multiply the pain of the heart. His handsome and charming face was full of haggard. The look of wanting to cry without tears is heartbreaking. Who will soothe your hurt heart?
Put the body, spirit and soul. All of them are handed over and deeply precipitated in the endless darkness. The yellowing walls and rusty wardrobe outline the retro tone, the contrast between black night and red blood. It is so sad and beautiful. Red, dazzling blood red. Black, endless darkness, take a deep breath of smoke and let the cigarette permeate the whole room. Bury yourself deep.
The Christmas Eve is quieter and quieter.
Christmas Eve, grandma’s birthday, a western festival, is a bit of Chinese New Year’s Eve. Last Christmas, Haas just turned one year old and can’t understand what the festival is. This year, Baoda will take his son to see the night scene of Christmas Eve. Although it is in Beijing, China, the strong Christmas festival atmosphere is not inferior. Driving to the world trade center, Sanlitun, Gongti and Poly Theater, neon lights flicker all the way, The winter night is enchanting and charming. Some places are like entering the fairy tale world. The small trees on the street are full of small lights of various colors, purple, yellow, red and blue. Haas is excited to lie on the window and say loudly: it’s so beautiful and much better! I’m happy with Bao Dad!. It’s so beautiful at night!
Bao’er has a hobby now, that is, when taking the car, she always asks her mother to describe the scenery or objects outside the window in detail, just like the composition temporarily arranged for bao’er. Bao’er thinks this hobby is very good! It’s just a test of Baoma’s eloquence! We should draw as many words as possible. We should describe different things every time, painful and happy.
Finally, when he arrived at the bird’s nest, Baoda found a place to stop the car. Haas was very interested in the bird’s nest. He usually said it was the bird’s nest when he saw a similar building. Today Baoda wanted him to get in close contact. Haas was still in Baoma’s stomach for less than 8 months during the Beijing Olympic Games. Although he had tickets for the diving competition of the Olympic Games, he didn’t dare to enter. Today, the weather was very cold, Haas was full of interest. He stayed outside for 5 minutes and hurried to get on the bus.
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