合同翻译是一种专业的翻译,翻译的时候一定要慎重,很多细节需要注意一下。在英文合同翻译中,前提条件是弄懂合同的定义,包括合同中应有的基本要素。第一,英文合同的定义 在英文中,合同一般称为Contract或者Agreement。合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看作是一种补偿。 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。 它们(要约和承诺构成的)由协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。 第二,英文合同的结构特点 合同类法律文件用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。合同英语行文缜密而准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 中文的合同开头一般先罗列当事人的名称、姓名、住所或营业场所,然后是合同正文,结尾是当事人印章、授权代表签字、职务及签字日期。而英语合同一般以下面这类句式为开头: This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ______day of______(month),______(year) by and between Party A (hereinafter called “ Party A ”)and Party B(hereinafter called “ Party B ”) 然后是开始陈述: WHEREAS...THEREFORE ... It is hereby agreed as follows或以: WITNESSETH, WHEREAS... NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 接着是正文,最后是证明部分: IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written. 随后还包括当事人和见证人的签字。签字日期一般在英文合同里搬弄是非是找不到的。 第三,英文合同翻译的用词特点(formal term) 合同英语的用词极其考究,具有特定性。要求选词专业化(professional)、正式(formal)、准确(accurate)。具体体现在下列方面:may,shall,must,may not(或shall not)的使用;may,shall, must,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人来说再熟悉不过了,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。 权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。 may旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候),must用于强制性义务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)。may do不能说成can do,shall do,不能说成should do或ought to do, may not do 正式用语(formal term) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有着很大不同之处。例如: “因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ”,远远多于“due to”,一般不用“because of ”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”; “关于”用“regards”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;“开始”用“commencement”,而不用“start”或“begin"; “停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”; “何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb. “其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”; “理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”; “认为”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用“think”或“believe”; 用词专业(technical terms) 合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。如合同出现的“瑕疵”、“救济”、“不可抗力”、“管辖”、“损毁”、“灭失”等就可能让非行业人士费解,用以上英语表达分别为defect,remedy,force majeure /Act of God,jurisdiction,damage and/or loss。另外几乎每个合同都少不了hereinafter referred to as ,such... as ,whereas, in witness whereof, for and on behalf of , hereby, thereof 等虚词,就其中几个细说: 比如:1. Hereby: by means of; by reason of this之意,即特此,因此,兹等意。常用于法律文件、合同协议的正式文件的开头语,在条款中需要强调时也可用。举原文说明,如:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 文中: ★hereby意为 by reason of this,特此的意思。 ★ therein意为in the Works在本工程中。 ★ such...as是关系代词,相当于that, which,把要限定的词置于such与as之间使要限定的名词十分明确,避免合同双方在理解上发生争议。 其它的还有: “赔偿”用“indemnities”,而不用“compensation” “不动产出让”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate”“房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property”“停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名词是cessation) a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”。 还款或专利申请的“宽限期”英文为“grace”, “当事人在破产中的和解”用“composition” “依照合同相关规定”一般说成“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说成“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”。“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract”较少。2.同义词、近义词、相关词的序列 FOR value RECEIVED,the undersigned does hereby sell, transfer, assign and set over to _____all his right, tile and interest in and to a certain contract dated_____, 19 _____by and between the undersigned and _____,a copy of which is annexed hereto. 在这里的同义词和近义词并列(如sell, transfer, assign and set over,right和 tile and interest),在英文合同里十分普遍。这是出于严谨和杜绝漏洞的考虑,有的也属于合同用语的固定模式。如: This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.句中“made and entered into”和“by and between”两组分别属于同义词和相关词并列。 For and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 句中“for and in consideration of ”, “covenants and agreements”三组同义司和近义词并列。The parties have agreed to vary the Management on the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein. 这里的“on the terms”和“subject to the conditions”是一个意思,都表示“依照本协议的条款规定”。合同条款的固定模式是“terms and conditions” 再例如:“Party A wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句的“release”和“discharge”的意思几乎相同。并列的词还有: ships and vessels ,support and maintenance ,licenses and permits ,charges, fees, costs and expenses, any and all ,any duties, obligations or liabilities ,the partners, their heirs, successors and assigns 。 第四,英文合同翻译中的注意事项 实践证明,英文合同中容易出现差错的地方,一般来说不是大的陈述性条款,而恰恰是一些关键的细目。比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免出差错,在英译合同时,常常使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的确切范围。A. 限定责任 众所周知,合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英译出双方责任的权限与范围,常常使用连词和介词的固定结构。现把最常用的此类结构举例说明如下。and/or常用 and/or 英译合同中“甲和乙+甲或乙”的内容,这样就可避免漏译其中的一部分。 例1:如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board. by and between 常用by and between强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同的责任。例2:买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。 This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below. B. 限定时间英译与时间有关的文字,都应非常严格慎重地处理,因为合同对时间的要求是准确无误。所以英译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确的时间。双介词 用双介词英译含当天日期在内的起止时间。 例3:自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20. 例4:我公司的条件是,3个月内,即不得晚于5月1日,支付现金。 Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May not (no) later than用“not (no) later than +日期”英译“不迟于某月某日”。例5:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物装船。Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.include的相应形式 。常用include的相应形式:inclusive、including和included来限定含当日在内的时间。例6:本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。 This credit expires till January 1(inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. (or This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.) 如果不包括1月1日在内,英译为till and not including January 1。大写文字重复金额英译金额须在小写之后,在括号内用大写文字重复该金额,即使原文合同中没有大写,英译时也必须加上大写。在大写文字前加上“SAY”,意为“大写”;在最后加上“ONLY”意思为“整”。必须注意:小写与大写的金额数量要一致。例7:聘方须每月付给受聘方美元500元整。 Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US $ 500 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY). 正确使用货币符号 。英译金额必须注意区分和正确使用各种不同的货币名称符号。“$”既可代表“美元”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币;而“£”不仅代表“英镑”,又可代表其他某些地方的货币。必须注意:当金额用数字书写时,金额数字必须紧靠货币符号,例如:Can $891,568,不能写成:Can $ 891,568。另外,翻译时还要特别注意金额中是小数点(.)还是分节号(,),因为这两个符号极易引起笔误,稍有疏忽,其后果是不堪设想的。
12. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 继承和转让The provisions of this Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs and personal representatives and permitted assigns of Consultant, and upon the successors and assigns of the Company.本协议条款将保证咨询工程师及其继承者、代理人、核准受让人以及公司继承人和受让人的利益。13. SEVERABILITY 可分割性Should any clause, sentence, paragraph, subsection or section of this Agreement be judicially declared to be invalid, unenforceable or void, such decision will not have the effect of invalidating or voiding the remainder of this Agreement, and the parties agree that the part or parts of this Agreement so held to be invalid, unenforceable or void will be deemed to have been stricken herefrom as if such stricken part or parts had never been included herein.本协议任何条款、句子、段落、章节分割后将被公正视为无效、不可执行。且该类行为并不造成本协议无效。协议各方同意,本协议被认为无效、不可执行的部分或多个部分内容都视为已从协议中删除,此类删除内容被视为从未作为协议组成部分存在过。14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 完整协议This Agreement sets forth all of the agreement and understandings between the parties with respect to the matters contemplated hereby, and supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties with respect to the matters contemplated hereby, whether written, oral or otherwise.本协议据实立定,陈述协议各方的所有意见和理解内容,并取代协议各方之前立定的所有口头或书面的协议、协商内容和理解内容。15. AMENDMENT AND WAIVER 修正和放弃条款This Agreement may be amended or modified only by the written agreement of the parties. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be valid unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced.本协议条款仅在各方书面同意时方可修正。未获得对方书面同意的任何条款申明放弃行为均视为无效。备注根据FIDIC条款的通用理解,本人擅自将“Consultant”翻译成“咨询工程师”,“Company”翻译成“公司”。如贵公司有特定用法,请自酌更改。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。
convey, assign, transfer都是转让(财产、产权、物权、利息等等)的意思。..据此对上述售出、转让、送交予买方名下或其其他名义或的资产,赋予买方享有采取适当行为的权利,针对所有声言拥有该资产权利的任何人,以保障买方的权利、拥有权以及权益。格式: 如何切分理解,找关键连接结构。较为关键的格式是:protect.....againstclaiming....againstasserting any claim against还有:authorizes...toin connection with(...)
12. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 继承和转让The provisions of this Agreement will ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs and personal representatives and permitted assigns of Consultant, and upon the successors and assigns of the Company.本协议条款将保证咨询工程师及其继承者、代理人、核准受让人以及公司继承人和受让人的利益。13. SEVERABILITY 可分割性Should any clause, sentence, paragraph, subsection or section of this Agreement be judicially declared to be invalid, unenforceable or void, such decision will not have the effect of invalidating or voiding the remainder of this Agreement, and the parties agree that the part or parts of this Agreement so held to be invalid, unenforceable or void will be deemed to have been stricken herefrom as if such stricken part or parts had never been included herein.本协议任何条款、句子、段落、章节分割后将被公正视为无效、不可执行。且该类行为并不造成本协议无效。协议各方同意,本协议被认为无效、不可执行的部分或多个部分内容都视为已从协议中删除,此类删除内容被视为从未作为协议组成部分存在过。14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 完整协议This Agreement sets forth all of the agreement and understandings between the parties with respect to the matters contemplated hereby, and supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties with respect to the matters contemplated hereby, whether written, oral or otherwise.本协议据实立定,陈述协议各方的所有意见和理解内容,并取代协议各方之前立定的所有口头或书面的协议、协商内容和理解内容。15. AMENDMENT AND WAIVER 修正和放弃条款This Agreement may be amended or modified only by the written agreement of the parties. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be valid unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced.本协议条款仅在各方书面同意时方可修正。未获得对方书面同意的任何条款申明放弃行为均视为无效。备注根据FIDIC条款的通用理解,本人擅自将“Consultant”翻译成“咨询工程师”,“Company”翻译成“公司”。如贵公司有特定用法,请自酌更改。
忙里偷闲,权作练笔,不为求赏,愿意帮忙。 鄙人试作翻译,参考译文如下,供参考: The granting by either party of any time in respect of any breach of any term of this Agreement or any failure at any time to insist upon or enforce any right remedy or power shall not be deemed a waiver of this Agreement and the waiver by any party of any breach of any terms of this Agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach. 任何一方在任何时候对本协议任一条款的违约、或者在任何时候违反本协议所固有的补偿权利(或权力),另一方的认可同意不应视为是对本协议的放弃;对于任何一方在任何时候对本协议任一条款的违约放弃追究,不应影响该条款继续具有约束力,也不应视为对以后的违约放弃追究。 All rights, remedies and powers conferred upon by parties by this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be or construed(估计此处抄写词序错误,似乎应为“construed or”)to be exclusive of any other rights, remedies or powers now or in the future conferred upon the parties by law or otherwise. 本协议各方协商确定的全部权利、补偿和权力是合并为一的,不应解释为或者限定为各方依据法律或其他方面的根据协商而定的现在或者将来的其他任何权利、补偿或权力。 这是常见于与英、美国家客商签订的合同(协议)中的“补偿与放弃”(Remedies and Waivers)条款内容(有人也译为“权利保留”条款),大致意思就是约定:如果一方违约,另一方放弃追究(此次)违约责任权利的话,违约方不得以此次“放弃”为依据,而要求另一方在以后不得追究以后的违约行为在责任。通常是守约方对自己的权利保护措施之一。 注意—— 1.这毕竟是法律英语,翻译译文要符合法律习惯。 2.第1句的主语就是“granting”,而定语部分过长,要按照汉语习惯,定语部分译作(汉语)状语,进而突出“granting”(放弃)所引起的后果的处置。
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