1、坚持自己和相信自己,就是最好的。 Insist on yourself and believe in yourself, is the best. 2、只要下决心坚持下去,敌人是不可怕的。 As long as determined to stick to it, the enemy is not terrible. 3、最重要的是,在关键的时刻能够坚持原则。 The most important thing is that, in the critical moment can stick to principles. 4、坚持的梦也会一秒崩落,人生有太多曲折。 Adhere to the dream of a second will fall, the life has too many twists and turns. 5、只要坚持积极的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气。 As long as adhere to the positive ideal, can produce struggle of courage. 6、如果我坚持什么,就是用大炮也不能打倒我。 What if I insist, is to use the cannon can’t break me. 7、不是你的理由不充分,而是我的执着太坚持。 Is not your reason for not fully, but I’m too insist on persistence. 8、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。 Event is not the size of the power, and can insist on how long. 9、有罪是符合人性的,但长期坚持不改就是魔鬼。 Guilty is in conformity with the human, but to insist for a long time is the devil. 10、我们坚持了好久,但最终还是输给了天长地久。 We insist for a long time, but eventually lost to last forever. 11、伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持来完成的。 Great works not by strength, but by insist to complete. 12、成功者永远是比对手多做一下、坚持到底的人。 The winner is always more than rivals do, stick to it. 13、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的。 Don’t lose confidence, as long as perseverance, we will have results. 14、坚持不让权宜之计取代原则,不让浮夸掩盖事实。 Adhere to the principle of not let the expedient to replace, don’t let the grandiose cover-up. 15、人生是一种态度,我坚持我自己认为正确的想法。 Life is an attitude, I stick to my own thought the right idea. 16、我们在坚持工作之外,还必须养成坚持休息的习惯。 We work on, but also have to get into the habit of stick to rest. 17、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。 Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between. 18、你要做一名成功的主持人,只有两个字,那就是坚持。 You have to do a host of success, only two words, that is perseverance. 19、很多失败不是因为能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。 Many fail not because ability is limited, but because there is no stick it out. 20、许多人都是因为坚持到最后五分钟而获得胜利和成功。 Many people are due to hold out until the last five minutes and victory and success. 21、每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人看来是浪费时间。 Everyone will insist on their own beliefs, to others is a waste of time. 22、但我绝不会为了家庭而放弃工作,这也是我唯一的坚持。 But I never give up work for the family, this is my only persistence. 23、只要坚持下去,哪怕在冰天雪地奄也会开出美丽的花朵。 As long as you stick to it, even if in the ice and snow will be the beautiful flowers. 24、原来,真的没有什么东西,完美的值得我们用生命坚持。 Originally, really nothing, perfect worth we insist on with life. 25、要从容地着手去做一件事,但一旦开始,就要坚持到底。 Leisurely to start to do a thing, but once you begin, is going to stick it out. 26、真不愿意起来,尤其我还病了,可我还得带病坚持吃饭。 Really don’t want to rise, especially I’m still sick, but I have to insist on in spite of a meal. 27、寺庙旁边的猪都会念经。英语不需要天赋,只需要坚持! Temple next to the pig chant. English don’t need talent, only need to insist! 28、与其说我们有权防止错误,不如说我们有权不坚持谬误。 Rather than we have the right to Pvent error, we have the right to insist on not false. 29、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。 When you want to give up of that a moment, think about why at the beginning insist on here. 30、有一种缘,放手后成为风景,有一颗心,坚持中方现真诚。 Have a margin, let go after become scenery, have a heart, adhere to China is sincere. 31、无论你今天要面对什么,既然走到了这一步,就坚持下去。 No matter what you face today, now that came to this step, just stick to it. 32、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream. 33、挫折只不过是湖中的一丝波纹!只要你坚持下去它总会消失! Frustration is just the lake a ripple! As long as you stick to it will disappear! 34、怎样形成风格?把你认为正确的属于你自己的东西坚持下去。 How to form the style? Bring your own things you think is right. 35、聪明人克服谬误,从而走向真理;只有傻瓜才坚持自己的谬误。 A wise man overcome fallacy, leading to truth; Only a fool to stick to his fallacy. 36、我的执着,不须要人懂,也不需要人理解,我只坚持我坚持的。 My persistent, not needs to understand, also do not need to be understood, I just stick to my insist. 37、人们还往往把真理和错误混在一起去教人,而坚持的却是错误。 People are also often the truth and error together to teach, and insist on is wrong. 38、我们只以坚持不断的努力,才能够抗拒这不可战胜的灰心失望。 We only to persist in efforts to resist the invincible discouraged. 39、一个人能把他少年时想做的事情做好,坚持下来,他是幸福的。 A person can bring his teens want to do a thing well done, stick, he is happy. 40、科学地探求真理,要求我们的理智永远不要狂热地坚持某种假设。 The scientific search for the truth, and the requirements of our reason never feverishly insist on some assumption. 41、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 Success probability distribution, the key is you can stick to a successful start to Psent at that moment. 42、事情是很简单的人,全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持以底。 The secret all things, it is very simple, only two words: perseverance, adhere to the bottom. 43、坚持反腐倡廉,打击官僚资本,一件一件地办理一些老大难案件。 Insist on anti-corruption, hit the bureaucratic capital, one by one to deal with some problem. 44、只有心甘情愿地坚持正确的东西,才能从中得到不可言喻的安乐。 Only willing to adhere to the correct things, can get the ineffable happiness. 45、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 Tell you the mystery of the enable me to reach the goal, the power of my only is my adhere to the spirit. 46、要在这个世界上获得成功,就必须坚持到底;剑至死都不能离手。 To succeed in this world, we must stick to it; Sword to death can off hand. 47、滴水穿石并非由于水滴有巨大的力量,而是由于水一滴接着一滴。 Constant dropping wears away a stone was not caused by water droplets have great power, but due to a drop of water and then drop. 48、事情是很简单的人,全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持到底。 It is very simple, only two words all the secret: perseverance, stick it out. 49、锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。 Exercise regularly, you must insist on, people are like machines, regular exercise can’t rust. 50、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 Tell you the mystery of the enable me to reach the goal, my only strength is I adhere to the spirit. 51、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。 Sometimes, after that you don’t want to do most things, you can get what you want most. 52、谢谢你一直以来的坚持,谢谢你为我吃的苦,谢谢你从来没有放弃。 Thank you for always insist, thank you for I eat bitter, thank you never give up. 53、坚持你的主义,主义重于生命。宁愿生命消失,只要声誉能够留存。 Stick to your doctrine, the doctrine is more important than life. Would rather life disappear, as long as the reputation can be retained. 54、有没有人像我一样,心里装着一个不可能的人,可是却还一直坚持着。 If there is any one like me, the in the mind filled with an impossible person, but I still insist. 55、只要我还能划水,我就不肯被淹死,只要我还能站立,我就不肯倒下。 As long as I can pull, I won’t drown, as long as I can stand, I will not fall. 56、年青人,你永远不要忘记……才华就是长期的坚持不懈:你努力干吧! Young man, you don’t ever forget... Talent is the long-term persistence: you worked hard! 57、每个人都会有选择喜欢和不喜欢的权力,我会一直坚持做快乐的自己! Everyone has the power to choose the likes and dislikes, I will insist to do happy yourself! 58、生命里最重要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借助才能与坚持来完成它。 The most important thing in life is to have a big goal, and with the aid of talents and insist to do it. 59、每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人来看是浪费时间,她却觉得很重要。 Everyone will insist on your faith, in others it is a waste of time, she felt very important. 60、穷是一种心态,你若一辈子坚持自己是穷人,拥有大量金钱也救不了你。 Poor is a state of mind, if you have a lifetime insisted that he was poor, with a large amount of money won’t save you. 61、做一件事并不难,难的是在于坚持;坚持一下也不难,难的是坚持到底。 Do one thing is not difficult, difficult is to insist on; Is not difficult, difficult also to hold out the stick it out. 62、生活不是苦难,也不是享乐,而是我们应当为之奋斗并坚持到底的事业。 Life is not suffering, not enjoyment, but we should strive for and stick to it. 63、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。 If when I brave, ending is different. If at that time you insist, memories will not. 64、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。 The life most regret, is give up easily shouldn’t abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldn’t insist. 65、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。 People not failed because there is no faith, but because can’t put your faith into action, and stick to it. 66、我就是这样,注定和你不一样。坚持与众不同的自己,不要怕别人异样的眼光。 I am such, doomed to and you are not the same. Adhere to the unique yourself, don’t be afraid of other people’s peculiar eye. 67、以前总认为坚持会让我们变强大,但是长大后才发现,让我们强大的,是放下。 Always believe that persistence will let us become strong, but grew up just detection, let us strong, is down. 68、有的时候,你选择放手并不是无法坚持,只是因为你发现有些事情注定无法实现。 Sometimes, you choose to let go is not unable to insist, just because you find some things destined to cannot be achieved. 69、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执的坚持了不该的坚持。 Life’s greatest regret, than, give up easily shouldn’t abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldn’t insist. 70、早睡早起已成为我的生活习惯。而且只要在家,我都坚持早晨跑步或做些适度的运动。 Early to bed and early to rise makes my life has become a habit. And as long as at home, I insist on running in the morning or do moderate exercise. 71、人生的奋斗目标不要太大,认准了一件事情,投入兴趣与热情坚持去做,你就会成功。 Goals don’t too big, one thing at a time, investment interest and enthusiasm to stick to it, you will succeed. 72、人尽管生活在时间之中,却应追求永恒,要努力放弃**的享受,而坚持精神的水准。 Despite living in time, but should be the pursuit of forever, to give up the enjoyment of the body, and adhere to the spirit level. 73、感觉累的时候,也许你正处于人生的上坡路。坚持走下去,你就会发现到达了人生的另一个高度。 Feel tired, maybe you are in the ascent of life. Stick to go on, you will find that reached the another height of life.
1.poor and stronger,not falling Albatron ambition。-- e 。-- he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。——萨迪
17.Little drops of an is e e fruits。—— Tsien Hsueshen。不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。钱学森
37.Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery,I only poitable than e fruits。—— Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。——钱学森
45. disheartened。无论什么时候,不管遇到什么情况,我绝不允许自己有一点点灰心丧气。
48.Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy。—— Herzen。朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。——赫尔岑
50.persistence will enable us to succeed,and perseverance of the source is to do not waver in the least,we should take to achieve the necessary means to success。—— Chernyshevsky。只有毅力才会使我们成功,而毅力的来源又在于毫不动摇,坚决采取为达到成功所需要的手段。——车尔尼雪夫斯基
51.Stop chipping halfway,you cannot chop down deadwood;and keep chipping a way,gold and stone can be carved。-- Xun Kuang锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。——荀况
52.people lack the willpower,rather than strength。—— Hugo。世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。——雨果
53.Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy。-- Herzen一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。——赫尔岑
54.Stop chipping halfway,you cannot chop down deadwood;and keep chipping a way,gold and stone can be carved。—— Xun Kuang。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。——荀况
1.It is dogged does it。All day,but careless man。天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕粗心人。
2.No patient e bigger and bigger;river is not the small streams,so it can be so deep。泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。
6.No difficulty is insurmountable if one sets one’s mind on it。精诚所至,金石为开。
7.Although patience and persistence is a painful thing,but it can gradually bring you good。—— Ovid。忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐地为你带来好处。——奥维德
8.Stop chipping halfe fruits。—— Tsien Hsueshen。不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。——钱学森
11.The great becomes ridiculous is only a step,but one more step,funny and itable than itable than e fruits。—— Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。——钱学森
23.e 。-- he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。——萨迪
49.Little drops of an is e e fruits。—— Tsien Hsueshen。不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。钱学森
69.Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery,I only power is my persistence spirit。-- pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。——巴斯德
70.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。心之所愿,无事不成。
71.Little drops of the reservoir,integrated with a large warehouse。点点滴滴的藏,集成了一大仓。
1、East or e thing is learned every time a book is opened.
7、Zeal .
21、Haste makes mon danger causes common action.
36、You cannot have your cake and eat it.
37、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
38、Rome ething for a rainy day.
46、So many men, so many minds.
47、He home is a priceless treasure.
56、Courtesy costs nothing.
57、Youth will be served.
58、He that promises too much means nothing.
59、es with age.
74、Fact is stranger than fiction.
75、One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers.
76、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
77、Business is business.
78、Do not teach fish to swim.
79、Just has long arms.
1.The the title epitaph also can shoe keen,is a persons youth intrinsic mark。在这个世界上,欲望并非痛苦,他可以使感觉变得敏锐,是一个人的青春的内在标志。
11.In t the springs that fed it。我懂了一个道理:永远不要倒空我的创作之井,但当创作之井还有一些水的时候应该停止,然后让夜晚补给它的泉水自行将其注满。
16.Although the love betething for each other。You mon - they are truer than if they had really happened。好书都有一个共同点它们都比真实事件还真实。
23.Strong than others,is not noble;stronger than before,is the true nobility。比别人强,并不算高贵;比以前的自己强,才是真实的高贵。
24.Each person is not an island,a person must be the innocence。所有邪恶的事一开始都是纯洁的。
29.No,its easy to say it back。不过话得说回来,没有一桩事是容易的。
30.The ego is the God e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服?
35.Noe our most strong place。生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。
39.Better than others,not noble,the true nobility should be better than the past。优于别人,并不高贵,真正的高贵应该是优于过去的自己。
40.It is extremely easy to do nothing in the daytime,but at night it is another thing。在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。
41.There is no failure,only。没有失败,只有战死。
42.If you are lucky enough to have lived in paris,paris e。只要不计较得失,人生便没有什么不能克服的。
45.paranoia is a strange thing。paranoid people are bound to believe that they are right,and restraint,to maintain the right idea,is the most can contribute to this self thinking and integrity of vieeone to talk with him openly。A man may be very brave,but he may be very lonely。每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管能够十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。
50.The majestic iceberg outdoor because he was only 1/8,is on the surface of the water。The bottom part of the iceberg accounted for 7/8 of the whole iceberg。冰山户外之雄伟壮观,是正因他只有八分之一在水面上。水底的部分占整座冰山的八分之七。
51.e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服的?
1、坚持不算正能量,笑着坚持才算。 Insist on not positive energy, adhere to in order to be with a smile. 2、只因你坚持不懈,所以我自成安。 Because your perseverance, so I from shing. 3、努力并坚持,那是你最好的样子。 Efforts and stick to it, is your best look. 4、除了坚持不懈,成功没有其他秘诀。 In addition to the persistent, there is no other secret to success. 5、亢奋绝对是做一件事最初的原动力。 Irritability is one thing the original motive power. 6、拼搏到无能为力,坚持到感动自己。 Strive to do, insist to move yourself. 7、坚持,就是在坚持不下去的时候再坚持。 When insist, is to do not stick to it. 8、坚持不懈的每一步缘于不计后果的第一步。 Every step of persistent due to reckless first step. 9、有什么好坚持的,你坚持人家也不定坚持啊。 Have nothing to adhere to, you stick to the somebody else also insisted on erratically. 10、世界之大,人之浮夸。我的坚持,像个笑话。 The grandiose, people all over the world. I insist, like a joke. 11、我坚持我的坚持,你坚持欣赏我的坚持,足矣! I stick to my insist, you do apPciate my insist, is enough! 12、如果你坚持了自己的梦想,全世界都会为你让路。 If you insist on your dream, the world will make way for you. 13、坚持不懈不是一个长跑,而是一个接一个的短跑。 Perseverance is not a long, but one by one the sprint. 14、成功都是需要坚持的,坚持的人都该为自己骄傲! Success is need to stick to, adhere to the people all the proud of yourself! 15、说坚持,我也能坚持,不知道坚持还有没有意义。 Said insist, I can do, don’t know insist there is no significance. 16、坚持不懈与死缠烂打毫无区别,只是看用在谁身上。 Perseverance and dead to tie up lousy dozen is no difference, just see who used in body. 17、能坚持别人不能坚持的,才能拥有别人不能拥有的。 Can insist people can’t do, to have someone you can’t have. 18、有梦最美,筑梦踏实。最重要的是要坚持坚持再坚持。 Dream is the most beautiful, the dream weavers. The most important thing is to stick to insist to do. 19、你要相信,相信我的坚持不懈,一定可以打动你的心。 You should believe, believe that my perseverance, can imPss your heart. 20、听不见喘息也就不知疲惫,看不清的终点也该要坚持。 Can’t hear you breathing is tired, can’t see the end of the also should insist on. 21、命运企图改变我的想法,很可惜,它低估了我的坚持。 Fate is trying to change my idea, unfortunately, it underestimated my insistence. 22、生活真正的精彩,还是做自己,坚持梦想,坚持信仰。 Life really wonderful, or do yourself, adhere to the dream, adhere to the faith. 23、哪怕是迷宫,你坚持不懈地走下去,总能够找到出口。 Even if it is a maze, you diligently, always able to find export. 24、天塌不下来没有什么事过不去的;坚持坚持就过去了。 Nothing can not pass the day not fall down; Adhere to adhere to. 25、不喜欢就不要选择,选择了就要坚持,坚持就坚持到底。 Don’t like don’t choose, choose will insist on, insist on do it. 26、生命需要刺激亦需要震撼;要积极尝试,也要坚持不懈。 Life needs stimulation also need shaking; Should actively try to, also want to persevere. 27、天才都是骄傲的,因为骄傲所以坚持,因为坚持所以成功! Genius is proud, because pride so insist, because adhere to success! 28、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。 When you want to give up of that a moment, think about why at the beginning insist on here. 29、我想,人们最应该学会的,不是坚持不懈,而是知难而退。 I think people should learn to most, not perseverance, but retreat. 30、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream. 31、有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。 Some things are not see hope to insist, but insisted the will see hope. 32、坚持的昨天叫立足,坚持的今天叫进取,坚持的明天叫成功。 Yesterday is based on, keep on keeping on today is enterprising, insist on tomorrow’s success. 33、坚持不做某事,最终还是坚持不了,是因为还放不下那件事。 Insist on not to do STH., eventually won’t insist on, because has not put that thing. 34、坚持不懈,只有一个目标,就是做世界最强者,不再受委屈。 Perseverance, only one goal, is to be the strongest in the world, and no longer be wronged. 35、当全世界都要我放弃时,期待有人轻语一声,“再试一次”。 When you want me to give up all over the world, looking forward to some light language 1, "try again". 36、放弃有十五画,而坚持有十六画,所以,坚持只比放弃多一点。 Give up fifteen, and insisted that has 16 paintings, so stick to a little more than give up. 37、我想把爱你当成习惯,所以我现在就得养好我坚持不懈的习惯。 I want to love you as a habit, so now I must keep the habit of good I perseverance. 38、人,只有在放弃战斗的时候才算输,只要坚持战斗,就还没输。 People, only when to give up fighting loses, as long as adhere to fight, will not lose. 39、每个坚持都一个放弃。因为她放弃了坚持,所以我才坚持不放弃。 Each stick to a give up. Because she gave up the insist, so I just do not give up. 40、那些一直为理想坚持不懈的人,你们终会成为笑傲生活的佼佼者。 Those who have been for the ideal unremitting, you will become a proud smile life. 41、世界上只有一种成功,叫坚持不懈,也只有一种失败,叫半途而废。 There is only one success in the world, called persistence, also only a failure, fall by the wayside. 42、一切的一切看是已尘埃落定,但你的坚持不懈也许会出现一线希望。 Everything is the dust settles, but your persistence may appear a glimmer of hope. 43、我一直在找借口喜欢这个世界,毕竟不是谁一直都能爱的坚持不懈。 I’ve been looking for an excuse to love the world, after all, is not who has the persistence of love. 44、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。 Sometimes, after that you don’t want to do most things, you can get what you want most. 45、坚持是信念,是蜕变,是习惯,是幡然醒悟的愉悦,内心强大的力量! Insist on is the belief that disintegration, habits, is a vindication of pleasure, inner power! 46、遇到困难,除了积极地面对、正确的解决方法外,最重要的就是坚持! Meet with difficulties, in addition to actively to face, the right solution, the most important thing is to insist! 47、所有牛逼后面都是无奈痛苦堆积的高墙,所有无奈痛苦后面都是傻逼一样的坚持。 All cow force behind is helpless pain accumulation with high walls, all behind the helpless pain is silly force the same as the persistence. 48、每一个成功者都有一颗坚持不懈的心,而这一颗心,是经过不断磨练的。 Every successful person has a heart of perseverance, and this one heart, is a continuously hone. 49、即使在冲向目标的过程中会有各种疼痛,但只要坚持不懈就一定会成功的。 Even if in the process of moving will have all kinds of pain, but as long as perseverance will be successful. 50、放弃很容易,但你最终会一无所得。坚持更难,但你最后一定会有所收获。 It is easy to give up, but you will get nothing. Insist on more difficult, but finally you will sure be rewarded. 51、决定了要做的事,那就不要放弃,即使是不可完成,也要咬着牙坚持下去! Decided to do, then don’t give up, even if is not complete, also want to bite a tooth stick to it! 52、不要猜疑,不要半途而废,坚持在坚持,多给自己鼓励,困难便会迎刃而解。 Don’t suspicion, don’t give up, insist on do, how to encourage yourself, difficulties will be readily solved. 53、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。 People not failed because there is no faith, but because can’t put your faith into action, and stick to it. 54、前面布满了荆棘,坚持不懈的我们,像那浸满鲜血的花蕊,日渐次开美丽的花儿。 The front covered with thorns, we persevere, like the imPgnated with the blood of the blossom, is time to open the beautiful flowers. 55、看不见的未来需要你用心探索,只有你坚持不懈的努力才能创造出属于你的未来。 Can’t see the future need you explore attentively, only your unremitting efforts to create belong to you in the future. 56、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执的坚持了不该的坚持。 Life’s greatest regret, than, give up easily shouldn’t abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldn’t insist. 57、坚持很难,但别无选择。坚持有坚持的痛,但也有它的魅力。那种美,倔强又绝然。 It’s difficult to adhere to, but have no other choice. Adhere to have pain, but also has its charm. That kind of beauty, stubborn and absolute. 58、我一直都在,一直都在坚持,坚持想你、坚持等你、坚持着等待绝望的那一天的到来。 I have been, have been insist, insist, insist on waiting for you, think you insist on waiting for the arrival of that day of despair. 59、希望所有参赛的朋友不放弃自己的梦想,坚持到底。我也是因为坚持走到了今天这一步。 I hope all the friends don’t give up your dream, stick to it. I’m here today because adhere to the step. 60、坚持,坚持,坚持!我已经坚持到满脸绝望,坚持到内心被哀寂填充,坚持到想要放弃。 Insist, insist, insist! I’ve been insist to a full face of despair, do to the heart is filled with mourning silence, insist to want to give up. 61、如果你现在倒下了,但当你能够再次站起来的时候。你一定会比原来走的更远,站得更稳! If you fell now, but when you can stand up once again. You will go further than the old, stand more stable! 62、你因为坚持而成功,那么你就有骄傲的资本。毕竟坚持,不是一个人随随便便就能坚持的。 Because you stick to success, you will have a proud capital. After all insist, is not a person casually can insist. 63、我知道坚持对我来说是一件难事,但我仍会坚持下去,直到你不再坚持,我也就不必坚持了。 I know that is difficult for me, but I will still insist on, until you no longer insist, I also don’t have to stick to. 64、只要掌握了对的学习方法,足够努力,坚持坚持再坚持,谁都可以变得“不错”或“优秀”。 If mastered the right way to learn, work hard enough, stick to keep keeping, anyone can become "good" or "excellent". 65、有时,坚持就是愚蠢,所以对我来说,如果坚持的结果是成功,那么我可以为了成功坚持下去。 Sometimes the persistence is stupid, so for me, if you insist on is the result of the success, so I can in order to successfully hold on. 66、成功需要我们数十年如一日的积累,执着的信念,坚持不懈的努力,最终可以帮助有心人滴水穿石。 Success requires our decades of accumulation, persistent belief and unremitting efforts, finally can help you constant dropping wears away a stone. 67、谁知道谁在想什么,谁又会是谁的救世主,我早明白这一点,可我还是无可救药地坚持着我的坚持。 Who knows who in want to what, who and who will be the savior, I early know this, but I am still hopelessly stick to my persistence. 68、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。 Bad life to a certain extent will be better, because it cannot be worse. After the effort, just know many things, persistence, is coming.
1、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition. -- Wang Bo
2、Don’t lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits. ---- Tsien Hsueshen
3、It is dogged does it. The days of easy, but careless people. -- Yuan Mei
4、To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn.
5、Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way, gold and stone can be carved.-- Xun Kuang
1、草烂难捆绑,心懒无药方。 Grass lousy hard bound, lazy heart without a Pscription. 2、一无所有,就是拼的理由。 Nothing at all, is the reason why spell. 3、经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的。 The experience takes out by the essence of pain. 4、毅力可以征服任何一座**。 Willpower can conquer any peak. 5、抓住每个细节,不犯同样错误。 At every detail, don’t make the same mistake. 6、道德是永远的,财富是暂时的。 Morality is eternal, wealth is temporary. 7、财富不是朋友,而朋友却是财富。 Wealth is not friends, but friends are wealth. 8、贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。 In and difficult to insist on, insist on. 9、凡是自强不息者,最终都会成功。 Whenever an unyielding person, will eventually succeed. 10、因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线。 Because tomorrow, today forever just starting line. 11、未跌过未识做人,不会哭未算幸运。 Did not fall, has not been unknown person cry not lucky. 12、从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。 From the outside to break is the Pssure, from within the break is growth. 13、一勤天下无难事,一懒天下皆难事。 A frequently difficult all over the world, a lazy world is hard. 14、我努力,我坚持,我就一定能成功。 I work hard, I insist, I can make it. 15、生命必须有目标,人生必须有意义。 Life must have goals, life must be meaningful. 16、在你成功前,不要认为自己无所不能。 Before you succeed, don’t think you can do anything. 17、和大多数人保持一致,不要锋芒太露。 Consistent with most people, don’t be too open. 18、心中有多精彩,你的世界就有多精彩! How exciting in the heart, your world is more fascinating! 19、最困难的时候,就是最接近成功的时候。 The most difficult times, is the closest to success when. 20、在逆境中,智者知难而进,愚者消沉不前。 In adversity, and a wise man town fools dePssion. 21、缺少恒心的人,是一块只上一次发条的表。 The lack of perseverance, is a piece of table only last spring. 22、为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。 For best results, let’s get crazy. 23、放手一博去创业,不要给你的人生留下遗憾。 Give it a bo to entrePneurship, don’t regret for your life. 24、岁月是百代的过客,而逝去的年华也是旅客。 Years is one hundred generations of the traveler, but lost time is also a passenger. 25、如果可以重新活一次,每个人都将是成功者。 If you can live once again, everyone will be successful. 26、成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。 The law of success is very simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy. 27、别人唯一能从你身边夺走的东西,只有当下。 Something that others can only stole him away from your side, only the Psent. 28、你是独一无二的,你的价值任何人无可比拟。 You are unique, your unparalleled value anyone. 29、可以骄傲、可以张扬,过度的谦虚等于骄傲。 Can be proud, make public, excessive modesty is equal to the proud. 30、有能力的人影响别人,没能力的人,受人影响。 Have the ability to influence others, no ability, affected by the people. 31、检验两只鸡的友谊,要等出现一条虫子的时候。 Inspection, the friendship between our two chickens to appear when a worm, etc. 32、不看书岂能满腹经纶,不勤奋哪来的事业辉煌? Wisdom in the mind can not read a book, no diligence which come of brilliant career? 33、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。 Should treat others kindly when being proud, because you need them when you down. 34、绝大多数人,在绝大多数时候,都只能靠自己。 The vast majority of people, in most of the time, can only rely on yourself. 35、人生不是单行线,一条路走不通,你可以转弯。 Life is not a one-way street, a road impassability, you can turn. 36、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life is not to live long and short, but lies in the realization of early and late. 37、命好不如习惯好。养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。 Life is better than good habits. A good habit, benefit greatly from all her life. 38、找一个赞美你的朋友,不如找一个挑你刺的朋友。 Find a praise your friends, it is better to find a friend who pick you sting. 39、人生一定要有规划,这样会让你的人生永不偏航。 Life must have a plan, this will let your life never drift. 40、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。 Set goals, and then refine the target for every step of the action. 41、当你将信心放在自己身上时,你将永远充满力量。 When you put faith in yourself, you will always be full of power. 42、在敌人面前,谁先镇定下来,谁就离胜利不远了。 Before the enemy, who first calm down, who is not far from the victory. 43、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。 If you don’t want to wasted life in the world, that is about to study for a lifetime. 44、埋怨只是一种懦弱的表现;努力,才是人生的态度。 Blame is just a sign of weakness; Efforts, is the attitude of life. 45、如果朋友让你生气,那就说明你仍然在意他的友情。 If friends make you angry, it means you still care about his friendship. 46、习题诚重要,理解不可抛,两者若结合,成绩才会高。 Problem is important to understand not throw, if both combined, result will be high. 47、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate. 48、不懈奋斗,生命才有辉煌;努力学习,思想才有灵光。 Unremitting struggle, life is brilliant, Study hard, thought to have light. 49、活的开心最重要,不管有多少挫折,都要努力冲过去。 Live happy is the most important, no matter how many setbacks, to blunt past. 50、谎话的人所得到的,就只是即使说了真话也没有人相信。 Lies in the people, just is not believed when he speaks the truth. 51、高尚的目标用卑鄙的手段来实现,同样不是高尚的行为。 Noble goal with a despicable means to do this, also is not a noble act. 52、失去的东西,其实从来未曾真正的属于你,也不必惋惜。 Lose things, actually never really belong to you, also do not have to regret. 53、困难只能吓倒懒汉懦夫,而胜利永远属于攀登**的人们。 Difficulties can only be intimidated by slob coward, and victory always belongs to those who climb. 54、世间最美的是失败后的微笑,世间最甜的是成功后的泪水。 The most beautiful in the world is smile, after the failure most sweet is the success of the tears in the world. 55、你的快乐是由你的双手创造出来的,而不是靠别人赐予的。 Your happiness is created by your hands, rather than rely on others to give. 56、我们贫穷,我们无钱,不应该感到高兴;富裕多赚钱才是初衷。 We are poor, we have no money, should not feel happy; The rich make more money is the original intention. 57、不能埋怨社会的不公既然老天没给你你想要的就要自己去争取。 Not against social injustice, since god didn’t give you what you want to go for myself. 58、一个人的改变,源于自我的积极进取,而不是等待什么天赐良机! The change of a person, is the result of self positive enterprising, rather than wait for what a godsend! 59、不是每个人的梦想都能实现,也并不是每个人的梦想都不能圆梦。 Not everyone’s dream come true, not everyone’s dream will interPt a dream. 60、平静的湖面,练不出精悍的水手;安逸的生活,造不出时代的伟人。 A calm lake, don’t make a pithy sailor; A life of ease, couldn’t make the great men of The Times. 61、逃避,不一定躲得过;面对,不一定最难受;尽力,才有美好明天。 Evade, not necessarily hide too; In the face of, not necessarily the most uncomfortable; Try your best, have a better tomorrow. 62、做一个向日葵族,面对阳光,不自艾自怜,每天活出最灿烂的自己。 Do a sunflower, facing the sun, not the ai self-pity, live out the most brilliant themselves every day. 63、当认识到自己的渺小,并为世界遥辽阔而自卑时,便是专注的开始。 When his perception of his own smallness, and distance for the world is vast and inferiority, is the beginning of the focus. 64、记得多读些书。不读书的日子,思想便会停止,久而久之,就要生锈。 Remember to read more books. Without reading, thinking will stop, over time, will be rust. 65、如果不能耐心的等待成功的到来,那么只能用耐心去等待一生的失败。 If not the patience waiting for the arrival of success, so can only use the patience to wait for the failure of the life. 66、爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。 The power of love big enough to make people forget everything, but so small that even a grain of the sand and envy also cannot accommodate. 67、烦恼和快乐是人生的两颗种子,在心田播下那颗种子,那颗就会发芽长大。 Troubles and happiness are the two seeds of life, in my heart to sow the seeds, it will sprout grew up. 68、经验不是发生在一个人身上的事件,而是一个人如何看待发生在他身上的事。 Experience is not happen to a person, but to one person to him about how we perceive what happens to us. 69、知难而上,奋发图强,是竞争的作用;知难而退消极颓唐,也是竞争的作用。 Knowing the difficulties, work hard, it is the role of competition; The boat but negative, and the role of competition.
1、听不见喘息也就不知疲惫看不清的终点也该要坚持。 Can’t hear you breathing is tired can’t see the end of the also should insist on. 2、不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才看得到希望。 Not see hope to insist, but insisted the will see hope. 3、翻开那些泛黄的纸,写着是自己曾经的坚持。 Turn the yellow paper, is he had insisted on. 4、正义的事业并不一定要地感情的冲动下才能完成,它能够在平心静气的辩论中坚持到最后胜利。 The cause of justice does not have the keys to complete under the impulse of emotions, it is able to hold out until the last victory in calmly in the debate. 5、如果你愿意坚持,这世界上就没有终结。如果你愿意相信,这世界上就没有谎言。 If you are willing to insist, in this world, there is no end. If you are willing to believe that in this world, there is no lie. 6、你说,不想再浪费时间和精力来坚持了,已经没意义了。 You say, I don’t want to waste time and energy to insist on, have no meaning. 7、这个世界几乎不合所有人的梦想。只是有些人可以学会遗忘,有些人却坚持。 This world almost everyone’s dream. Just some people can learn to forget, some people insisted on. 8、我的执着,不须要人懂,也不需要人理解,我只坚持我坚持的。 My persistent, not needs to understand, also do not need to be understood, I just stick to my insist. 9、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream. 10、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道没结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。 True love is not love, but clearly know no result, also want to stick to it. 11、人们以为坚持会让人更加坚强,但有时候,让人坚强的却是放手。 People think that your persistence will let a person more strong, but sometimes, let a person strong to let it go. 12、哪怕,生活无法忍受也要坚持下去,这样的生活才有可能变得有价值。 Even if, life can’t bear to also want to stick to it, such a life is likely to be valuable. 13、有些事看似不可能,但有些人却依旧坚持,有些人不会来,但那个人却依旧等待着。 Some things seem impossible, but some people still insist on, some people don’t come, but the man still waiting. 14、一直以来自己所认真坚持的一切,被一直以来想要守护的人全盘否定,这样的事,谁也不堪承受。 Has been seriously adhere to everything, was always want to protect people negate, such a thing, who also impossibly. 15、如果你找不到一个坚持的理由,你就必须找到一个重新开始的理由。 If you can’t find a stick to reason, you have to find a reason to start again. 16、只要够喜欢,就没有办不到的等待。就可以一直靠信仰爱情,坚持下去。 As long as enough like, there is no can’t wait. You can always love by faith, stick to it. 17、生命有非常多的苦难和甜美,值得我们坚持,宽容和珍惜。 Life have so much suffering and sweet, is worth us insist, tolerance, and cherish. 18、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。 Event is not the size of the power, and can insist on how long. 19、那么盛开在年华里的遥远夜晚,是你无论如何坚持都回不到的过往。 In full bloom in the mood for distant night, then, is that you no matter how to insist on back less than in the past. 20、多数的错与失,是因为不努力,不坚持,不挽留。然后告诉自己一切都是命运。 Most fault and loss, because don’t work hard, not insist, not to retain. Then tell yourself everything is fate. 21、梦想是什么,梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。 What is dream, dream is a kind of the things that make you feel the persistence is happiness. 22、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于,轻易的放弃了不该放弃的,固执的坚持了不该的坚持。 Life’s greatest regret, than, give up easily shouldn’t abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldn’t insist. 23、像我这样的女子,只会忠于自己的心,坚持自己的选择,别人说再多都没用。 Woman like me, will only be loyal to his heart, insist on his own choice, others say more are useless. 24、有的时候,你选择放手并不是无法坚持,只是因为你发现有些事情注定无法实现。 Sometimes, you choose to let go is not unable to insist, just because you find some things destined to cannot be achieved. 25、锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人同机器一样,经常运动才能不生锈。 Exercise regularly, you must insist on, people like machines, exercise regularly to avoid rust. 26、或许我曾做过的最好的事,就是对你一如既往并且未曾动摇的坚持。 Perhaps the best thing I’ve done, is to stick to you as always and never waver. 27、人生最大的遗憾,莫过于错误的坚持,和轻易的放弃。 Life’s greatest regret, than the wrong insist, and easily give up. 28、人生成功的一个关键因素就是抗击打能力,所以只要是正确的目标,就要咬牙坚持住。 A key factor to success in life is to fight against playing ability, so as long as it is the right target, will be on the live. 29、我就是这样,注定和你不一样。坚持与众不同的自己,不要怕别人异样的眼光。 I am such, doomed to and you are not the same. Adhere to the unique yourself, don’t be afraid of other people’s peculiar eye. 30、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。 When you want to give up of that a moment, think about why at the beginning insist on here. 31、做一件事并不难,难的是在于坚持;坚持一下也不难,难的是坚持到底。 Do one thing is not difficult, difficult is to insist on; Is not difficult, difficult also to hold out the stick it out. 32、我们坚持了好久,但最终还是输给了天长地久。 We insist for a long time, but eventually lost to last forever. 33、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 Tell you the mystery of the enable me to reach the goal, the power of my only is my adhere to the spirit. 34、人们还往往把真理和错误混在一起去教人,而坚持的却是错误。 People are also often the truth and error together to teach, and insist on is wrong. 35、不是说你错了,而是你坚持不了,不是说你坚持不了,而是你会认为你错了。 Not to say that you are wrong, but you can’t insist on, not to say that you can’t insist on, but you think you are wrong. 36、不是你的理由不充分,而是我的执着太坚持。 Is not your reason for not fully, but I’m too insist on persistence. 37、我不知道前面的路是否好走,但我依然坚持走下去。 I don’t know whether the road ahead is easy, but I still insist on going. 38、人生的奋斗目标不要太大,认准了一件事情,投入兴趣与热情坚持去做,你就会成功。 Goals don’t too big, one thing at a time, investment interest and enthusiasm to stick to it, you will succeed. 39、最重要的是,在关键的时刻能够坚持原则。 The most important thing is that, in the critical moment can stick to principles. 40、人生不在于你找什么样的人,在于你做了什么样的坚持! Life lies not in what kind of person you are looking for, is that what did you do insist! 41、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。 The life most regret, is give up easily shouldn’t abandon, stubbornly insist on the shouldn’t insist. 42、事情是很简单的人,全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持以底。 The secret all things, it is very simple, only two words: perseverance, adhere to the bottom. 43、当一个孩子意识到他不仅有坚持真理的权利,而且有犯错误的时候,他就已长成了大人。 When a child is aware that he not only has the right to stick to the truth, and have made a mistake, he has grown into an adult. 44、无论你今天要面对什么,既然走到了这一步,就坚持下去。 No matter what you face today, now that came to this step, just stick to it. 45、有一种缘,放手后成为风景,有一颗心,坚持中方现真诚。 Have a margin, let go after become scenery, have a heart, adhere to China is sincere. 46、有没有人像我一样,心里装着一个不可能的人,可是却还一直坚持着。 If there is any one like me, the in the mind filled with an impossible person, but I still insist. 47、在溪水与岩石的斗争中,胜利的的总是溪水,不是因为力量而是因为坚持。 In the struggle in the streams and the rock, victory always streams, not because of who you are, but because insist on strength. 48、穷是一种心态,你若一辈子坚持自己是穷人,拥有大量金钱也救不了你。 Poor is a state of mind, if you have a lifetime insisted that he was poor, with a large amount of money won’t save you. 49、很多失败不是因为能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。 Many fail not because ability is limited, but because there is no stick it out. 50、终于知道哪些人可以陪伴,哪些人就那样走远了,我的选择我就坚持,无关他人! Finally know who can accompany, who just walked away, I choose I will insist, not other people! 51、通过自己的努力和坚持,是可以做到让别人刮目相看的。 Through hard work and persistence, it is possible to let other people sit up and take notice. 52、我想要的,始终都不是你给的。我不知道自己还能坚持多久,等你多久。 I want, always is not what you give. I don’t know if I can insist on how long, how long to wait for you. 53、人的生命中,皆有苦苦守候的坚持,我的坚持,就是骨气与自我。 There is life, every human being’s waiting for you insist, I insist, is the backbone and self. 54、生活不是苦难,也不是享乐,而是我们应当为之奋斗并坚持到底的事业。 Life is not suffering, not enjoyment, but we should strive for and stick to it. 55、每个人都会坚持自己的信念,在别人来看是浪费时间,她却觉得很重要。 Everyone will insist on your faith, in others it is a waste of time, she felt very important. 56、幸福就是,坚持了应该坚持的,放弃了应该放弃的,珍惜现在拥有的,不后悔已经决定的。 Happiness is, insisted should adhere to, give up should give up, cherish now have, don’t regret it has decided to. 57、有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。 Some things are not see hope to insist, but insisted the will see hope. 58、以前总认为坚持会让我们变强大,但是长大后才发现,让我们强大的,是放下。 Always believe that persistence will let us become strong, but grew up just detection, let us strong, is down. 59、坚持的梦也会一秒崩落,人生有太多曲折。 Adhere to the dream of a second will fall, the life has too many twists and turns. 60、一切的一切看是已尘埃落定,但你的坚持不懈也许会出现一线希望。 Everything is the dust settles, but your persistence may appear a glimmer of hope. 61、她或许了解你的坚持,你却不一定进得去她固执的内野。 She may know you insist, you do not get in to her stubborn infield. 62、在我们接触新事物时我们往往有点不适,但坚持后你会发现收获源于你的积累。 When we are in contact with new things we tend to feel, but after you will find that originates from the accumulation of your harvest. 63、向日葵看不到太阳也会开放,生活看不到希望也要坚持。 Sunflower can’t see the sun will also open, life can not see hope to adhere to. 64、哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。 Even the most no hope things, as long as there is a the brave to insist to do, in the end will have hope. 65、行者的能量,不在于只身上路的勇敢,而是坚持选择想走的路。 Traveler’s energy, is not alone on the road of the brave, but stick to the path of the. 66、梦想没有大小之分,也没有贫富之分。梦想是让人坚持的动力,梦想是让人行走的力量。 Dream has no size, no rich and poor. Dream is to insist on the power, is the power of walking. 67、人总有东西是无论如何也舍不得放弃的,多么卑微的人生也有美好的坚持。 People always have a thing no matter how reluctant to give up, what a humble life also has a good persistence. 68、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。 Sometimes, after that you don’t want to do most things, you can get what you want most. 69、人不是因为没有信念而失败,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且坚持到底。 People not failed because there is no faith, but because can’t put your faith into action, and stick to it. 70、我可以一再坚持我们的贡献,那是因为,只有这种看法,才能在世界上有权力赢得人类的同情。 Can I insisted our contribution, that is because only this kind of view, to have the power to win human sympathy in the world. 71、那时候,如果不是两人互相打气,我们可能会坚持不下去。 At that time, if not two people cheer each other, we could insist on not down. 72、纠缠了很久。也坚持了很久。而现在我要离开比很久还要很久。 Entangled for a long time. Also insisted for a long time. And now I’m going to leave than for a long time for a long time. 73、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。 If when I brave, ending is different. If at that time you insist, memories will not. 74、这个世界不符合所有人的梦想。只是有人可以学会遗忘,有人却坚持。 The world is not in conformity with the everyone’s dream. Just anyone can learn to forget, someone insists.
1、看日出必须守到拂晓。 See the sunrise must keep to the dawn. 2、坚韧是意志的最好助手。 Tenacity is the best assistant will. 3、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。 Ambition and perseverance are the wings of my career. 4、坚持者能在命运风暴中奋斗。 Holdouts to strive in the storm of fate. 5、古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成。 The ancients learning apparent force, a young time old inceptisols. 6、不经一番彻骨寒,哪有梅花扑鼻香? Without the continuous bitter cold, which have no rainbow had the eyes no tears? 7、沉思的人有一个目标,幻想的人却没有。 Reflective people have a goal, not fantasy. 8、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal. 9、伟大的作品不是靠力量,而是靠坚持来完成的。 Great works not by strength, but by insist to complete. 10、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。 Deep insights into their own heart, and then find all the miracles in yourself. 11、人的强烈愿望一旦产生,就很快会转变成信念。 Once produced, is people’s strong desire will soon be transformed into faith. 12、不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 Short step, without even thousands of miles; Not small streams, beyond into jianghai. 13、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。 Pain intensity, endowed with natural and stiffness is proportional to the human will. 14、自信与骄傲有异;自信者常沉着,而骄傲者常浮扬。 Confident and proud of; Confidence is always calm and proud people often float. 15、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。 Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore. 16、一个人缺少了自信,就容易对环境产生怀疑与戒备。 A lack of confidence, easy to doubt and alert to the environment. 17、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。 Once chosen way of life, be brave to go to the end, never look back. 18、你总要去坚持一次!即使全世界都告诉你,那是错的。 Are you going to insist on a total! Even if the whole world to tell you, that’s wrong. 19、在任何行业中,走向成功的第一步,是对它产生兴趣。 In any industry, the first step on the road to success, is interested in it. 20、人有没有信念并非取决于铁链或任何其他外在的压力。 People have a belief is not depends on the chain or any other external Pssures. 21、坚持是一种信念,坚持是一种理解,坚持是一种责任。 Persistence is a kind of belief, persistence is a kind of understanding, the persistence is a kind of responsibility. 22、要从容地着手去做一件事,但一旦开始,就要坚持到底。 Leisurely to start to do a thing, but once you begin, is going to stick it out. 23、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能达到生命的彼岸。 Life is like a sea, only the strong-willed can reach the other side of the life. 24、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 Achievement persistence, fortitude is more important than when failure. 25、理想是美好的,但没有意志,理想不过是瞬间即逝的彩虹。 Ideal is good, but there is no will, ideal rainbow is but a fleeting moment. 26、天才都是骄傲的,因为骄傲所以坚持,因为坚持所以成功! Genius is proud, because pride so insist, because adhere to success! 27、坚持对于勇气,正如轮子对于杠杆,那是支点的永恒更新。 Persistence for courage, as the wheel for leverage, that is the pivot of eternal updates. 28、有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。 Some things are not see hope to insist, but insisted the will see hope. 29、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 The value of a person, should see him what contribution, should not look at what he achieved. 30、我倔强的坚持我心里的坚持,却在不经意间,被坚持所改变。 I stubborn my heart keep on keeping on, but inadvertently, be stick to the change. 31、要在这个世界上获得成功,就必须坚持到底:至死都不能离手。 To succeed in this world, we must stick to it: to death can off hand. 32、人们还往往把真理和错误混在一起去教人,而坚持的却是错误。 People are also often the truth and error together to teach, and insist on is wrong. 33、理想失去了,青春之花也便凋零了。因为理想是青春的光和热。 Ideal lost, and the flower of youth is fading. Because the ideal is light and heat of youth. 34、缺乏信心并不是因为出现了困难,而出现困难倒是因为缺乏信心。 A lack of confidence is not because of the difficulties and problems is because of the lack of confidence. 35、我们最大的弱点在于放弃。成功的必然之路就是不断的重来一次。 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The inevitable road to success is to keep again. 36、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the moment you decided to do, continue to accumulate. 37、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。 Do not make any decision will not the will of reality; A man without a character never make a decision. 38、人,只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境也都能适应。 Person, as long as there is a kind of faith, seeking something, what hard endure everything, what environment also can adapt. 39、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。 If when I brave, ending is different. If at that time you insist, memories will not.
关于坚持的英文名言 1、poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition. e . he di 谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。萨迪 16、Ha一ve achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important. Laroche, French writer取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。拉罗什夫科 17、One day, the ten day of ten money, money. Little strokes fell great oaks. Dripping water wears through a stone. 一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。 18、Hea一ven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. ermined to not firm, with nothing. Zhu Xi 立志不坚,终不济事。朱熹 25、As long as the continuous efforts, unremitting struggle, there is no things that can not be conquered. Seneca 只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。塞内加 推荐 关于人生的英文名言 1、Keep conscience clear,then never fear. 问心无愧,永无畏惧。 2、One mend-fault is pared to a voyage. 人生好比是一次航程。 8、 in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。 19、Life small beginnings comes great things. 伟大始于渺小。 44、Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas. 人的一切--面貌、衣着、心灵和思想,都应该是美好的。 45、Experience is the mother of pany on the road is the shortest cut. 行路有良伴就是捷径。 48、Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity. 不幸与幸运都是正直的试金石。 49、The excellency of hogs is fatness,of men virtue. 猪的优点在于肥壮,人的优点在于美德。 50、Dont misinform your doctor nor your lapence. 太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。 57、Life is a leaf of paper e on wings and depart on foot. 遭祸容易脱祸难。 78、It is never too late to mend.( ) 亡羊补牢,犹时未晚。 79、If a thing is worth doing it is worth worth doing well. 如果事情值得做,就值得好好做。 80、 of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘诀在于持之于恒。 83、Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. 我们最值得自豪的不在于从不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒之后都爬起来。关于尊重的英文名言 1、尊重自己最好的方法是尊重他人。 The best bad ones. 60、人冀子孙贤,而不敬其师,犹欲养身而反损其衣食也。 people who want children and grandchildren are not respectful to their teachers. They want to keep their bodies and lose their food and clothing. 61、聪明的人尊重别人对自己的爱,愚蠢的人伤害爱自己的人。 Wise people respect others’ love for themselves, and stupid people hurt their loved ones. 62、小的尊重老的,是尊重历史;老的爱惜小的,是爱惜未来。 A little respect for the old is a respect for history; old love for the small is for the future. 63、尊重他人就是尊重自己。 To respect others is to respect oneself. 关于质量的英文名言 1、追求质量,不求数量。 The pursuit of quality, not quantity. 2、质量赢信誉,信誉得效益。 Quality to ers, is our work standards. 29、我们判断的质量决定于我们生活的质量。 The quality of our judgment depends on the quality of our life. 30、优质是奉献的堆积,效益是优质的结晶。 Quality is the accumulation of dedication, efficiency is the crystallization of high quality. 31、吸引力是价值的体现,质量是口碑的保障。 Attraction is the embodiment of the value, the quality is the guarantee of word of mouth. 32、以一流的企业文化,创造一流的产品质量。 With first-class corporate culture, to create first-class product quality. 33、行为是意识的结果,而质量又是行为的结果。 Behavior is the result of the consciousness and the quality of result of behavior. 34、一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。 The quality of an object is a measure of its energy. 35、如果不在质上斤斤计较,就难在量上绰绰有余。 If not haggle over every ounce, on quality, more in quantity. 36、你用的物品有重量,你才能感觉到生活的质量。 You in with weight of articles, can you feel the quality of life. 37、质量就是政治,质量就是生命,质量就是价值。 Quality is politics, quality is life, quality is worth. 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《关于坚持的英文名言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 英文名句唯美鼓励 专题。
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